Chapter 11: Montague

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*Tanins POV*

    I'm tired of the press. All the allegations against me. I'm known in the paper as "The Orphan Who is Desperate for Eternal Glory" which was such bullshit. I knew the stress of everything was causing me to fall behind in my classes. Draco and the boys always offered to help, but I just turned them down and reassured that I was fine. I've yet to get along with anyone else at Hogwarts. Most people are scared of me because I'm friends with the school bullies.

The boys and I weren't able to play quidditch today after school because there was a mandatory meeting for the houses. Gryffindor and Slytherin were paired together. I didn't like most of the gryffindorks, especially that curly haired geek named Hermoine. She was such a know it all. I was still nice to her though because Ron and Harry cared about her. Harry and Ron were acquaintances for me, especially Harry considering we were both forced to be Triwizard Champions.

The dining hall was once again converted to a space where there were two sides with benches, leaving the middle wide open. The boys and I sat on the right side towards the back.

"Ugh I can't be bothered being here" Nott said yawning then resting his head on my shoulder. Nott is always tired, that's just one of his traits. I let him stay there till McGonagall started and he moved his head away to pay attention. "Boys and girls thank you for sitting on the correct sides," McGonagall said looking around till she looked at me "Well I guess except for Miss Jackson, if you could please move to the girls side" she continued gesturing towards the left side. I hadn't noticed we were separated by gender. I heard the boys chuckling as I shot them a glare making my way across to the other side. This was so embarrassing. Those idiots will get it later for not telling me to sit on the left side. I sat down and crossed my arms with everyone still watching me.

"As a part of the tournament tradition, on Christmas Eve, there will be the Yule Ball, a formal dance that is required for third years and up to attend"

I heard all the girls next to me break out into chatter while me and the boys on the other side let out groans. If there was a ball, that means I'll have to dress up, act formal, and have to find a date. That's too much work for one night, but I guess it would be special since I've never been to a ball before. I didn't like the fact I had to dance with the other champions in front of everyone, that just set me up for embarrassment.

McGonagall then awkwardly demonstrated the dance with Ron. I found it very amusing to watch and so did everyone else. Then she instructed everyone to get up and find a partner. Everyone awkwardly stood up. I could see the boys eyeing me. Too bad I couldn't dance with all six of them. They all started stumbling over the benches racing to get to me before anyone else can. I was the only girl the boys really talked to. Sure, they had the girls they have their flings with, but they all are so annoyed by them. All they do is complain about how clingy those girls are, and how none of them can just chill. Draco feels the strongest that way about Parkinson. I totally understand too, Parkinson is a crazy bitch.

Before any of the boys could get to me someone stepped in front of me blocking my view from them. There was a tall, somewhat muscular boy hovering over me. He was wearing a slytherin robe, but I didn't recognize him.

"May I have this dance Jackson?" he said doing a goofy looking bow. "Erm, sure" I said, taking his hand. He violently pulled me into frame and started to dance. He was closer than I would've liked him to be. He stared into my eyes making me feel slightly uncomfortable. I looked over his shoulder to see six furious boys glaring at me. I watched them all break off to find other girls to dance with. I watched Parkinson practically jump on Draco. Daphne Greengrass and Zabini danced together. Nott and Flint were with some random girls from Gryffindor. Crabbe asked Millicent to dance with him, and she said yes quite eagurlly. Goyle stood there for a bit longer, still not finding anyone to dance with. As he went to sit back down, a girl who looked similar to Daphne but younger asked him to dance. I assumed it was Daphne's sister Astoria.

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