Chapter 23: Sharing is Caring

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*Draco's POV*

    Merlin, all the alcohol hit Tanin like a truck. If it weren't for me agreeing to carry her, we'd probably still be at the courtyard while she stumbled around.

Her words are slurred, but I could tell she was still mentally trying to hold on. I felt her breathing down my neck as I carried her through the last five minutes of our walk till we reached the dungeons. Her breathing was slow and relaxed. Her breath was warm and delicate causing shivers to go down my back at every exhale she gave.

I muttered under my breath the password, hoping I won't pull Tanin out of the sleep she had slowly entered.

No one was in the common room, thank Merlin. I was well aware of the suspicions between Tanin and I being involved with each other. I just cared for her like she cared for me, it was nothing special. I could only imagine what people would have thought if they saw me carrying a barely conscious Tanin back to my room.

I opened the door where I faced my first dilemma. Do I put her on the bed or the lounger? Not that I was completely sober myself, I knew it'd only be right to let her have the bed because she was just out of it. I didn't mind the lounge either, I've sometimes found myself sleeping there after my late night talks with Tanin.

I walk over to my silky black bed and lay her down gently. I grab her arms to release around my neck as she lets out a small grunt. I couldn't help but snicker at her. She looked ridiculous. She looked so classy yet was acting like a child who fell asleep at a New Years party.

I watch her settle her upper body on a few pillows before sighing. I go down to her feet to take off her heels. I don't get how girls walk in these, let alone be able to dance in them. Once I got them off she wiggled her toes and sighed once again with relief. I shook my head letting out a laugh that caused her to give a little smile letting me know she's still kind of awake.

I walk over to my dresser and grab one of my loose fitting T-shirts. I turn and throw it to Tanin. It lands on her head as she lets out a small giggle and she sits up.

"What's this?" she asks, holding up the T-shirt.

"Something to change into, I wasn't gonna let you sleep in that dress, that seems way too uncomfortable." I said rummaging through my dresser to grab another loose fitting T-shirt and a fresh pair of boxers. "I think I'm gonna shower before I go to sleep, you can change and go to bed when I leave"

"Wait, I wanna shower Draco," Tanin says, pouting, crossing her arms.

"Sorry Tanin, I can't trust you alone in the shower you're not sober enough, you could slip and hurt yourself." I said giving her a look of authority which she responded with a huff and turned her back towards more.

I walk into the bathroom and quickly put a silencing spell on the door to Tanin's room. I was not about to risk hearing Zabini or Greengrass. I take off my dress robes and lay them down neatly on the countertop. I wait for the shower to get warm before I step in. The warmth of the water surrounds me and I feel like I'm with Tanin. Wait. No, no I can't think like that. Tanin and I are just close friends. Nothing more.

I don't bother drying my hair after I get out of the shower. I slip into my slytherin colored boxers and put on my grey oversized shirt. I really don't like feeling constricted when I sleep.

I open the door back to my room to see a half undressed Tanin. She seemed to be having difficulty trying to take off her dress.

"Tanin what are you doing?" I asked covering my eyes before I saw more than I needed to see.

"Draco! Thank Salazar you're here. Please help me with my dress." She pleaded fumbling over to me. She turned her back revealing her mostly exposed bareless back with a zipper at the bottom of her waist. I was hesitant to touch her "Draco, hurry up, I'm tired" she said impatiently.

I moved her hair over her shoulder, lightly caressing her skin in the process. We both tenses up, but I continued to reach for the zipper, where I finished unzipping her dress. My mind had confirmed that she is definitely not wearing a bra. She sighed from instant relief. I turned around quickly as she carelessly let the dress drop. 'I know she's drunk, but oh mighty what is she doing?' I thought to myself.

"Draco?" I hear her say before I turn around cautiously looking around with my eyes, making sure she is dressed. She stood there with the dress in her right hand and her left hand nervously wrapped around her waist, which thankfully was covered by my shirt. "Yes?" I asked, stepping forward. She handed me her dress and asked me to hang it up for her before she collapsed again on the bed.

After I hung up her dress in my closet I made my way to the lounger where I had made a small makeshift bed. As I finally start to get comfortable. I feel a small nudge on my cheek from a finger poking me. I look up angrily to find Tanin there with her innocent eyes looking down at me. She looked nervous.

"I can't sleep," she said, avoiding eye contact. "Why?" I asked. She shrugged her shoulders and continued to look down at the floor. "Well I guess I can't sleep either then" I said before sitting up. I saw her give me a smile before she took my hand and pulled me up.

"Tanin what are-" I was interrupted by her pulling me to my bed. She sat down and scooted over patting the spot on the bed next to her. I slowly sat down, wondering what her intentions were. Not that I had any intentions sitting on my bed with Tanin. I just wanted to know if she had any intentions.

"You're a good person Draco'' she said leaning back on the pillows and letting out a small laugh. She was still slurring her words, but she seemed a bit more cooled down. I reluctantly lay down next to her. We sit in our normal silence till I hear small jitters coming from her mouth. I look at her rosey pink lips that seem to be moving slightly. She must be cold. I grab the covers and wrap them over us. We've slept in the same bed before, and she seems to need it tonight. I don't see a problem.

She starts asking me dumb questions about my hair, or who my bestest friends are? Even though she's completely serious when she asks her questions, I can't help but mess with her a little. I told her my bestest friends were the Golden Trio, which she took very offensively. She smacked my chest causing me to flench not expecting that hard of a hit.

She doesn't remove her hand from my chest. It stays there. She sits up slightly and looks at me. Her eyes were wandering all over my face and my upper body that wasn't covered by the sheets. I was gonna say something snarky, but the innocent look on her face made me stop myself. She then took her other hand that wasn't on my chest and started to feel my hair.

"I like your hair Draco" she said running her fingers through the slightly damp hair on my head. I thanked her, watching her thinking face. She started to bite her lip. I wonder what she was thinking about. I was too focused on her to have noticed the hand on my chest sneak up my shirt.

"Since when have you had abs Draco?" She questioned before I realized she was feeling up my torso with innocent confusion on her face. I grabbed her hand away from me. Merlin, she is out of it.

"I play quidditch, remember?" I say trying to break the awkward silence that was filling the air. She grunted looking at me angrily.

"Well I play quidditch and my abs aren't like yours." She said almost angrily. I smirked. She is not about to get upset with me that her body isn't like mine. She quickly grabbed my hand and ran it under her shirt. I tried to wank my hand away noticing my hand was just under the hem, but she had too much of a grip I couldn't slip out of it.

My hand was running along her abdomen now. I could feel she had a defined, toned abs. I honestly wasn't expecting that. I got lost in thought as my hand ran over her stomach. I finally woke up out of the trance and looked at Tanin who had her eyes glued on me. Her hand is still running through my hair. I removed my hand from under her shirt, shocked at what I was just doing.

"I'm tired now," Tanin said, moving her body against mine, her hand still wrapped in my hair and she moved her hand back under my shirt, carelessly running her hands along my torso. She then rested her head on my chest and looked up at me one final time before she said "Night night Draco, I probably won't remember anything in the morning".

I laugh and bring my arms around her. The room was chilly, so I'll just say I did that for warmth, not the fact I enjoyed the company of Tanin in my arms. The last thought I had was how much respect we have for each other, we are literally cuddling each other and I didn't push anything and nor did she....really, then I feel asleep knowing this was gonna be hard to explain to her in the morning.

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