Chapter 16: A Date

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*Tanins POV*

    I didn't sleep at all last night. After my argument with Draco I felt awful. I don't know why I said what I said. I didn't mean it. I could hear water running, so I knew he was awake too. Even though I regretted everything, I still wasn't ready to face him. Yes our argument was dumb, childish, and unnecesarry, but it was our first argument and I was hurt.

I had way better balance and control over my body now. I still had to wear the bandages over my chest. I also had bruises still covering parts of my body and the large bandage on my temple, but other than those minor things, my body felt normal again.

It was a bit hotter today so I chose to wear a pair of black shorts with a grey tank top. My robe made me hot, but I used it to cover the spaghetti straps so I wouldn't get dress coded. I tried to do everything in my room, hoping to not need the bathroom to get ready. When I stopped hearing noises I entered the bathroom. Thankfully, no Draco.

Once I was done getting ready, I left for the dinning hall. This is my first time walking to breakfast alone. When I arrived, everyone was already lost in conversation. I didn't want to sit next to Draco, but I was left no choice. I usually put my hand on his shoulder to help steady myself to sit down, I chose to not do that today. I didn't want to acknowledge his presence. He obviously didn't want to acknowledge mine either because he didn't put my teacup out for me like he did every morning. Zabini could sense the tension between us as we both sat there in silence staring at the table.

"Trouble in paradise Malfoy?" Zabini asked, looking at me. "We're fine Zabini" I answered, not wanting Draco to possibly have the chance to lie. He could tell by my tone I was pissed. He backed off and continued his conversation with the others. Draco and I stayed with the group like usual, but neither of us said anything.

After school everyone was kinda tired. D.A.D.A was a lot more physical. We all agreed to head down to the Black Lake to enjoy the wonderful weather. When we all got there, we formed a circle and sat down on the ground. I was next to Nott and Flint. Draco was on the other side of the circle. Nott then pulled out his camera and took a picture of me and then a picture of Draco. "What was the point of that Nott?" I asked him. "It's not everyday Malfoy and you are in an argument. Might as well document the fight." he answered putting his camera away. Everyone let out a chuckle but Draco and I. "Wow this fight must be serious, I've never seen the lovebirds this quiet" Flint added. I flashed him a look of anger before saying "Shut it Flint." He gave me a smirk. "Or what Jackson?"

Flint was always the one to try to push my nerves. He liked when I got mad. "I said shut it Flint" my tone became more aggravated. "Make me." he said, moving his face closer to mine. I rolled my eyes and moved away from him. Usually I'd probably flirt back just for the fun, but I didn't feel like it today. "You're such a tease Jackson" he said with a sigh. I replied with a small smirk.

"Hm well, speaking of lovebirds and being teases, how's everyone doing with getting a date to the ball?" Zabini asked, clearly trying to break the tension. I totally forgot about the dance. Shit, how am I gonna find a date, find a dress, try to figure out the next task, and not fall behind on my grades? A few guys I don't know have asked me, but I don't want to go to a dance with a stranger.

"I asked Millicent" Crabbe blurted out.

"No way Crabbe, and let me guess she rejected you?" Goyle teased at him. They always acted like brothers they're whole life, I'm surprised they didn't ask each other by how inseparable they are.

"She actually said yes Goyle" Crabbe snapped back. I'm actually happy for Crabbe, Millicent and him seem good together.

"And what about our pretty lady?" Zabini said moving over to me and putting his arm around my shoulder. "Very funny Zabini, but I haven't been asked by someone I would want to go with" I stated looking at Draco who had his eyes focused on me and Zabini.  "But it's not like I have six" I corrected myself and looked at Crabbe "I mean five eligible bachelors to choose from"

With that, they all looked away and Zabini took his arm off me. Did I say something wrong? We always joked about me dating the boys. Draco huffed before shifting on the ground. "Well fine then, I'll find some other boy that I don't know to take me" I said as I started standing up.

"Eltanin, it's not like that" Nott said. "What do you mean it's not like that? Actually, you know what, I totally get it, you all just probably want someone to  have a quick shag with later that night, I understand." I said leaving them at the Black Lake.

I could feel my face was hot. The boys have done so much for me, but they can't even talk about the dance with me. My eyes started burning. Once out of their view I ran to the dungeons. I got to my room and slammed the door behind me. 'Don't cry' I kept quietly repeating to myself.

Why was Draco being so mean, and why was I dismissed so easily. Ugh this was awful.

I was getting ready to shower when I heard knocks on my door. I opened it slightly to see who it was. It was Crabbe. He pushed his way into my room and closed the door behind him gently, then casting a silencing spell on the room.

"Crabbe what-" I started.

"Malfoy made us all agree that none of us can take you to the ball" he said panically.

"Crabbe what do you mean?" I asked. Draco is not about to start dictating my life again.

"This morning at the breakfast table. We thought you'd walk in with him, but you didn't so we asked him about you. He seemed upset. Then he said out of nowhere that none of us could ask you to the dance, including him. This only made us more confused." Crabbe said pacing.

"That makes no sense Crabbe" I said, sitting on my bed with my head in my hands. I felt the bed shift from Crabbe's weight sitting next to me.

"I know it doesn't, but trust me Zabini put up a good fight" he said patting my back. Of course Zabini did, he was obsessed with me.

"Well how am I supposed to find a date now?" I said, sounding hopeless.

"I don't know Jackson, but let me know if I can help" Crabbe said, making his way to the door. "I have to get back to them so they don't get suspicious, but hey you heard none of this from me Jackson"

I thanked Crabbe as he left. Bloody hell what a day.

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