Chapter 7: Common Room

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*Tanin's POV*


The table Draco and the boys were sitting at burst into cheers. I got up and made my way to the table. Zabini moved over for me to sit down. As I sat down there were lots of pats on my back and people congratulating me. I looked at Draco, almost as if I was waiting for approval when all he did was huff and look back to the front. There were only a few more slytherin added to the table after me.

Dumbledore gave a lovely speech and then announced that Hogwarts will be hosting the Triwizard tournament this year. I felt myself freeze up as he announced Beauxbatons was here. The doors to the hall swung open revealing my past classmates. They were all in my old beautiful blue uniform. As they entered they had a routine. After they went to their seats, all the boys at the slytherin table were eyeing me. I gave them a confused look. A boy I didn't know the name of looked at me and said "You were one of them? Oh wow. I can only Imagine what you looked like in that uniform. Mind setting me up with one of them, love?" I felt myself tense up. These girls were my friends. How dare some boy I don't know be so rude about me, about them. "Oh please, you wouldn't even be able to get them to notice you, they have standards you know." I said showing my annoyance with him. He turned away rather quickly after my statement. 'hmph , coward' I thought to myself. I looked over to Draco who was giving me a respectable look.

Dumbledore then dismissed us to go to our dorms after explaining the Triwizard Tournament. I followed the boys down to the dungeons. I didn't mind the eerines of it though, it actually was rather calming. I enjoyed being in the dark, light can be too harsh sometimes in my opinion. Our house prefects told us the password was "pureblood".

As we entered there was a giant common room. One side had a green tinted fireplace with large black leather sofas surrounding it. Towards the back there looked to be tables and chairs and a few small bookcases, I'd assume that's a studying area. The common room had classy high ceilings, with windows at the top. Through the windows you can see water crashing against it. It was very calming to look at and listen to. Our male prefect then directed our attention to the staircase on the opposite side of the lounge area.

The stairs led up to a balcony that overlooked the common room and split in two directions. Girls dorms were on the right at the top of a short set of stairs, boys on the left. "If a boy decides to step a foot on the stairs leading to the girls dorm, the stairs will turn into a slide and you will not make it even close to the top. Flint, would you testify to this please?' The prefect said turning to Flint. Flint let out a laugh and gave a strong yes.

The prefects dismissed us to go settle in our dorms. I was nervous to know I'd have three other girls to share a room with. I wouldn't have been so nervous if the girls weren't giving me death glares the whole dinner. I walked up the stairs and turned right continuing up looking for my name on the doors. I didn't see my name. As I was walking back down the stairs from the girls side to notify my prefects of my missing name, Draco was walking up to me. "I forgot to tell you Tanin, my parents think sharing rooms is garbage so my father always insists I get a private room, I would assume they did the same for you this year." He said pointing to a door at the bottom of the stairs that led to the girls dorms. I walked up to it and saw just my name. "Oh thanks, I'll make sure to owl them and thank them too" I said before opening the door.

I was shocked to see how nice the room was. Sure it probably wasn't as big as the shared dorms, but this was too much space for just me. The bed was pushed to the left up against an underwater window. There was a closet and a dresser on the right side of the room. At the end of the bed there was another door. I walked in to see it was a personal bathroom. Well I thought it was a personal bathroom, till I heard water running.

I peaked around the wall to see Draco adjusting the water to the shower, luckily still being clothed. I let out a gasp, which I saw startled him. "Bloody hell Tanin!" he yelled. "I-I'm sorry I didn't know you were in here" I said honestly. "Yeah I didn't know you were in here either," he said moving away from the shower "I guess for space purposes it makes sense for the private rooms to share a bathroom" he said shaking his head with frustration. "Well I guess it had never been an issue till now" he continued. "We can make a schedule or something so we don't walk in on eachother" I suggested.

He shook his head again and said "No just tell me when you're in here and then tell me when you leave, and I'll do the same. I'm not very good with schedules." He said. "Oh ok then, I'll leave you to your shower, just let me know when you're done" I said walking out. I closed the door behind me and collapsed on my bed. I have to share a bathroom with Draco. I told myself I'd just shower in the morning not wanting to have to wait to go to bed.

I was packing my clothes into my drawers when there was a knock at the bathroom door, but directly after the knock Draco opened it without a reply to let him come in. He was just in his pajama pants, lacking his shirt with his towel draped over his shoulders. "Done" he said with a smirk. I sighed and said "Wait for a reply before you enter my room" he looked at me as if I was crazy "Why?" he asked. I turned to face him directly and crossed my arms "Because what if I was changing, you would've just seen me naked." He laughed and said "That wouldn't be the worst thing" he saw my expression grow angry before he quickly continued his statement "I'm joking, I'm joking" he said throwing his hands in the air "-but I will wait for a reply in the future" I smiled as he closed the door and left.

I was laying in bed looking out the window at the water. I was hoping it would calm me, but it wasn't. I had to actually attend school tomorrow. What if I'm behind? What if people hate me? Ugh I hate being the new student. I wondered if I could go to the common room and relax there near the fireplace. I got out of bed. Since I'm at school and not just at the Manor, I slipped my slytherin robe over my pajamas for modesty. I slipped out of my dorm and went down the stairs.

To my surprise I saw the same platinum blond hair I use to see every time I entered the living area back at the Manor.  "Surprising to see you here Draco" I said, slipping onto the end of the couch closest to the fireplace. Draco was positioned directly across from the fireplace laying down on the couch. His head perked up as he asked "Well what brings you here Tanin?" I sighed as I answered "I can't sleep" he nodded and said "Same." We sat in our usual comfortable silence. This felt right.

He soon asked me how I feel about being a slytherin. I told him how I didn't mind it much, at least for now. We then talked about the boys a little bit. I learned that Draco's only real friends are Zabini, Nott, and Flint. Despite how big of jerks Nott and Flint can be. He only kept Crabbe and Goyle around so he could boss them around. I started to feel my eyes getting tired after a while. We both decided to go to bed. It was nice still having our late night talks. I felt at peace again and was able to fall asleep.

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