Chapter 28: Recovery

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*Tanin POV*

    I woke up to arguing. Usually I'd be fairly upset to be interrupted with the voices of teenage boys bickering, but it was the fact it was teenage boys bickering that made me relieved. I was struggling to open my eyes, but I thought I'd just use this as a chance to hear what these gits were arguing about this time.

"I guess I accept your apology Zabini" I heard Draco huff.

Hm, I guess I missed the tail end of the argument. Yet Zabini's voice pulled me back to pay attention to the rest of their conversation.

"But since we were kinda on the topic about it, mind explaining yourself?" He asked.

"I don't need to"

"Um yes you do" Nott added himself to the conversation.

"We haven't done anything you gits, we're just close, I don't know, I can't explain it" Draco finally said.

I know they're talking about me, but what are they referring to?

"Yet you two sleep together?"

Merlin no! How did the boys find out? This is so embarrassing. I can't even defend myself or yell or anything.

"It's just comforting and it's not all the time, she's been through a lot this year. There's nothing going on between us"

"If we were to ask Jackson, what would she say?" Goyle budded in.

They're acting ridiculous. I was just sitting here being only able to listen. I then somehow had the energy to flutter my eyes open. The hospital wing was empty, besides for the group of boys around me. Draco sat in the chair next to me. Zabini was on the other side. Nott sat at the end. Crabbe was fast asleep in the bed to my right as Goyle and Flint were playing wizard chest on the bed to my left.

"I would actually say the same thing as Draco, nothing's going on, and you just have to believe us." I said drawing everyone's attention towards me.

Draco stood quickly "Tanin you're awake!"

"How long were you awake for?" Zabini asked as Nott went to go get Mme. Pomfrey.

"Not long, I tried to open my eyes and speak but it took me a while obviously." I tried to move in the bed, but my body did nothing. "Why can't I move?" I asked looking around trying to make eye contact with either Draco or Zabini or someone. They all avoided eye contact. These assholes.

Just before I was able to freak out, Mme. Pomfrey was pushing the boys away instructing them to leave with Snape, McGonagall, and Dumbledore hot on her trail. The boys tried to linger but Snape shot them a look and they scurried away.

"Mme. Pomfrey I can't move" I stated. She nodded her head as she casted charms over me and helped me take sips of different potions.

"Miss Jackson I'm sure this is all very confusing for your young mind, but I'm afraid we can't give you a direct explanation about what has happened. Not yet at least." Dumbledore said sitting at the end of the bed. I opened my mouth to argue but he quickly continued speaking. "What I can tell you is this, while you were in the water you had been hit with dark magic. We don't know how, or who had casted it, but it indeed did happen. You are lucky Snape is fast on his feet and helped you right away. The dark magic had taken over your whole body, now leaving you in a frail state. Even though right now you can't move, you should have a full recovery."

I sighed with relief.

"But Miss Jackson in order for you to have a full recovery, we need you to do exactly as we say. Orders may be a bit odd, but it is all for your health and safety. Understood?" Dumbledore asks. I nod quickly allowing him to tell me my orders.

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