Chapter 10: The Goblet

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*Tanins POV*

    It's been over a week since school started. I think I'm understanding what Ron meant when he said that the boys aren't good people. The boys were all constantly tormenting kids, and sometimes I'd notice Draco had bruised knuckles, probably from punching someone or something. I didn't understand why he'd lash out at people so much. I would try to ask him about it when we were having our alone time at night, but he would always shut the conversation down fast.

The boys and I were all leaning against a wall in the dining hall. The tables and benches were pushed to the sides with the Goblet of Fire in the middle. I was in a conversation with Nott when Dumbledore started speaking. He instructed us on how the ceremony would go before he dimmed the lights. A first piece of paper flew out. "Our first Triwizard Champion will be... Viktor Krum!" Dumbledore said as the Durmstrang section burst into cheers. After Viktor left, Dumbledore caught another piece of paper. "And from Beauxbatons... Fleur Delacour!" I felt my heart sink as Dumbledore spoke those words. One of my best friends is now going to have to risk her life. While everyone was cheering I felt myself slide down the wall. Zabini scooted over to my side comforting me. All the boys and I have become good friends, but I'd have to say Zabini and I were probably the closest. Then Dumbledore announced Cedric Diggory as the champion to represent Hogwarts. The only thing I knew about Cedric was he was quite the charmer.

Everyone was getting ready to leave when the goblet launched out another two pieces of paper. You could see Dumbledore's expression go blank as he read the pieces of paper. "Harry Potter?" he said looking around "Harry Potter?!" he repeated now yelling. I watched Harry stumble out of the crowds of people. I could hear the boys snickering insults to him. He deserved it, he had to have cheated, he's not seventeen yet. Once Harry left, Dumbledore was shaking his head reading the other piece of paper.

"Eltanin Jackson" Dumbledore said with an angry expression. Draco looked at me as if I was crazy, but so did everyone else. I slowly got up and made my way to Dumbledore. I heard people now insulting me. McGonagall was walking up to me to take me to the trophy room where the other champions were. I was in such a state of shock I didn't realize I was starting to hyperventilate.

"I didn't put my name in the cup!" I screamed trying to have Dumbledore believe me. Draco suddenly barged in on the secret meeting. "You can't let her compete sir, she obviously had nothing to do with this. I'll compete for her if need be" Draco said trying to push past Filch. "Draco, stop it! Now leave, I'll be fine" I said clearly embarrassed by Draco's outburst. Draco glared at me but continued to try to argue until Hagrid finally picked him up and led him out of the room.

When I left the trophy room I felt as if my world was spinning. I had to compete. I have no idea what I'm going to do. Lost in my thoughts I didn't notice Draco waiting for me with his arms crossed. "What the hell Tanin!" he yelled. "Draco let me be" I said, trying to push past him. "Are you kidding Tanin, I'm not gonna let you dismiss me again. You are not competing." he said grabbing my shoulders. "Well it looks like I have to Draco, and there's nothing you can do about it." I yelled, finally getting away from him. I was expecting him to grab me again, but he didn't.

I struggled to sleep that night, not wanting to go to the common room. I was still mad at Draco for embarrassing me. I just knew we'd end up arguing if I went down there to see him. My body was sprawled all over my bed trying to find a comfortable position for me to sleep in when there were quiet knocks coming from the bathroom door. I chose to not answer hoping Draco would understand and leave. But he didn't.

The door opened to show Draco in his large pajama shirt and boxers. He usually always wore his pants, but I guess he doesn't wear them when he actually sleeps. I do the same thing, I don't like how constricting my shorts feel when I try to sleep, so I just take them off and sleep in my underwear.

"I knew you'd be awake" he said leaning against the door frame. "So?" I asked, clearly annoyed. "Well since you didn't come to join me in the common room, it showed you are clearly upset from earlier, so I thought I'd apologize." Draco said not being able to look me in the eye. I knew he wasn't the type of person to give an apology. "It's fine Draco, I guess I'm just worried that's all." I said sitting up in bed. Draco then moved to sit down next to me on the bed. We both sat there silently for a little while. "I'm worried too" he said while looking forward. Draco and I haven't sat this close in a while. We used to be really close when we were little but now we just joke around, and never really touch. "I can't sleep" he said, finally looking at me. "Same." I said looking back into his blue and grey speckled eyes.

We then started talking about a memory we had when we were younger from the piano room. It was about how we tried to learn how to lift each other with our minds. "Merlin, we were idiots" I said letting out a laugh. Draco was laughing too, then he slowly stopped and looked at me. "You know you don't laugh as much as you used to" Draco stated. "Well you don't either Draco" I replied thinking about how true it was. I didn't laugh at all really. Draco was the one to usually make me laugh the most. After a bit of silence Draco got up and started for the door before turning around and saying "Night Tanin."

After he left it wasn't long before I was asleep. I prayed that my sleep schedule wasn't becoming reliant on talking to Draco before bed. I didn't mind it though, I just didn't want to depend on it. Instead of going to the common room every night, now Draco just comes to my room.

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