Chapter 4: Diagon Alley

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*Tanin's POV*

Draco looked up at me surprisingly, then furrowing his eyebrows as he asked "What are you doing up?" I didn't expect his tone to be so harsh. "I can't sleep" I said before sitting in the chair across from him. I grabbed a book from the coffee table and started to read it. I could feel Draco looking at me. "Do you not realize how late it is Tanin?" Draco asked less harshly. I shook my head finally making eye contact with him. "It's around four in the morning" he said looking at me like I'm dumb. "Oh, well then why are you up so late?" I asked with a bit of attitude. "I don't know, I just can't sleep either I guess" he answered.

We sat in silence for a bit longer than I would've liked before saying "Do you think I'll like Hogwarts?" Draco sat there for a moment, obviously thinking to himself. "If you hang with the right people, I bet you'll do fine" he finally answered. I just nodded my head understandingly before going back to the book in my hands. I could feel myself becoming a bit tired, but I just chose to ignore it, because I felt comfortable in my chair, next to the fireplace. Next thing I know I'm asleep.

I felt a light tap on my shoulder and jolted awake. "Eltanin I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you, but what are you doing in the living room?" Narcissa said with concern in her eyes. "Oh I must've fallen asleep last night while talking with Draco." Her eyebrows furrowed. "Draco?" she asked. "Yes, I was having trouble sleeping so I took a small walk to the living room, and Draco was here so we had a light conversation and I guess I fell asleep" I said a bit shamefully. I was still new to living with the family, so it was a bit embarrassing being found sleeping in their living room. I got up to move when I noticed a blanket had been placed on me. I felt myself give a light smile before continuing to get up out of the chair.

I didn't see Draco again till later that night after dinner. We were once again both in our pajamas sitting in the living room. I was reading the book I had started last night and he had just grabbed another book from the coffee table and also started reading it. We ended up doing this every night till we had to go school. I learned after that first night that if I felt tired, go to bed. When I woke up two days before we had to go to school, there was a knock on the door. "Come in" I said joyfully and Narcissa peaked her head in through the door. She had a much nicer outfit than usual. "Get yourself ready to go, we're going to Diagon Alley to buy stuff for school" she said while closing the door back up. I hurriedly got up out of bed and got dressed. I was wearing a rustic white chunky sweater with a pair of black shorts. I decided to leave my hair down today but grabbed a hair tie to put on my wrist in case I needed it.

I entered the kitchen where I saw Mora buttering toast that I knew was for Mr. Malfoy. I quickly grabbed an apple off the counter and headed for the living room. I've developed a slight routine over these past two weeks. I sat waiting on the couch when Draco entered the room with an apple in his hand as well. He looked at me and saw my apple when we both let out a small laugh. We have become more comfortable with each other's presence recently. But we still haven't talked much, it felt to me as if there was not much to be said.

Narcissa entered the room with the floo powder bucket, and instructed me on how to use the floo powder. When we arrived at Diagon Alley, Narcissa instructed Draco and I to stay together while she went and did her own shopping. The only things we needed were books and writing supplies, but I also needed to get uniforms for Hogwarts. Supplies were pretty easy to buy considering we both needed the same books and everything was found in the same store. We got to the uniform store and we entered. I wasn't a fan of uniforms, especially Hogwarts uniforms. I didn't know what house I'll be sorted into either so I couldn't buy any of the fun pieces of uniform that represented houses. I got three black pleated skirts, four white button up tops, two grey jumpers, and four black button up tops. I knew I would buy more once I got sorted. I also had black pants and shorts at home that barely fit the dress code, so I'll be fine. "You'll also need to be fitted with a robe" Draco said, leading me to the robe fitting section.

I went to grab a size two robe. I would assume I was the same size robe as I was last year. We didn't have to wear robes at Beauxbatons, but I'd assumed the sizing would be the same. Draco gave me a questionable look and said "Tanin I think we ought to have you fitted" as he ushered for the sales women to come over. Without a word to me, she pulled out her measuring tape and started measuring me. "Well miss, you are definitely a size four" she said as she went to grab one. "I'm sorry but there must be a mistake. I'm usually a size two" I said trying to hide my hint of irritation. "Well Miss, um, your-" she came closer to me as if she didn't want draco to hear "- bust and bottom must have changed, because those would definitely not fit in a size two anymore." She handed me the size four as my cheeks went flush when I noticed Draco trying to hide a smirk. He obviously heard the sales woman. I bought my clothes and we headed back to the floo network.

I heard Draco chuckling to himself. "It's not funny" I said, looking at him. He looked back continuing to laugh "Oh come on, that was hilarious, you should've seen your face when she said that your-" before he finished that sentence my hand went and draped over his mouth causing him to stop talking. "You shouldn't have heard what she said, now let's stop thinking about it and move on." I instructed slowly, taking my hand off his mouth. He gave me an odd look then continued walking.

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