Chapter 15: The Argument

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*Draco's POV*

Her eyes were closed and her face swelling had gone down. She had bruises across her cheek and a pretty bad scratch across her temple. Her arm was in a sling and her right leg in a cast. I didn't even notice her tank top was lifted up till my eyes wandered to the bandages that wrapped around her torso. Knowing Tanin, she would probably freak out that us boys were staring at her almost exposed chest.

"She looks dreadful" Crabbe said. Mme. Pomfrey made her way over. "Merlin, who let you boys in? She isn't in the state for visitors yet" she said, getting a blanket covering Tanin's chest. "McGonagall let us in and we're staying. We'll stay out of your way we promise" Flint said pulling a chair from a nearby bed and sitting in it. We all mumbled small agreements as we collected chairs and said around Tanin's bed. Pomfrey huffed but let us be.

"What are you doing here Potter?" I said, glaring at Harry who was making his way next to Tanin. It's been two days and she's still asleep. Pomfrey said she should've been awake by now. She continued to heal her the best she could. The boys and I would take shifts going to the bathroom or going to get food for the group. Pomfrey warned us if she wasn't awake by tonight we'd have to leave because school would be starting tomorrow.

"Who are you to dictate who comes to see Tanin huh? I was just coming to see if she was awake. I also wanted to tell her I was able to fix the cloak." Potter said moving closer. We bickered for a bit longer before he finally left. It was getting close to dinner when I saw Crabbe, Goyle, and Flint were sleeping in their chairs. I guess we haven't gotten much sleep since the task. Zabini and Nott were lost in their own conversation.

I was examining Tanin, her injuries were a lot better. She no longer needed the arm sling and cast. She still had bandages around her torso from her shattered ribs and deep cuts. Her delicate little hands had bandages over them too. I didn't even realise my hand was holding hers looking at some of the cuts.

"Hey Draco" I heard and looked over to Tanin who still had her eyes closed. I thought for a moment I was crazy that I heard her speaking till she peaked one eye open to look at me. She started giggling to herself as the other boys noticed she was awake. I took my hand away from hers and put it on my lap, acting as if it wasn't there.

We started telling her everything that had happened. She was still groggy, but she was awake. She looked down at her chest noticing the bandages and she quickly grabbed her blanket to cover herself. "Pervs" she huffed as we all laughed from her embarrassment. Soon pomfrey came over and announced that she could leave, but she suggested that she took it easy, and that we help her carry her books and what not.

Zabini helped her up the stairs to her dorm as everyone went to their own dorms to wash up. I was holding her belongings and placed them on her side table as Zabini helped her sit down on her bed. She was struggling a bit to walk and stand, which Pomfrey said was normal due to her injuries in her leg. She thanked Zabini as he left her room. "You gave us quite the scare you know?" I said plopping down next to her on the bed. "I didn't think it'd be that bad honestly" she said looking into my eyes with sadness. "You still did it" I reminded her which made her smile.

I noticed her staring at my chest with the large 'T' on it. Merlin I forgot about that. She started giggling. "You looked ridiculous from the arena, but I have to admit seeing you lot embarrasses yourselves made me feel a bit better about fighting a dragon" she said continuing to laugh. I couldn't help but laugh with her.

She got up from the bed, stumbling a bit. Not being able to help my instinct I reached out to steady her. She gave me a thankful smile before saying "I don't know how on earth I'm going to shower." I gave her a smirk. "You are not showering with me Draco" she said, pushing away from me. "I didn't even say that" I rebutted, still holding my smirk. She sighed and slowly made her way to the dresser, almost falling once again. "I have an idea," she said turning back from the dresser with a one piece swimsuit in her hands. "You stand in the bathroom while I shower and you make sure I don't slip. But you stay facing the wall unless I need you"  she suggested. I gave her a smirk and said okay.

I waited in the bathroom for Tanin while she changed into her swimsuit. She walked into the bathroom holding her towel in front of her and her cheeks as red as an apple. "Would it be easier if I did the water for you?" I asked. She gave a nod. I walked over to the shower and turned it on and waited for the water to get warm. "All yours" I said motioning to the shower.

"Turn around" she ordered. I hesitated but I did a few seconds later. Behind me I heard her drop the towel and get in the shower. I was thinking that I probably needed a shower as well, the paint from the 'T' still being on my body, and I hadn't left the hospital wing since Tanin got there. Lost in my thoughts I almost didn't hear Tanin let out a small yelp.

I turned and rushed to her side. "Calm down Draco, I just stumbled a bit and got soap in my eye" she said rubbing her hands on her face. "You really like to scare me don't you" I said stepping away from the shower. She let out a laugh before facing towards me. I couldn't help but look at the scar under her arm. It was different. I've never seen a scar like that before. "Stop looking at it" she said with a more serious tone. "Why don't you talk about it?" I asked turning around to give her privacy. "You were there, your dad told me to forget about it, and so I did."

"It seems serious Tanin" I replied. "Draco stop, let it go" she snapped at me.

We stood there silent for the rest of her shower. She held the wall as she dried off. I tried to help her walk back to her bed, but she swatted me away. "Why are you being such a bitch?" I asked moving away from her. I regretted it right away for calling her a bitch, but I felt urged to say it. It felt like a stab in the heart the way she looked at me. "Oh so I'm a bitch now? Huh, I was wondering when the whole 'Bad Boy Draco' personality was gonna show itself to me. I don't get why you always act so tough. You are such a dick sometimes, but I always chose to ignore it cause you were never a dick to me. Actually it seemed like you were a whole nother Draco. Obviously you were just hiding how you truly felt about me. Turns out I'm a bitch." she said turning over in her bed "I think you should leave Malfoy". Instead of trying to fix the problem, I left back to my room slamming the door behind me.

I don't know what came over us in her room. We both had anger, but why. We both had no reason to be angry. It was hard not letting myself go back to her and talk. When I saw the sun sparkling through the underwater window, I knew I didn't sleep at all last night.

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