Chapter 22: Not Drunk, Tipsy

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*Tanins POV*

    I couldn't help but smile as my head rested against Draco's chest. Everything felt surreal. He's warmth reminded me of the time we woke up cuddling. I knew I overreacted the moment I woke up with his hand around my waist, but in all honesty I didn't mind it.

I was surprised with the way Draco was acting tonight. He's acting as if we haven't been arguing with each other for the past few weeks. I guess that's just how Draco is, he just moves past the issues with time, not having to reveal his thoughts and emotions to fix the problem. I know I can't really say much as I'm the same way. Mother and Father had always taught me how to properly hide my emotions so no one could ever use them against me. It helped, but also felt so wrong.

I haven't thought of my parents in a while. I almost feel guilty, but whenever I think of them I start to have a panic attack or I just completely fall apart. Not thinking about them fixes the problem.

I was so lost in my thoughts I forgot where I was. I was in Draco Malfoy's arms. I was pulled back to reality when I heard someone call my name.

"Tanin, there you are," Cedric said, making his way over to Draco and I with Cho following behind him. I pull away from Draco to give Cedric my full attention. I felt Draco a bit hesitant to let go of me, but he finally dropped my hand and let go of my waist, taking a step back. I could sense the tension between Cedric and Draco, yet I chose to ignore it.

"Is everything alright?" I ask with a concerned tone. Cedric gave me a toothy smile and said "Of course, I was just making sure you were okay" he said then he slightly moved his head to look at Draco before he continued "and I see that you are"

I felt my face turn red.

"Well it was nice seeing you tonight Tanin, but I think I'll be leaving" Cedric said slowly moving back to Cho. Before he completely left he mouthed me a Thank You in a way Cho wouldn't have been able to see. I gave him a smile and a little wave as he left the Ball with Cho on his arm.

"Picture time!" Nott yelled running up to Draco and I. He grabbed both our hands and moved us to a corner of the ballroom that had haisy lights dangling. It made the black crystals on my dress sparkle even more than before. It also made Draco's platinum hair look even more white and his eyes even brighter.

"Stop looking so miserable and smile" I jokingly said as I put both my hands on Draco's shoulder. He snaked his hand around my waist as he put the other hand in his pocket. Once again, we were close. My body pressed against his side. I could see Nott smirking behind the camera.

"Trust me I'm not miserable" Draco said looking down at me with his liquid silver eyes. We both turned and looked at Nott with the camera in position. I gave a light, proper looking smile. Mother said to never give a large, genuine smile for pictures because through time they never age well. A small proper smile kept it classy through the years. I could see Draco smiling in my peripherals. Draco is actually smiling. This was a first.


"Oh come on Tanin, you barely even smiled" Draco said "Nott take another, and you" he said pointing his finger at me "give the camera your real smile"

We got back into the same pose we were in before, but this time I rest my head a bit on my hands, on his shoulder. I could feel his head lean towards mine. We let out a laugh and big smiles wiped over our faces.


"Perfect" Nott said before getting distracted and leaving. There weren't as many people as there was earlier.

"Want to go for a stroll?" Draco asked, moving away from his pose to look at me. I gave him a smile and nodded.

He took my hand and led me out into the hallway.

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