Chapter 31: The Third Task

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*Tanins POV*

    The band's music behind me is taunting my nerves. I feel nauseous waiting for Dumbledore to start the announcements for the third task. It's a maze. Fleur has been standing next to me this whole time. She hasn't said anything but I understand why. Krum is talking to some of his friends, he honestly doesn't seem bothered at all by what's happening. Harry is off talking to Mad-Eye Moody. Chang is hugging Cedric tightly wishing him luck. He soon walks over to my other side and grabs my hand.

"You know it'll be ok right?" He asked, squeezing my hand.

I look up to him with fear in my eyes. He grabs me and pulls me into a hug and says words of reassurance. I needed Cedrics comfort, it's something that has always helped me before these challenges. I take heavy breaths and soon we pull away as Dumbledore starts speaking. He gives me a kiss on the forehead and tells me he'll see me after the task. I nod as we all walk to our spots.

Cedric goes into the maze first, along with Harry. Soon Krum enters. Fleur and I enter last at the same time. The maze is dark and scary. There's a heavy fog that makes it hard for me to see and breathe. After a while I notice the maze becomes more dangerous. It moves and I saw Fleur get taken by the hedges. I scream and try to run and help her but Cedric holds me back.

"You'll get caught if you help her," he said, shaking me out of my panic. I nod and we continue running through the hedges together. A spell is shot past my head. I turn to see Krum cast another spell. I quickly shoot one at him and he seems shaken up. Krum and I have never really talked, but we always seemed to get along. Why would he try to hurt me out of nowhere? Cedric looks just as puzzled as me as we cast spells towards Cedric. Harry soon joins us. It seems everyone is now turning on each other. We've seen the Triwizard cup a few times, but the maze keeps changing so we can't reach it.

We soon realize Krum has been bewitched. We had no choice but to knock him out. We left him for the hedges to find. I felt awful but I had to keep moving. Soon enough we all got to the cup. We decide to make it a Hogwarts victory instead of a specific houses' victory. We all reach for the cup on three.

After spinning for a few seconds I expect to hear the band celebrating our victory. Instead I hear nothing but the grunts and groans of Harry and Cedric.

"Guys, we're not at Hogwarts, the portkey didn't work" I said starting to panic as I realized we're in a cemetery.

"Calm down Eltanin it's ok, everyone just grab onto the portkey again and we should be back" Cedric said motioning to the cup. Harry was looking around frantically and he grabbed his forehead in pain.

"Harry what's wrong?" I ask quickly trying not to delay getting out of here.

I look over and see a stubby man walking towards us with what looks like a baby. Whatever is going on is not good. I look at Cedric with tears forming in my eyes. He stands up and demands they say who they are and what they want. Within a few seconds one of my best friends dies in the blink of an eye.

"CEDRIC!" I scream racing to his limp body. I can't believe it. He's dead. He's out cold. His eyes lost their sparkle. He's lying beneath me lifeless. It should've been me not Cedric, he had way more of a future than I ever did. I stand with my wand pointing towards the man.

"How dare you!" I yell preparing a spell.

"Master may I kill her as well?" I heard the creep ask.

"No, for she is needed Wormtail" a croaky voice answers. It seems to be what I thought was the baby speaking. I assume the murderer's name is Wormtail.

"What do you mean I'm needed?" I say with my wand still perfectly pointed at him. He does a non-verbal spell and my body is pushed against a tombstone along with Harry.

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