Chapter 29: Adrian Pucey

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*Tanins POV*

When the portrait swings open I immediately catch eyes with the liquid silver ones I've long to miss. I stop in my tracks as Draco runs to me. With Draco's sudden burst, the other boy's attention is turned towards me and they also find themselves in a sprint.

Draco pulls me into a tight embrace that lifts me into the air. I let out a loud laugh and hugged him back, equally as tight. It's been forever since I've felt his comfort. Soon the other boys reach us and are smashing their bodys into me. I've missed them so much.

"Hey idiots, let the girl go before paralyzing her again," Ginny says, placing my things down. Zabini gives her a smart remark, before Ginny storms off. I give Zabini an angry glare.

"Merlin I've missed your glare Jackson. It's great to have you back." He says slinging an arm around me which makes me stumble. I see concern grow in the boy's eyes. 

"Are you not fully healed Tanin?" Draco asks, grabbing my arm to steady myself.

"I basically am, I just am struggling a little, but I've been instructed to take it easy, and I definitely will. So boys who wants to take care of my luggage?" I say with a smirk motioning to my suitcases. After a bit of arguing soon all the boys have at least one item of mine in their hand and are lugging it up to my room. I walk slowly to the couch and plop down with a sigh.

"You sure have them wrapped around your little finger" Someone says from the chair behind me. I sit up and turn to look at them. It was a boy, he seemed to be around my age and he had brown floppy hair, but overall he wasn't so bad to look at.

"It's just respect" I answered before finding myself being curious. "But may I ask who you are?"

He gave me a smirk before reaching out his hand "Adrian Pucey, sixth year" he replied. I shook his hand and smiled "Eltanin Jackson, fourth year"

He laughed as he said "Oh I know who you are Jackson, you gave everyone quite the scare" I felt embarrassed by his statement, are people gonna know me now as the girl who almost died, then was paralysed?

"Well Pucey, thanks for the concern but I am all better now" I say with a cheeky smile. He shakes his head and responds "That's not what you said earlier"

I frown at him which makes him chuckle. "Fine then, I will be better and that's all that matters" I said while crossing my arms.

"And when is that gonna be?" Pucey asked.

I shrugged and said "Any day now I think"

"So any day now can I take you out?" He asked, smirking.

I felt my face flush. A boy has never actually asked me out, especially a sixth year. He seems nice and he has made me laugh, and it doesn't hurt he's attractive. I could just go out with him and see what it's like. What harm will be done there?

"Sure, why not?" I said smiling. He sighed and sat back in his chair proudly.

The boys come down the stairs and eye me as I continue light conversation with Pucey. He seems very charming.

"Don't you have somewhere to be Tanin?" Draco said with a hint of urgency in his voice. Why did his mood change so much? He was excited to see me and have me back, now he wants me to leave. Merlin, he's so moody.

"I guess so" I said as I slowly got up from the couch. Pucey offered assistance but I pushed him away. Once I was up I left the common room without another word, I was already annoyed and I hadn't even been back an hour.

*Draco's POV*

    When we come back downstairs, Pucey is chatting up a storm with Tanin, she seems really comfortable around him. It makes me a bit upset and I don't know why.

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