Chapter 30: Back to Normal

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*Tanins POV*

    Adrian and I have been together non stop since our first date. I rarely see the boys anymore as I spend all my time with Adrian. I do miss them at times, but Adrian keeps me on my toes and happy just like the boys do.

It was two days before the third task and I was walking from my dorm to the courtyard to meet up with Adrian when the boys came around the corner and ran into me.

"Hey Jackson," Zabini said awkwardly, shifting in place.

"Hey guys" I say politely.

"We haven't seen you lately," Nott says, adding himself to the conversation.

"I've just been busy"

"With what? Or should we ask with who?" Draco says snarkily.

I felt my smile frown. "I've been preparing for the tournament, and you know I stress about that" they don't seem satisfied with my answer. I open my mouth to tell them I've been with Adrian before I am interrupted.

"She's also been with me," Adrian says draping his arm over my shoulder smugly. All the boys tensed up. Adrian starts leading me away and I flash the boys and apologetic look.

Adrian and I sat on the open field near Hagrid's hut when I finally built up the courage to ask him. "What was that all about earlier?"

He looked at me like I was crazy. "What do you mean, I was just protecting my girlfriend" He answered.

Protecting? From what? I don't need protection. "Adrian what are you going on about, you know they are my best friends."

"Then why aren't you with them right now?"

"Because I'm with you"


I shake my head at his reasoning "Adrian, that doesn't answer my question"

"I just don't like you hanging out with them"

I look at him with hurt eyes. "What do you mean?"

He shrugs his shoulders but soon finally answers. "I mean that I don't like the way they are around you. Especially Draco. He cares too much about you. I also heard you two used to sleep together. What else am I supposed to think, they are obviously taking advantage of you Eltanin, can't you see?"

I stare at him in disbelief. I'm shaking my head around the things he just said to me. He reached for my hand and I pulled it away.

"Adrian what are you talking about, they're my best friends, and they have never, ever, taken advantage of me. Do you think I'm a fool?" He looks surprised I'm talking back to him but I don't wait for a response. "Also don't talk about Draco, what you don't know is a lot. I've never done anything with any of them. It all makes sense why you want to hang out with me so much. You didn't want me being friends with them anymore didn't you?"

He nods slowly "It was all for your best interest, you know I care about you Eltanin."

"No Adrian stop, I can't have a boyfriend that tries to control my life, I care about you too, but I would never stop you from seeing your friends."

He's starting to look angry along with his hurt "Are you even really my girlfriend, you won't even let me kiss you"

"And I'm grateful I didn't!" I yell back standing up. "This is over Adrian, I would say that we can fix this, but I don't think I can easily forgive you right now, especially right before the tournament." I storm off leaving him in the dark of the night.

I'm finally back to my dorm and I slam the door behind me. I feel so angry, and yet sad. Adrian was good to me, he respected me, but obviously there was something wrong underneath. I run to my bed still trying to hold back tears when I hear the door from the bathroom open.

"Go away Draco" I say muffled in the pillow. I can tell he doesn't leave.

I sat up, grabbing a pillow and out of rage threw it at him as I yelled "I said go away!"

He looks taken back for a moment but ends up catching the pillow and placing it on the end of the bed. I still feel the rage built up inside me as I stand and charge towards him. I go to push him but he grabs on to my arms. He hasn't changed his expression, he seems rather calm. I yell hurtful things at him, and I notice one catches his attention. I had yelled "You were the reason he didn't trust me!"

I instantly started to feel regret for all my actions towards Draco. He wasn't to blame for any of this. Even though I wanted him gone, I am grateful that he is still here. I felt my body crumble to the floor but Draco had caught me holding me still.

I grab him into a tight hug. I felt him hesitate before hugging me back. "I'm sorry, I-" I whispered into his neck before cut me off.

"Tanin, I know, it's ok. Now tell me what happened."

I pulled away and saw the worry in his eyes. I explained everything that happened. He awkwardly hugged me again. I know he's not used to comforting me anymore, but he's trying and I appreciate it. He brings me to my bed and I lay down and ask him to lay with me. We haven't laid together in months.

He hesitantly got into bed and I cuddled up against him. It took him awhile before he relaxed. We talked a bit more about how stupid Pucey is, and what I've missed these past months while I was with him. I don't know when, but we soon drifted off to sleep.

I woke up the next morning with a sense of relief. I had almost forgotten Draco was with me. I reunited with the boys at breakfast, grateful they accepted my apology. They didn't say anything further about Pucey.

"Now that that's over, I had no idea I could be such a bitch" I said laughing.

"Oh we knew, and were grateful to have our bitch back" Zabini said wrapping his arm over my shoulder. I roll my eyes and shove his arm off.

It's great laughing with the boys again. They almost made me forget about the third task happening tomorrow.

"What's that around your neck Jacksom?" Goyle asked.

I look down at my necklace and smile. I take it off and hold it in my hands as I explain "While I was away rehabilitating, I struggled a lot and would lose motivation. I was then given a picture and I soon found myself looking at this picture for guidance and motivation during hard times. I was given the necklace as a gift before I left to hold the photo in it. I still have space for another picture but I have yet to find one worthy"

"So you gonna show us?" Crabbe asked eagerly.

I smirk as I open the locket and flip it around for everyone to see. The table went silent.

"It's all of us," Draco said slowly, looking at me.

I nod "Yep"

Soon a large hug breaks out of the table, Nott started it. I mumble into one of the boys shoulders "You're the best lot a girl could ask for" and they all mumble in agreement which makes everyone start laughing. We spent the whole day together considering it was Saturday. I kept stressing about the tournament but they kept my mind occupied.

Draco slept in my bed again, but we didn't talk like the previous night.

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