Accidents Happen

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For dinner we made pizza using pre-made crusts that we had. Jack and I kinda moved past our fight, but the tension was still there a little bit. It wasn't really a fight but it did annoy me.

"What time are we going to leave?" Kendall asks, as she sits down with some pancakes. 

"Like 5:30, because it's thirty minutes away." I answer. These pancakes Kendall made are incredible. I finish them in a few seconds. 

Prescott joins the conversation, "Where?"

"We are going to a party at the lake houses. You left it clean, right?" I ask, now remembering he was just there. I haven't been to our house there in so long. I think I actually like that house more than this one. 

Prescott nods before his whole expression changes. "Wait, you still aren't allowed to leave the house." 

"I know, but you won't tell mom and dad right?" I raise my eyebrows slightly as I inspect his expression. He doesn't look very excited to not tell our parents about this. His eyes are slightly squinted. He finally shakes his head with a small smile. 

Then I look over at Jack, "Are you coming?" 

"Still deciding," he says nonchalantly without looking at me. He has his eyes glued to his phone.

After breakfast, I head upstairs to pack. If we are going to be at the lake house, then I wanna stay for at least a night. I'll pack for two just in case. It's only thirty minutes away, but we certainly won't make that drive late at night.

Five o'clock comes quickly, so I start changing. I put a bikini on and jean shorts and a cute top on top. Then I bring my bag downstairs so I can put it in Leo's car.

When we start getting everyone's stuff in the car, I see Jack come out of the house with a bag. He doesn't look too happy about his decision. 

"Guess you decided to come," I say, trying to keep my smile small. It's pretty hard not to grin. 

"Guess so," he mumbles, getting into the car quickly. He wouldn't even let me rub it in his face for a few seconds. 

The drive feels longer than thirty minutes, probably because I am still debating if this is a good idea. But when we get there, it already looks like fun. We hear music and see a bunch of people on the beach.

Kendall and Jack have a beach house here and my family has our own too, so I could have a house to myself tonight. Hmm. I have mixed emotions. 

We join everyone in Mark's house. Mark hugs me and says, "So happy you came. We'll have fun."

"I plan to," I say to him, eyeing Jack for a reaction. He doesn't give one unfortunately. His face is stern as he looks around. 

We spend the first hour and a half at the beach swimming. Everyone is in such good moods, like nothing is wrong in their lives. People have drinks, but everyone is just sipping them as of now.

I went inside to go get something to eat. I ate a lot of chips to start and fruit too. The mini sandwiches are definitely not looking appetizing to me. As I am looking around, someone comes up behind me.

"I ordered blts , you still love those, right?" Mark asks.

"Yes, are you serious? Thank you!" I shout while hugging him quickly. His arms are so strong around me. I would be able to tell that he's a football player.

He leads me to the kitchen where they are in a box. I take one out and repeat, "Thank you so much Mark."

Mark smiles, "Yeah, of course." His normal smile has always seemed to be more of a smirk. That hasn't changed. 

I eat two of those before putting the box back in the fridge for later. Then I go back outside with everyone else.

It gets dark around 7:50 and the sunset is beautiful. Kendall has spent most of the day with Leo, so I watched the sunset with some of my other friends. It seems like Leo really likes her, so maybe he has changed.

When it got darker, I saw a lot more solo cups. The only reason I was feeling temptation is because I am not having very much fun hanging around people who are drunk. 

I see Jack laughing with some people so I join him. All of the girls around him have their eyes on him and only him. They adjust their hair every few seconds and laugh louder than the person next to them, trying to draw his attention. This is exactly what I picture when I think of Jack.

"Hey Jack," I mumble.

"MC! What's up?" he says really loudly as he extends his arms around the brick wall behind him. They happen to fall behind the heads of a girl on each side.

"Just wanted to say hi," I mutter. I turn to face the girls, as I ask, "Has he been drinking?"

One of the girls laughs and says, "You know Jack, of course he has had a few." She looks over at him, probably expecting him to look over at her, but he keeps his eyes on me. His smile is what's annoying me because he's looking at me like he thinks I'm a buzz kill.

Jack interrupts, "No, I'm completely sober," which makes the girls around him giggle loudly. They are like obsessed with him.

I turn to leave but Jack grabs my wrist, "You know, a few drinks wouldn't hurt. It's not like we're driving." His voice is low but unfortunately I hear him clearly. 

I laugh, "Yeah, right. I'll talk to you later." I try to get my arm out of his grasp, which he lets go of quickly.

As I walk away, he shouts, "Better not still be sober." 

I scoff and keep walking. I see Kendall with another group sitting by the beach. She is sitting on Leo's lap. Maybe they will be easier to talk to. 

"Hey Kendall," I say as I walk over.

Kendall shouts, "MC, hi! Someone get her some water, she looks dehydrated." My ears are starting to hurt from all this screaming.

A guy hands me a solo cup with something that looks like water. I smell it. It definitely doesn't smell like water. Everyone, including Kendall, says, "No, it's just water," then Kendall adds, "You're just smelling us. I wouldn't give you alcohol when I know you are trying not to drink."

She is my best friend, why would she lie to me? So, I drank it. Crap! That's not water. Definitely vodka. My throat is burning. 

"Kendall?! Are you serious right now?" I shout with anger. How could she do this to me?

Kendall sits up a little with widening eyes, "Was it not water? Guys, come on, I said water." It was clearly an accident, but I'm still upset. 

One of the guys says, "I thought it was," while snickering with his friends.

Kendall says, "I'm serious, did you give it to her on purpose?"

The guy calms himself, "No, I didn't. I actually thought it was water." I don't really glance at him more than once because I don't care if it was an accident. I'm annoyed that I listened to Kendall and trusted her.

Kendall looks to me, "I'm sorry, it was an honest mistake."

"I don't care. Whatever," I exhale as I walk away.

As I leave, I hear one of the guys say, "Wow, she's really changed."

Yeah, I have been trying to, but apparently I can't escape it. 

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