Chapter 2: The Manor

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*Tanin's POV*

    The door to my room creaked open, waking me from my peaceful slumber. I shot right up holding the blankets to my chest to keep my modesty in case someone had entered my room. My eyes went straight to my bedroom door. No one. The room was a lot colder. I cautiously reached for my wand. I was very aware as a soon to be 4th year student, I can not use magic outside of Beauxbatons, but who knows if I needed it. I sat on my bed staring at the door for a few minutes. I decided to ring my house elf bell. Nothing. Hans usually was in my room within seconds no matter the time of day. I looked at the clock and noticed it was fairly early. I finally got the nerves to get up myself and head to the kitchen, hopefully to eat this anxiety I'm feeling away.

As I walked down the corridor, it felt awfully silent. All the lights were out as well. When I opened the door to the kitchen, it looked as if my parents had already had breakfast. I was so confused. How did I not hear my parents get up. Then I noticed a note on the marble countertop. It read:

Dearest Eltanin,
    I'm so sorry. Don't trust anyone. Be safe.

Pack your bags as soon as you read this. Once your bags are packed, put this letter into the fireplace, it'll let them know you are ready to be picked up.

Everything will be fine. We hope to see you soon.

Mother and Father x

I put the note down slowly trying to understand what I just read. I ran back upstairs to my room and started to pack basic necessities. Mother had always made me practice fast packing for emergencies like this. I never knew why we practiced it, but I'm thankful for it now. I knew exactly what I needed, even though I had no idea where I was going. I grabbed a few basic t-shirts, two types of bottoms, one dress, and some socks and under garments.

I ran to the owelry and found my owl Bonnie. Bonnie was a very dark brown Eagle Owl. She has been loyal to me since I got her when I was 10. I knew I had to bring her with me. After settling Bonnie into her cage and heading back to the parlor. I started the fire in the fireplace. As I waited for it to really start a flame, I walked back to the kitchen to grab the note. When I returned to the parlor the fire was ready. I was in the middle of swinging my arm to throw the paper in when I noticed someone standing in the doorway to the parlor. They shouted a curse at me, which I then surprisingly dodged. I was able to stumble closer to the fire in the fireplace to burn the note, burning my arm as well, from my fall. I hissed in pain. I couldn't focus much on my arm though, because the figure was in the middle of sending another curse my way. Whatever it was sent me flying across the room, hitting full force into our stone walls. I've been in duels before during my D.A.D.A. classes, but nothing to this extent.

There was a loud pop to my right and I saw a tall lean figure with long, platinum blond hair. I recognized this man, yet I couldn't figure who he was. I was so distracted by the mystery man I totally forgot about the one shooting curses at me. I could tell the mystery man wasn't there to hurt me, but he was there to defend me. He noticed me struggling to fight back against the intruder. I was terrified, and could barely feel my back from hitting the wall so hard. The mystery man came over to me and I heard him whisper with his wand pointing at me "somnium". Within a second I was in a deep sleep.

I heard a faint chirping coming from a window. I started to open my eyes, slowly letting them adjust to the bright sunlight entering the room I was in. 'Oh merlin' I thought to myself. 'Where am I?' I look around and recognized nothing. I was in a king-sized black silk bed, with a green and black quilt laid on top of the sheets. The bed was very soft and comfortable. I then wondered my eyes around the room and noticed how big it was. Two sleek black dressers were to my right against the wall. On the other side sat a beautiful bay window with green curtains that matched the ones on the quilt. In front of the bed there seemed to be a chaise lounge with a small coffee table and a fireplace, with three doors. I'd assume those doors led to a closet, a bathroom, and the hallway. The room consisted of mainly black colored things, with hints of that signature green. If I didn't know any better, this is a slytherin themed room. There were a bunch of different types of quidditch artifacts around the room as well. It seemed very cosy.

I then noticed that I wasn't in the same clothes I tried to leave the house in. I started to recall what had happened. I could feel myself starting to hyperventilate. Then there was a gentle knock on the door. "C-Come in" I said shakily not knowing what to expect. I saw a woman enter who I have not seen in a while. It was Narcissa Malfoy. She rushed over to me with a smile and said "Oh Merlin dear, it's about time you woke up, you were starting to worry us" she then leaned in and gave me a big hug, something I would never expect from Mrs. Malfoy. She then opened one of the drawers next to the bed and pulled out what looked to be some type of potion. "Here darling, it'll help you feel better," she said, handing me the vial. I guess I didn't realize how bad I was feeling till she pointed it out. I drank the vial and handed it back to Mrs. Malfoy.

