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*Draco's POV*

Life was easier now, and we earned it.

After mine and Tanin's two year long probation, we had decided to move out. We finished our schooling while juggling 'Tais who grew more mischievous by the second.

It was hard finding a place, most people didn't want to rent out to past "Death Eaters" and if they did it was out of pity for 'Tais, but they'd still raise the rent price. We had the money but didn't care for their lack of respect. A few months after searching, Tanin was able to access her parents' things and their wills.

That's when we moved into the previous Jackson Estate, which now goes by the Malfoy Estate. Tanin was hesitant at first, not wanting to be surrounded by some memories of her parents, specifically her mother, but she ended up loving it.

Altais loved it too. She stayed down the hall from our bedroom, Tanin's parents' previous room, in Tanin's old room.

We still currently live in a house made for a whole family of at least seven kids, despite only being our small, happy family of three. It was hard to decide not to have another child. We love 'Tais to death, I would do anything for her, but we couldn't handle another child.

Tanin, and myself occasionally, still have moments of PTSD from the war and the years leading up to it. I was hurt when Tanin admitted that the thought of having another child made her sick, but I wouldn't dare burden her like that again.

The day before Altais left for Hogwarts was a hard day for everyone. We had our normal Sunday gathering, which consisted of at the time:

The Zabini family- Blaise, Daphne, Maximus(11), and Gretchen(6).

The Flint family- Marcus and Astoria (expecting)

The Nott Family- Theo, Luna, and Garner (2)

And Goyle.

This gathering was when we decided to tell Max and 'Tais about our past and upbringing, knowing children at school will most likely attack. Word got out a bit after Altais' birth that she could've been Voldemort's reincarnation, but luckily for us that was not the case.

It was a hard discussion, bringing all the things we packed away, back into the light and into conversation. It was easier with the support of everyone else there. Altais took it a bit roughly learning that she wasn't actually an accident like Max was, but a purposeful push on two teens. She almost didn't want to go to Hogwarts, but Max pushed her to at least try.

She probably wouldn't have been able to do it without the help of Potter speaking out to Skitter in the daily prophet. There had been an uproar knowing that Max and 'Tais were going to be attending that year but Potter simply said "I see no issue with it, my own children will be with them soon enough. The Malfoy's and Zabini's have been through enough and have made up for their crimes. If you are still prejudiced against Draco, Eltanin, or Blaise, be wise and don't take it out on the kids who can't control their lives."

Altais ended up being sorted into Gryffindor, while Max kept the Zabini household in Slytherin. It was a shock, a big shock to everyone but Tanin believes it's because she's the reflection of our bravery. Despite being in Gryffindor though, she still acts like a pureblood Slytherin.

I couldn't be more proud of her.

*Tanin's POV*

I knocked on the cupboard in the Malfoy Estate kitchen, it was currently the only room unoccupied by guests to 'Tais and Max's graduation party.

"One second!" I heard my daughter's muffled voice shout.

I crossed my arms, standing in my now all too familiar mother stance "I will not, it is not appropriate for the two of you to sneak off at your own party!"

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