Chapter 26: Black Lake

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*Tanins POV*

    Draco had accompanied me every night sleeping in my room. Only a few night's he'd move to sleep with me in bed. He'd usually sleep in my bed with me when he could tell my anxiety was bad.

I had stopped spending time with the boys as I was focused on school and training for the Second Task. I saw Draco the most since we are basically sharing my room every night. We don't really talk about how we sleep in the same room and sometimes in the same bed. It's just expected now, therefore we don't dwell on it.

I was nose deep into a charms book when I saw a flash of honey brown hair move past a bookshelf in the library. It was around curfew, and I am always the last person to leave. I recognized that hair from anywhere, it was Cedric. I hadn't seen Cedric since the night I had to be dragged off of him. I still feel awful about it.

I closed my book and hastily stood up to follow him. I needed to apologize. I needed him to forgive me. He was moving with a purpose. I wonder what he was doing here, I bet he was studying for the task. It was only a day away now.

He stopped just outside the library then turned to face me as I almost ran into him. "What do you want, Eltanin?" He asked, approaching me. He called me Eltanin.

"Cedricpleaseforgivemeididn'tmeantohurtyouijustgotupsetandidon'tknowwhyiamsososososorry" I hurriedly said before he could walk away from me. "Eltanin, I don't know what you just said, calm down a bit." He said placing a hand on my shoulder, which did help me relax a bit before saying "Cedric please forgive me I didn't mean to hurt you, I just got upset and I don't know why. I am so so so so sorry" I felt my face red with embarrassment. He gave me a reassuring smile before pulling me into a hug "Eltanin it's ok, I deserved it either way. Don't worry about it anymore, it's already forgotten."

Cedric then walked me to the dungeons as we talked about the next task. He stopped outside the door. Usually he gives me a head tilt and a 'Goodbye' before he'd leave, this time he stood there looking down at me.

"Eltanin you do understand I'm not upset with you anymore right?" He said, confirming that I have moved on from the previous conflict. I looked at him for a bit before giving a small nod. He shook his head and pulled me into a tight hug. "Eltanin, you know I like Cho, but please know that no matter what, you will always have a special place in my heart." He moved his head back and planted a kiss on my cheek. He let it linger there before he pulled out of the hug, and walked away, leaving me there in awe.

I'm still in awe as I walk into the common room, ignoring the glares the boys are giving me. My hand was on my cheek resting where he had just given me a kiss. I know he doesn't like me, but it did make me feel special. No boy has ever shown me affection on that way before.

"Earth to Jackson!" Zabini said, waving his hand in front of my face. I didn't even notice I was sitting on the couch now next to him. "What happened to you Jackson?" He asked knowing he now has my attention.

I shrug my shoulders and lay comfortably on the couch as drap my legs over Zabini. I could see him raise his eyebrow at me but I chose to ignore it.

"I'd say by the redness of her face, the lost thoughts in her eyes, and the hand on her cheek, that someone has just kissed her" Nott explained to the others. That's when the mood shifted. The relaxed atmosphere turned aggravated. All the boys had now sat forward in their chairs, no longer relaxed.

I felt Zabini move his hand on my thigh which took me out of my trance. I gave it a good ole slap and he moved it away. "Ok, she's back to reality now" he said, smirking at me.

"Sorry did y'all say something?" I asked, looking at all the tense faces.

"Yeah we did Eltanin, who kissed you?" Crabbe asked. I kept my legs on Zabini as I sat up. I was gonna try to avoid the question, but I know that will only make it worse when they find out who did.

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