Chapter 9: After School

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*Tanins POV*

As we all walked down to the pitch I stayed a bit behind. These guys have been friends for years, and I was the new kid hanging out with them. I felt a bit intimidated, but Zabini helped me feel comfortable by walking next to me keeping me included in the conversation. When we got to the entrance of the locker rooms I heard Draco let out an annoyed sigh. "We don't have the key to the girls locker room" he announced. "Can't we just use alohomora?" I suggested. He shook his head and answered "The doors have special enchantments that can only be unlocked with the key given to the teams, and slytherin has never had girl players, so we just don't have the key." There was a silence after Draco said that we don't have the key. "I could just sit and watch" I suggested trying not to sound disappointed. "We can just give you one of the guys' uniforms, and you could just change after us" Zabini said. Everyone nodded their heads in agreement. I stood outside the locker room as they changed.

As they exited the locker room, Draco threw me a jersey. "Hurry up and get changed, we'll be at the pitch" he said as everyone followed him away from the locker room. The uniform was much bigger than I expected it to be. The jersey fit me more as a dress than it did a shirt. The tan pants fit me pretty well surprisingly. I couldn't help but noticed how good they made my legs and butt look. I grabbed a random broom and left for the pitch.

All the boys were standing there lost in conversation till Draco's attention turned towards me. "My bad Tanin, we don't have any smaller jerseys, you'll just have to deal with mine." he said with a laugh and a smirk. I knew I just looked ridiculous wearing this jersey, especially since it's Draco's. We all discussed teams and positions before we mounted our brooms. I was on a team with Crabbe and Goyle. I was a seeker, Crabbe was a keeper, and Goyle was a chaser. We decided not to have beaters since we didn't have enough players. Draco was seeker on the other team. To make teams even, Nott sat out and watched the game, apparently he wasn't a very good flyer.

The game was rough but fun to play. I started getting really hot in this oversized jersey. It was also slowing me down as I was trying to catch the snitch. As I was waiting to find the snitch I decided I had enough of this dumb jersey. I took the bottom of it and twisted it into a bun shape. Then with the extra hair tie I had on my wrist, I tied the jersey up and tucked it under itself. I was aware a bit of my midriff was showing, but I could care less, I was trying not to faint on my broom.

After a little while Draco signaled us to drop down. As we landed I started feeling a little insecure knowing the boys were looking at me. "Jackson at that point you might as well just not wear a jersey" Flint said, eyeing me. I let out a huff before I said "Well I bet you'd like that right? It was just way too hot so don't you all act like I did it on purpose." I could tell Draco was upset by Flint's words, but I chose to ignore it as I made my way to the locker room. "I'm changing first, you all can wait this time" I said as I entered the locker room.

After changing I decided not to wait for the boys because I desperately wanted to get a shower before Draco.

On my way back to the dungeons I turned the corner and accidentally ran into a redhead. He had a fearful look in his eyes when he looked at me. "My bad" I said, starting to move away. He grabbed my hand before I could leave "No it was my fault. You're Eltanin right? We have potions and divination together." He said with a smile before continuing "I'm Ron Weasley by the way." "Nice to meet you Ron" I said, sticking my hand out for him to shake. He took it and shook it softly. "I know we don't know each other, but I know Hogwarts, and you shouldn't be friends with Draco and his goons" he said seriously. This took me by surprise. "And why not Ron?" I questioned. "They're bad people, they thrive off torturing everyone else. Just you wait and see Eltanin." Ron said before turning to walk away. 'That was odd' I thought to myself.

When I got back to my dorm I rushed quickly to the shower. I felt so relaxed as the warm water was hitting my skin. I probably stood in the shower for longer than I needed. I wrapped the towel around me as I went to the foggy mirror. I dried a spot in the mirror so I could see myself as I detangle my hair. As I was brushing my hair the door to the bathroom opens with Draco standing there. "What the hell Draco!" I yelled, bringing my arms to cover my chest. The towel wasn't doing a very good job at covering my body either. "Sorry Tanin, I thought you'd be done by now" he said, still standing there looking at me. I gave him a look to leave, but he didn't. I noticed his eyes staring at a certain spot on me. I followed his gaze to my scar. The towel covered the majority of it, but you could still see it. I quickly brought my towel up more, not wanting to bring attention to it. "So that's the scar you were talking about at dinner that one night" he said looking back into my eyes. "Yes, now if you could please leave?" I awkwardly asked him shifting my weight in my place. Without another word he left.

At dinner that night we all talked about the quidditch game we played earlier. "I think I speak for everyone when I say that Jackson makes Draco run for his money as a seeker" Zabini said, patting me on the back. I gave a toothless smile as I continued to eat. I saw in the corner of my eye a girl with short black hair giving me looks. I chose to ignore her till she spoke up and said "So were you not good enough to stay at Beauxbatons or what?" The boy's conversation became quiet as they heard what this girl said to me. I looked up from my food at her. She acted as if what she said had affected me. "Aw, were you not good enough to even get in?" I rebutted with fake remorse. "Please we all know the reason you're here Jackson" she said getting up out of her seat "Your mum and dad abandoned you"

"They didn't abandon her, they had to leave on work, get your facts right Parkinson" Draco said since he could probably tell I didn't know how to respond to her allegation. She sat back down to her seat, leaving the conversation. I mouthed a small thanks to Draco before continuing dinner.
As we all walked back to the dungeons I felt someone grab my shoulder almost causing me to fall. I turned to see the beautiful Fleur. I gave her a big hug. Fleur was one of the very first girls I had met at Beauxbatons, she was one of my best friends. I missed her gratelly. We talked quickly knowing we had not a lot of time to talk. I heard the boys stop and wait for me. Fleur had told me how she wants to enter the Triwizard Tournament. I don't think it's the smartest idea, but whatever makes her happy.

When I got back to the boys Zabini asked if I was ok. I guess my worries were being shown on my face, but I reassured him I was fine. Later that night I left for the common room. Draco was already sitting there reading a book. I was sitting down as he looked up at me and said "So what's going on between you and Zabini?" I didn't know what he meant. Zabini and I were just friendly. "Nothing Draco, we're just friends." I answered. He didn't look like he believed me. Why would it matter to Draco, Zabini is his best friend. We sat there and read in silence for about an hour before Draco said out of nowhere with his eyes still glued to the book. "I know I can't tell you what to do, but don't mess around with any of the boys here at Hogwarts. They aren't good enough." I didn't know how to respond, but I did know I don't like Draco telling me what to do. "I'll do what I want Draco, I get that you are supposed to protect me and what not, but I don't think your parents meant you dictated my life" I said while standing up from the couch getting ready to leave. As I was turning I felt Draco's cold hand grab my forearm. "I'm serious Tanin, listen to me" he pleaded. I ripped my arm from his grip and went back to my room without a word.

I enjoyed that Draco cared about me, but he doesn't treat me like any of the others. The only time I really needed him was when that Parkinson girl talked to me at dinner. Goyle informed me that Parkinson is the jealous type. She probably didn't like me hanging out with only the boys, and especially Draco.

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