Chapter 42: The End

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*Eltanin's POV*

    Harry was pacing back and forth as I entered from the floo. "Harry what is it? What's wrong?" I asked waddling over to him.

His eyes snapped to me, noticing my slight discomfort. He rushed over and helped lead me over to the couch before he answered me. "I've made a pretty shit discovery"

"And it includes me?"

He took a deep breath. "Yes, the both of us-"

"Potter, there you are! Where have you-" Draco stopped speaking the moment we made eye contact. "What the fuck are you doing here?!"

"Harry said he needed me" I tried to explain calmy. "It's perfectly fine for me to be here, I mean no one seems to be near us-"


The walls shook around us. I seemed to have forgotten we're in the middle of a bloody war.

Draco stormed up to me. He looked messy. His hair tousled and wavy. His clothes were dirtied. "You need to leave now"

Harry stepped up to him "She can't. I think you need to hear this too, Malfoy"

Draco took many deep breaths before finally agreeing to listen. "We have only three horcruxes left"

I look at him curiously. "Okay, so why aren't you getting rid of them?"

"Because two of them are you and I"

It took me a few seconds to process his words. Draco went still next to me. "How?"

Harry shrugged "Mine was from when I was a baby, but I guess yours is from the ceremony. The connection he formed with you from taking blood near your chest."

I started to hyperventilate "Harry, be honest with me, what does this mean?" I closed my eyes, preparing for the words I just can't hear.

"Technically, we'll need to die. But Hermione is trying to figure it out as we speak."

Draco stood, gripping his hair like a lifeline "No. This can't happen" He moves to Harry, aggressively grabbing his shoulders, shaking him "You need to do something Potter, anything"

Tears are dripping down my cheeks. "Draco...just sit with me"

He turns and looks at me. I see his mind going through his decisions. Sit with me or try to find Granger and help. Finally, he moves and sits with me, putting an arm around me as I lean into his touch.

We all stay in silence, or as much silence as we can get with a battle going on around us. I tried to zone out as much as the screams and crashes as I could. It was fine till Granger came sprinting in.

"Oh thank goodness, you're both here!" She said hastily moving over to the side of the room where we sat. "I might've figured out a way!"

Draco sat up very straight "Well tell us!"

She glared at him before she started " I think Eltanin's problem is technically no longer hers. Her issue was formed through blood. Now that she's expecting, her blood is being passed on, in some variations, to the baby."

I stood suddenly "Why are you making it sound like a good thing? My child is now going to be attached to 'He who must not be named'!"

Granger rolled her eyes "If you all would let me finish you'd know why this is a good thing." I mumble an apology "Very well. Now this part isn't such good news. Harry will need to let 'He who must not be named' kill him. But wait, wait, I believe he will survive"

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