Chapter 5: The Last Night

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*Draco's POV*

    Tanin has changed a lot since I last saw her. She grew her sleek black hair out longer. She doesn't have bangs anymore. She grew a bit in height too. Her body was a lot slimmer and she had fairly long legs that complimented the rest of her body. Yet through everything that has changed she still had those hypnotizing dark blue eyes, that I always tried to avoid making eye contact with so I wouldn't fall into a trance. I couldn't help but choke on my water when she entered the dining room her first night. I was just so surprised by her obvious changes. She also seems to have matured a lot emotionally. We don't talk a lot, I feel as if there's nothing to say, I just enjoy her company. When we do talk, it's a lot harder to make her laugh I've noticed.

It was the night before we left for Hogwarts. I was sitting in my chair reading a book, waiting for Tanin to come and start reading hers. I liked this new routine we had together. It didn't feel awkward, it felt comfortable. She entered with a soft smile and sat down while grabbing her book. I didn't like the idea that our routine will have to change after tonight. I doubt she'd want to continue doing this in the common room if she was sorted into Slytherin with me, and if she's not as slytherin then it will definitely have to stop.

I closed my book and looked up at her. She noticed my sudden movement and looked up at me. "Want to go flying?" I asked. She stared at me with her confused expression. "Draco, it's like four in the morning" she said. "Ya so? It's still warm out and I think it'll be fun to use the freedom we have before school" I said hoping she'll agree. "I guess, but I haven't flown since the last time we flew together." she answered looking a bit embarrassed. "Eh you'll be fine let's go" I said getting up, heading for the garden. I could hear her light footsteps following behind me.

We got to the shed and grabbed the same brooms we used to ride. I handed a broom to her. She looked nervous. When we got to the field I looked over to find her already starting to lift off on her broom. 'Just like old times' I thought to myself. We flew around laughing for what seemed like hours when I saw the sun starting to rise. I motioned at her to follow me, which she did. I led her to the flat part of the roof on malfoy manor. I dropped down on it and watched her do the same. "Wow I've never noticed how big your garden is till now" she said looking over the edge of the roof. I sat down and she sat down next to me. We were facing the way the sun was rising. I saw her look at me and laugh to herself. I gave her a look. "Sorry, I just think it's funny how we don't really talk for weeks, then we fly around in our pajamas and now we're sitting on your roof watching the sun rise" she said with a smile. "Ya I guess it is a bit odd" I agreed. We sat in silence for a little bit more before I suggested we go to bed to get some sleep before leaving for the train station. We had an uncomfortable look at each other before we entered our own bedrooms. I layed in bed thinking about how much fun I had just had. It seems like I really only have fun when I'm with Tanin.

*Tanin's POV*

I had a bit of trouble sleeping after I went flying with Draco. I hadn't laughed in a while since being at the manor. I knew my life was about to change drastically when I arrive at Hogwarts. My father was a slytherin, so I felt as if that was really my only option. I hope though that no matter what house I get into, Draco and I stay friends. My mind kept wandering back to the memory of Draco and I on the roof. It was so peaceful. He was wearing a loose t-shirt with his loose black and green plaid pajama pants. At night was the only time I ever saw him out of something formal. Suddenly there were quiet knocks at my door. I got up wearily and opened the door to see Draco standing there. He looked surprised to see me open the door. "I-I just thought I should let you know, I have a reputation at Hogwarts" he said a bit fast, seeming nervous. I leaned my body against the door frame and crossed my arms while asking "What do you mean?" "Well I guess I just don't get along with a lot of people, so I just thought you should hear it from me before anyone else, not that I care about what you or other people think, I just don't want it to come as a surprise." He said. Before I could respond to his strange, out of the blue statement, he had already entered and closed the door to his room. I went to bed that night thinking about the odd exchange I just had with Draco.

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