"Now Tanin, I know you are probably very confused right now. I will try my best to explain why you are here at the Manor." She took a deep inhale and exhale as I nodded my head slowly. "Your parents- well- your parents had to leave. They were no longer safe at the Jackson Estate, and nor were you. Last night your parents came to the Manor pleading we watch over you during these next few years. They have to go into hiding in order to stay safe and keep you safe. As long as you all are apart, you all are safe." she said trying to sound as comforting as possible. "Why aren't we safe? Why can't I be with my parents?" I questioned, hearing my tone become more demanding. Mrs. Malfoy put her hand on mine and said "You are soon to find out my dear, but as of right now we just need you to cooperate with the situation." I could feel tears forming in my eyes. I had no idea where my parents were, why they left, and if they're safe. I wouldn't dare cry in front of Mrs. Malfoy though. I see that as vulnerable. I barely know Mrs. Malfoy, it would only be embarrassing. Mrs. Malfoy continued by saying "You will be living with us through the rest of the summer, till school, where you will be attending Hogwarts with Draco." I felt my nerves turn to anger. Mrs. Malfoy sensed the change in my mood. "Now Tanin, I understand you have quite the reputation to hold at Beauxbatons, but your parents asked us to send you to Hogwarts to ensure we can watch over you. I know this is scary Tanin, but do you understand?" she asked. I looked up at her and nodded my head slowly. I noticed my parents acting weird, but I would've never thought they'd abandon me.

I then remembered where I was and who I was talking to. I haven't seen the Malfoys since I was ten. I wrapped my arms around Mrs. Malfoy for the second time, this time with meaning. "I'm sorry I didn't acknowledge you right away Mrs. Malfoy, I was a bit flustered." I said as I leaned out of the hug. She gave me her traditional Malfoy smirk and said "No need to apologize Tanin, and please you're old enough now, please call me Narcissa." I nodded with a small smile on my face. Narcissa stood up and pulled me up with her. "My, my, how've you changed Tanin, you're starting to look more like a woman that's for sure." she said, eyeing my body. I thanked her before she continued on talking, "As you probably have noticed, your clothes have changed. The clothes you arrived in had dirt and bits of blood over them, and I refused to keep you like that. I hope you don't mind that I unpacked your stuff and changed your clothes." she said with a smile. "Oh no Narcissa, that's very thoughtful of you" I thanked her.

She started giving me a small tour of my room. Turns out two of the doors connect to different parts of the house. One connects to the parlor, the other connects to the main hallway, along with the other rooms. I was right about the closet door though. "Your bathroom is to the right down the hall third door on your right. I apologize as well for the atrocious quidditch and slytherin theme in this room. Draco isn't really a fan of change, he's wanted to keep it the same, but I guess he can do what he wants, it is his room." Narcissa says looking at one of the quidditch trophies. "I- uh- This is... Dracos room?" I asked, trying to keep myself calm. I totally forgot about Draco. I haven't seen him in years. I bet he's changed a lot. It's kinda weird though how I'm staying in his room. I've never been in a boys room before. "Oh yes dear I forgot to mention that didn't I," she said with a small laugh. "This room is the safest one in the house, sure it's not the most luxurious but your safety is our main priority." I nod understandingly. "Where's Draco staying then?" I asked. "Just the room over, but don't worry you have the bathroom to yourself, and complete privacy in this room. Draco said he still had some things to move into his new room, but he'll do that when you aren't in" she replied.

"Well then I'm going to notify everyone of your awakening, if you'd like to join us for breakfast in about thirty minutes?"  she said as she walked towards the exit to the hallway. "I might just skip it if you don't mind, I don't really have an appetite and I'm still fairly tired." I replied yawning. She gave an understanding nod and said "I'll see you later then Tanin" as she left.

When she closed the door, I felt the sense of loneliness kick in. My parents are gone. I have to change schools. And I have no idea why. I cuddled back under the blankets and let tears ride down my face onto my pillow, before falling asleep.

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