Chapter 38: Stupid Birthday

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*Another quick a/n!

I just wanted to say how some topics that will be coming up in the book now will probably be a bit more mature than my past chapters, just a small heads up because I will not be saying this every chapter after this one. Some darker themes may also be coming.

There is some sexual content in the chapter ahead, so if that makes you uncomfortable, then you can skip that part and go to the next chapter.

Anyways love y'all,

*Eltanin's POV*

The following weeks after arriving back to Hogwarts I spent all my time either in my room, in the room of requirements working on the vanishing cabinet, or at the Three Broomsticks discussing weddings plans with Narcissa. Every Saturday was the same.

Narcissa would spread various ideas about mine and Draco's wedding. I turn down every option insisting these meetings are unnecessary considering neither Draco or I care for this wedding. Narcissa gives me the same pitiful look while taking my hand. She comforts me and reassures me that everything will be okay in the end. She then proceeds to tell me the Dark Lord's current wishes and orders to report back to the others. Then the evening ends with her giving me a comforting hug before sending me back to Hogwarts.

Once I arrive back in the dungeons I always find the boys waiting for me in the common room. They always try to cheer me up knowing the last thing I want to do is spend my time doing whatever the Dark Lord says.

Crabbe is the only one who doesn't speak to me directly. I think he understands my wishes of ignoring the hell Draco and I are trapped in and continuing on with life like he normally would. After sitting listening to the boys trying to cheer me up, Draco stands taking my hand and excuses us with a "It's getting late, I think we're going to head to bed".

Every now and then one of the boys (usually Zabini) will stand and pull me into an embrace for as long as Draco allows it. They never say anything during the hug, but actions speak louder than words. They are simply telling me they're sorry.

We always go straight to Draco's room unless I need something specific from mine. His room has practically become our room these past weeks. I wait on his bed while he goes to his dresser to get out our pajamas which consists of one of his t-shirts and boxers. I don't always change into the boxers because sometimes it feels more freeing to sleep without them. It usually just depends on my mood.

We still turn around while we change. It's not that I don't want to see him change, I think we just do it to keep normalcy in our quick changing lives. We don't say a word to each other till we are cuddled in his bed.

He asks how my day went and more details about what his mother has said. Draco will continue to rub my back as I rant about my day. But usually my rants turn to tears. That's when Draco gives his input and tries to calm me down. Sometimes he'd even let a few tears of his own slip down his cheek.

Then after a while we fall into a deep slumber not awakening till the afternoon the next day.

The weeks are all the same. I rarely attend class anymore, along with Draco. Not that we need to, were both smart enough to pass without lectures. But if we're not in class we're working on that magic sucking cabinet. We weren't even given proper instructions on how to fix it. They are really trusting a seventeen year old and a sixteen year old to figure it out.

We rarely sleep during the week either. The boys insist on helping us, but we refuse to allow them to help in something they aren't a part of. I just make sure they agree to be there for us. That's all I need, is for them to be there.

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