Chapter 40: Potter

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*Tanin's POV*

    We returned back to Hogwarts two weeks later. We decided to stay a bit longer at the Manor just trying to enjoy some time to ourselves before we have to go back and work on that bloody cabinet.

I expected to talk to Severus first. I really wanted to get his conversation over with, but luckily for him, he just so happened to be out of town. I know for a fact that man doesn't go anywhere else but his house. I guess I will just have to wait for him to come to his senses and talk to me like an adult.

The boys seemed ecstatic to have us back. They were all recounting stories that Draco and I had missed the night we returned. It felt like old times, us just laughing in the common room. But not all of us were laughing. Zabini sat in his normal spot near Flint, yet he seemed in a whole other world. He wasn't adding on to jokes, or poking fun at Nott. I made a mental note to talk to Draco about it.

Later that night, after a long argument, I convinced Draco to let me go work on the cabinet by myself. A lot had happened the past two weeks, and I honestly just needed an excuse to get away.

On my way there I thought I heard footsteps behind me. I slowed down and looked over my shoulder. The last thing I need right now is to be followed. After further analyzing that no one is following me, I continued down the long corridor.

It happened so fast I didn't even register what was happening till after the fact. While I was passing an old abandoned classroom, the door swung open and a hand reached out, pulling me into the room. I expected to be thrown, but I was just forcefully moved. I went to scream but a hand wrapped over my mouth.

"Please, please, please be quiet Eltanin, I'm sorry I scared you, I just had no other way to contact you." The feminin voice pleaded. I thought I recognized it.

I finally let myself relax against the girl. It seemed as I did so she sensed it and dropped her hand. I turned to face her, meeting the beautiful green eyes of Daphne Greengrass.

"Greengrass?" I questioned taking in her anxious appearance. Her wavy blonde hair was all disheveled, and her eyes were wide and scared.

She sighed, rolling her eyes "Greengrass?" She bit out at me "After all these years and you still act like one of those fools you call friends. Believe me, right now we are far past formalities."

I raised my eyebrow, taken back by the insult "Fine. Then Daphne, care to explain this kidnapping? I'm fairly tired and would like to be heading back to my room right now" I said crossing my arms, obviously bored with the theatrics.

"We both know you weren't about to go to bed"

I tried not to show my shock "I don't know what you're ta-"

"Blaise told me" She said softly. "Please don't get mad at him. I know it's dangerous that he told me, but he needed someone to confide in"

I laughed bitterly "And that someone is you?"

I could see she was holding back her temper "Yes Eltanin. We don't just shag each other, we've been in a relationship for over a year, you lot just haven't known cause he asked you all to not know. But anyways, he has a lot going on right now."

"And I don't? Surely if he told you about the cabinet, he told you about other things." I stepped forward "So please Daphne, enlighten me, what does he have going on?"

She took a deep breath "Actually it's why I needed to talk to you"

"Why can't he just talk to me?"

Tears suddenly started to spill from her eyes "Honestly? Because I'm bloody terrified!"

I stepped back not knowing what to do. Comfort her? Eh, maybe. Let her cry it out? Probably. "Why are you scared?"

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