Chapter 6: Hogwarts

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*Tanin's POV*

    The train station was overflowing with people. I could barely keep up with the Malfoy's fast walking pace. We got to a certain train cart when Draco turned, giving his parents a look. Narcissa sighed and walked up to me "This is where we say goodbye, I trust you'll be smart. I don't think you need the motherly pep-talk anymore, but I hope I can give you the comfort that you are lacking since your mother isn't here to wish you luck at Hogwarts." she said, placing both her hands on my shoulders. "Thank you Narcisssa for everything," I said, pulling her into a hug. As she pulled away she told me "I've requested you and Draco share a schedule for our safety concerns and your comfort". I thanked her again before turning to look at Mr. Malfoy who was just ending his own personal conversation with Draco. He looked at me and simply said "Good luck Eltanin." Then started walking away from the train, with no final goodbye. I waited awkwardly waiting for Narcissa to finish her goodbyes with Draco. When they finished Draco looked at me with a bit of reassurance, as he probably could since my nerves. Draco and I made our way up the stairs of the train when I felt a tug at my arm, forcing me to turn back around. I see Narcissa standing there, looking fairly nervous herself. "Uh- I almost forgot, your house elves from the Estate have sent your extra clothes to Hogwarts, so don't worry about lack of clothing" she said awkwardly. I gave her an okay before she continued "Eltanin, be safe" she said looking a bit sad as she let go of my arm, allowing me to continue onto the train. Draco had waited for me at the top. "Come with me, you can sit with me and my friends" he said, leading me to the very back of the train. He opened the door to a compartment that had people already sitting in it. They were all boys who looked around our age. I see all their eyes look at Draco. All of them started to stand and grin. Everyone seemed to be saying things at once. "-Malfoy it's been forever" "-How was your summer?" "-did you play quidditch at all?" Some questions were more intriguing than others. Soon the chatter died down as Draco went to sit down in the middle of two large boys. I stood there awkwardly at the door not knowing what to do. As if Draco had forgotten about my presence he says "Oh right. Boys this is Tanin, but you all call her Eltanin or Jackson." They were all eyeing me with smirks, making me feel slightly uncomfortable, but it was nice having the attention.

Draco glared at one of the boys who sat on the other side of the compartment and said sternly "Well doofus are you gonna move so she can sit?" The boy frantically shoved the boy next to him allowing him to scootch over, making room for me to sit. I sat down trying to seem as confident as possible as these boys I didn't know eyed me. Draco stiffened as he noticed the boys staring for too long. "She came from Beauxbatons and is living with me and my family while her parents are away. She's also a fourth year" Draco said, relaxing a bit as the boys eyes started to wander off of me. "I can speak for myself ya know Draco" I stated trying to not sound dependent of him. I could tell that took him by surprise as he looked taken back by my words. "May I ask who you lot are?" I questioned, looking each of them in the eye. They all had the same shocked look as Draco did.

The one next to me spoke up first, "Zabini, Blaise Zabini" he said, sticking his hand out for me to shake. I shook his hand and when I went to let go he held me hand there as he continued "I think we'll become quite good friends Eltanin" he said before letting my hand go. The others also introduced themselves. There was Flint next to Zabini, and Crabbe and Goyle on either side of Draco. I still can't remember which one is Crabbe and which is Goyle. We all talked a bit along the ride about our summers. Zabini got up to go to the bathroom at one point leaving me sitting next to Flint who kept eyeing me the whole ride.

I was having a light conversation with one of the larger boys, when I felt a hand brushing next to the side of my thigh, just at the edge of my skirt. I looked to see it was Flint and he was giving me a ugly smirk. I quickly slapped his hand away, obviously taking him by surprise. Luckily as that happened Zabini returned and sat back down in his original spot. I didn't know Draco was watching the whole exchange between Flint and I. "She's off limits" He announced to the whole compartment. "Who are you to make that decision for me?" I questioned with my eyebrows furrowed. "Please Tanin, you wouldn't want any of these bloody idiots anyway" he said sitting back. "It's still my decision, not yours" I stated. I could tell this upset him, and also caused the other boys to let out quiet 'ooo's.

"I know what I'm talking about Tanin. I suggest you listen" he said raising his eyebrows. I simply just shrugged my shoulders and rolled my eyes. This won't be the end of this argument, but I let it end for now because I didn't like the presence of the other boys being there during it.

When we arrived at school I stayed walking with Draco and his posse. People were giving me strange looks as we made our way to the carriages. I was last to get in our carriage. Zabini held his hand out for me to grab helping me in the carriage. I didn't mind the gesture, it didn't seem creepy at all. Zabini was definitely the one I talked to the most on the train as well, he seemed pleasant. "Why was everyone looking at us?" I asked aloud. They all kinda laughed as Flint said "Jackson they aren't looking at us, they're looking at you." I felt my cheeks blush as I asked why. "Because you're the hot new chick, isn't it obvious" Flint answered, eyeing me up and down. That action earned a kick from Draco. "Shut up Flint before I make you" Draco spat. Flint was about to retort when I gasped out loud. Everyone in the carriages attention turned towards me. "The castle is beautiful" I said in aw. The boys gave a light shrug before continuing a conversation about 'Who grew the most over the summer?'

The carriages stopped outside this amazing castle. Zabini helped me again exiting the carriage. I felt Draco's eyes on me, choosing to ignore him. I understand he's supposed to protect me, but seriously, what's the harm in helping someone out of a carriage? The group separated as Draco led me to an old woman who waited at the top of the stairs on the inside. "You must be Mrs. Jackson?" she asked, looking me up and down. "Yes mam" I said, giving a small smile. Draco left as she started explaining how the sorting ceremony will go. I will go before the first years. She also explained how my classes with Draco will work. "I understand that you had to change schools because you are living with the Malfoys. I hope you understand that does not mean you are to be stuck with Mr. Malfoy at every second. You must only be with him during class, other than that you are free to do as you wish Miss Jackson" she said with a calming voice. I learned her name was Professor McGonagall and that she was head of Gryffindor house. She led me to the front of a line that had first years in pairs. I was the point of the line. Sure I liked attention but that was asking for a lot of attention.
The doors swung open, revealing a beautiful dining hall with 4 large tables each separated by houses. There was a table at the end of the hall that seated all the teachers. As we entered I made eye contact with the boys who were all hollering and cheering, besides Draco. He sat there lightly clapping his hands as he made eye contact with me. I looked over to the Gryffindor table where I saw the boy-who-lived. He looked exactly like what he looked like in the newspaper. We all loaded into the space at the front. McGonagall explained how she was going to hold the sorting ceremony. "Eltanin Jackson, fourth year transfer from Beauxbatons" she announced. I slowly walked up the stairs and sat on the stool. I didn't like the silence as she placed the sorting hat on my head. Soon it began to speak .

"Ah Miss Jackson...wise, yes, very wise you are....but not wise enough for Ravenclaw" The hat said. "Yet you are very'd do well in Gryffindor...." it continued. "you are very loyal to people, even without a motive, but think too highly of yourself to be Hufflepuff..."

This hat was taking forever. I just wanted it to give me a house, and move on. I didn't need an explanation. Then with a loud roar it hollered...

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