Chapter 34: Fifth Year

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*Draco's POV*

    "Mate, you alright?" Zabini asked me from across the table. I guess I must've spaced out during the sorting ceremony.

"Yes, of course" I replied drawing my attention back up to the front. I saw Nott shake his head next to me but I chose to ignore him.

I kept finding myself glancing over to the doors, hoping Tanin will walk in and everything will be back to normal. By the end of dinner she never did. I won't accept that Tanin is not attending school. I'm trying to but I can't. She's all I focused on during the summer. I wasn't able to protect her. I kept telling myself she'll be back and she'll be better by the time school started. I was completely wrong.

We all sat in the common room talking about quidditch tryouts when Flint said "Oi Draco, stop being so gloomy. We get it, you miss Jackson, I mean we all miss her, but don't let it keep affecting you like this."

Was it that obvious Tanin was the one upsetting me.

"I know, I know, I just thought she'd be here" I said looking at everyone. They all nodded with the same sadden look on their face. We all knew why she wasn't here, it means she's not better.

"You thought who would be here?" I heard a familiarly annoying voice ask while sitting down practically on me.

"Parkinson, bugger off" I said, shoving her from my lap to Flint's. Then Flint pushed her to the floor.

"Don't tell me you're talking about that whore Jackson are you?" She said patting dirt off of her skirt.

"She's not a whore Parkinson, you are" Nott said, visibly irritable.

She just huffed as she sat down on the couch in between Crabbe and Goyle. Why was she sitting with us? Especially after she insulted Tanin?

"I'll fill her spot while she's gone," She said proudly.

"Hell you aren't" I said sitting forward with a stern voice. She rolled her eyes at me and said "Like I'd listen to you Draco, I'm staying"

I felt myself getting up, the rage building through me. Zabini shot up as well, but it wasn't to get Parkinson away, it was to prevent me from doing something dumb.

With his hand on my chest pushing me back he whispered "Let it go Malfoy, Jackson wouldn't want you doing anything dumb"

After contemplating for a bit, I finally did a small nod.

Tanin's room was so empty when she wasn't there, along with her stuff not being there. I had to actually sleep in my bed, Merlin this is going to be a long year.

*Tanins POV*

    Everyday was the same as the last. I spent two weeks by myself and then Snape would come on the weekends to collect my work and check in on me. School wasn't difficult, it was just annoying.

I was constantly looking at my locket, examining all the boys' faces. I hope school is treating them well.

One weekend I was laying in bed after ten when I heard Snape's door open. It sounded like he was trying to sneak down the stairs, but the creaky stairs and his loud boots gave him away. I got up out of bed and opened the door to see Snape halfway down the stairs dressed in his school robes. He looked up at me in shock as if I was a parent catching my teenager sneaking out.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"No where, just going to get a late night snack" he said with a hint of nerves. He wasn't expecting me to catch him.

"Mind if I join then?" I asked closing my door behind me.

"Oh no, no Eltanin, go back to bed" He said waving me away.

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