Chapter 25: Comfort

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*Tanins POV*

    I was woken up by the feeling of someone combing my hair off of my face. I could recognize those cold hands anywhere. My eyes darted open as I saw a sleepy looking Draco laying in bed, glaring down at me with a small smirk. He saw I was awake now and quickly moved his hand. I lifted my head off the bed and pulled Draco into a strong embrace.

"Merlin Draco, you're okay" I sighed into his neck. "Don't do dumb shit like that again!" I said pulling away but keeping my hands on his shoulders. He simply nodded before I pulled him back into a hug. This time he returned the hug a lot more sincerely than the first. I was genuinely worried about him. I had no idea what type of spells had hit him. Cedric was a sixth year, and way more advanced than us in charms.

I don't know how long we had been hugging before Draco pulled away. "He shouldn't have drawn his wand, and none of this would've happened. I still would've beaten him though for what he said."

"What did he say that made you so upset?" I asked. He looked away from me as he answered "The stuff that made it seem like I had poisoned you then got you to shag. I could tell that made you equally as upset. Which quite honestly, pissed me off even more."

He sighed before he continued and looked back at me "But then again, I guess you didn't need me to show him that you were upset, you did that all on your own." He gave me a small nudge.

I saw him then look down at my hands. They were covered in bruises. He grabbed one and started to trace my knuckles with his cold fingers. The action gave me chills. I pulled my hand away as I said "I had enough of him when I saw you thrown against the wall, I don't know what came over me honestly. I feel awful Draco, he didn't deserve me attacking him like that. Merlin, people are gonna hate me. Oh my, Just wait till your parents find out I got into a fight again! They're gonna kick me out! I just know it!" I started to hyperventilate.

Concern washed over Draco's face. He grabbed my hand again and said "Tanin, he did deserve what you did to him, don't feel guilty. Also I will talk to my parents. They will understand your actions regarding both fights, they will not kick you out. I promise you it's ok"

I nodded feeling myself start to calm down.

Mme. Pomfrey had allowed Draco to leave and we headed back to the dungeons. It was late in the night still, I'd say around four in the morning, when we got to the hallway in front of our dorms. Draco was in the middle of turning the handle to his when for some unknown reason I blurted out "Will you sleep in my dorm tonight?"

My eyes widened as he turned to face me. "Why?" he asked, propping his shoulder amusingly against the door. "I-I sleep better when you're with me. I know it's dumb and sounds creepy, but I'm just trying to be honest." I said looking towards the floor hoping Draco couldn't see the embarrassment my face was wearing.

"It's okay Tanin, I get what you're saying. I guess you could say I also kinda need you to sleep. I'll be there in a bit, let me shower and change." Draco also said a bit awkwardly before entering his room. I quickly entered my dorm and changed into my silky pajama set. I slid into my bed and pulled out a book about using the bubble charm spell. I was hoping the reading would help tire my eyes.

After a bit the door from my bathroom opened and it was Draco carrying a few blankets while in his flowy T-shirt and boxers. His hair was still damp from his shower. He laid everything out on the floor next to my bed. I watched him get comfortable before I did the same in my bed.

"What's wrong Tanin?" Draco said sitting up slightly after examining my face.

"I'm really nervous about the next task. I don't know much about it, but Cedric was worried, and that just tells me it's something bad. I also am still a bit worked up about what happened tonight, it's all a bit too much for me to handle." I answered, curling my knees to my chest, beginning to get lost in my thoughts and worries.

My attention was drawn back when I saw Draco standing there with his blanket wrapped around him looking down at me. I gave him a confused look. He sighed "Scootch over ditzy, I'm trying to be nice, now let me." He said as I moved over on my bed and he sat down next to me.

"Tanin I'm sure it will all be fine, I mean you literally fought a Dragon, when you had nothing in your favor. Tonight was nothing to worry about, just two boys being dumb, and you getting pissed off. It's nothing more than that." he said getting under the covers with me. "I guess you're right, I just can't help but worry" I said, laying back down.

We had sat in our comfortable silence for a few minutes before Draco turned over to look at me. I then turned over to look at him. Our faces were inches apart, and I could lightly feel his warm mint breath on my face. "What do you remember from last night Tanin?" He asked, keeping his eyes glued to mine, breaking contact.

"I-I don't know honestly, I remember you carrying me, which I thank you for" I say as he nods before I continue "I remember being uncomfortable in my dress. I think I remember pulling you from the couch and asking you questions, but that's really it."

He lets out a sigh and turns on his back to face the ceiling. "Was there something else I missed from last night Draco?" I asked hoping I hadn't done anything ridiculous. "No Tanin, don't worry about it, I just find the experience amusing" he answered turning back over to face me, giving a reassuring smile.

Draco continued to talk to me through the night calming the anxiety that wouldn't go away till finally I started to feel my eyes drooping. I heard Draco let out a breathy chuckle. I kept trying to keep my eyes open until I started to feel Draco's cold hands.

He was slowly moving his chilled hand up my arm to my shoulder pulling me closer to him as he moved to lay on his back. I naturally then moved my arm over his torso in which I felt him tense up by the unexpected action. He then removed the hand that had moved me to him and placed it behind his head while the other arm wrapped under my head and around my shoulders. My head was now resting a bit on his shoulder and chest.

His body had finally started relaxing as slept took over me. I wasn't thinking about how Draco and I were cuddling, for I knew this moment will haunt me later. I just took in everything I could and decided to try to enjoy it instead of dread on it. Throughout the night I'd wake up for a few seconds and forget where I was. The sound of light snoring reminded me I was in the embrace of Draco Malfoy. Each time I had awakened, our positions had changed, but we were still holding each other.

I don't think I feel anything for Draco, and I don't think he feels anything for me, I just think we're simply used to each other's company that now through our stresses, we need each other.

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