Chapter 32: Waking Up

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*Draco's POV*

    The next week was tortuous. We knew Tanin was ok, but she should've woken up days ago. She had gained color back into her rosy cheeks and red lips. I never left the room unless it was to go to the bathroom. I rarely ate from nerves. After the second day of her sleeping, the boys were allowed to sit in the room from six to nine. They couldn't join all at once though, they had to come in pairs. By the fourth day they made a schedule. Zabini and Nott were the most frequent visitors. I enjoyed their company when they did visit me, but I hate to admit that I still prefer it when it was just the silence between Tanin and I.

I've started to read to her. I'd have Zabini find a random book and it'd usually last me two days. Snape says she can't hear me, but I believe she can hear all our conversations. One time I was in the middle of some random fairytale book when I got the first bit of movement from Tanin. It was small, I almost didn't notice. Her lips had curled into a very, very faint smile for a few seconds before resting back to her peaceful state.

She started doing other little movements throughout the days. Her hand may twitch a little, or her leg may jolt. Some might view it as annoying being kicked in the middle of the night, but to me I view it as reassurance that she is alive. I find myself waking up in a panic some nights worrying about Tanin, having her almost dead pale face haunt me. I haven't told the boys how bad it was, they just think she passed out.

"Mr. Malfoy, your mother wishes to speak to you," Snape said.

"Ok, let her in" I responded annoyed he had interrupted Tanin and I's reading.

"She wishes to speak to you outside, she thinks it'd be good for you to get some fresh air" He said, almost too harshly.

"I'm not leaving, and you know it, now tell her to come in or I'm not speaking to her" I snapped getting comfortable in the bed preparing myself to start reading again. I never read with anyone else present. The professors were the only ones who knew I did.

"Mr. Malfoy, the matters are extremely important, they regard Miss Jackson." he said raising his eyebrow at me "but if you wish to stay uninformed, so be it" and with his attitude he left. I eagerly wanted to know what he was talking about. Why wouldn't mother discuss it with me in the room? Why was it dismissed so quickly? Usually Snape would argue a bit more.

It was later in the night once Snape left after talking to me about my mother. I had finished the chapter with Tanin, my eyes became heavy, and I fell asleep, only to be woken up by a sudden movement.

"....Draco?" I heard a small, hoarse voice squeak.

Merlin, it's Tanin. I open my eyes quickly and look down at her. Her eyes are half open but they seem to be searching for my eyes too. Once our eyes properly met, all I could see in hers was fear and pain.

"Draco...I-" she started to say, her voice still hoarse.

I quickly interrupt her and pull her into a tighter embrace. Feeling her fully warm body against my chest. "Tanin, you're ok, you did it, you survived"

She sighed into me, and I knew it wasn't a sigh of relief.

"Tanin," I started, pulling her from the hug forcing her to look at me. Her body is still weak, but I hold her in place with a force as if she's holding herself upright. "-don't think about any of that right now. It's night time, lets go to sleep, yeah?" I pleaded more than asking.

She gave me a weak nod and I pulled us both down so we were laying again. She fell asleep quite quickly, but I wouldn't let my eyes even do a long blink till I felt her small, subtle heavy breaths against my neck. Once I did, I fell asleep like a baby who was just given a bottle.

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