Chapter 39: The Wedding

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*Tanin's POV*

When I finally opened my eyes from my deep sleep it took me a while to figure out where I was. I was not in my room back at Hogwarts, I was definitely not in mine or Draco's room from the Manor. The moment I saw the gold detailed ceiling, everything came back to me. I was in my childhood bedroom. The sun was resting fairly high in the sky. Draco's arm was wrapped around my waist, as it always is when I wake up. His deep breaths were blowing down on the back of my neck. I never would have thought that feeling would be one of my sources of comfort. Draco hardly slept anymore so I just stayed still, taking in my childhood bedroom, that once I leave will most likely never return to, and letting my mind drift past to last night.

I wasn't planning to pounce on him like I had, but I'm grateful I did. It wasn't awkward like I thought it would have been, he was kind, reassuring, and gentle. I felt myself blush at the things he was telling me.

"You're Perfect"

"I love you Tanin"

I didn't even register me saying it back to him. I knew I did love him. I don't remember when I started to. It only felt right. I was surprised he didn't mention anything about the pretty noticeable scars that cover my body. The marked simple on my side, or the long scar from the ritual. He didn't even glance at them, just kept staring at my eyes. I feel like I should be offended he didn't really look at anything other than my face, but I'm a bit relieved. If he were to acknowledge them, even if positively, I probably would've broken down. He knew me too well.

I took in his warmth behind me before deciding that we should probably start getting up based on how high the sun is and us needing to be back by noon. I flipped back over, nestling my face into his chest, inhaling his scent. He moved against me and tightened his arm around me. I leaned my head back to look at his face. His eyes were slowly opening, and just as I did, he started looking around the room, trying to figure out where he was. When his eyes landed on me, it's as if he finally remembered. He shot me his knee weakening smirk.

"Morning, love" he grumbled as he flipped onto his back pulling me on top of him. He did this on most mornings, he knows I like laying my head in his chest to look at him, and he likes the weight of me, he says it's relaxing.

"Morning, sleep well?" I giggled. He squeezed my hips and I squealed.

"Of course I did, did you?" He asked. I nodded shyly looking away. He grabbed my chin to make him look back at him. "You feeling okay?"

I smiled at him "Of course, how could I not be?" I leaned in and gave him a soft kiss. When we separated the look in his eyes stunned me in place. I don't know what emotion was radiating from them, but it made my heart flutter.

Reluctantly rolling off of him, I did a sharp intake of breath as a small throb went through my lower body all the way down to my toes. "Want me to find a pain relief potion?" Draco asked, moving out of bed and putting on his boxer-briefs. I smiled and nodded vigorously.

He chuckled and shook his head as he made his way down to the kitchen. It took me a few attempts till I finally got out of bed and retrieved a fresh pair of knickers and bra from my old drawers. I walked slowly around my room picking up the leftover clothes from last night. I put a cleansing charm on each article and then folded them into a pile. I walked into my closet to start picking clothes out that had been left behind. There honestly weren't many but I would still like to have them back at the manor.

Draco walked in not long after me with a vial in his hand. I eagerly gulped it down and found relief instantly. Draco helped me place them in an old trunk from my closet. Moving everything from my closet back into my room, we were pretty much ready to go. Draco called Mora to transfer my clothes back over to the Manor. We couldn't really eat breakfast at the Estate because this house had been abandoned for years, but I could tell we were both not ready to go back just yet.

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