Chapter 20: Pregame

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*Draco's POV*

    I grabbed my dress robes and headed for Zabini's room. When I entered he was already taking a shot of FIrewhiskey. I don't know how he got his alcohol but he always had some. He handed me a glass and I drank it quickly. Soon the other boys joined us. Nott was going around taking pictures per usual. I didn't mind it this time, these are the memories I wouldn't mind remembering. It was weird not having Tanin with us. I felt bad that she was all alone. She couldn't even pregame with us.

We don't even know who her date is either, what if they're a total scum? What if they're boring? What if they're exactly her type? I never thought of the fact she might actually like this guy. I hope I don't shield her too much. Maybe she doesn't have girlfriends because of me. Now she's all alone.

My thoughts were interrupted when Zabini passed out more shots. Then I got an idea.

"Give me another one Zabini" I said reaching my hand out. He gave me a questionable look but poured me another.

"I'll be right back" I say, slipping out of the dorm. I walk to Tanin's door and give it a light knock. It opens slowly as she peeks her head out to see who it is. When she notices it's me she opens the door a bit wider. She was in a silk robe. Everything about her is the same, I'm guessing she was just about to start getting ready. Her silk robe was a bit revealing and short, but I guess she was comfortable with me seeing her that exposed, or she didn't notice how suggestive her robe is.

"Shot?" I say sticking out the shot glass.

I could see her thinking about her decision. She was biting at her lip, something she does when she's thinking or she's nervous. She also does it when you compliment her and she gets embarrassed. Then she made up her mind and grabbed the shot glass. She tilted her head back and took the shot. She didn't even make a face as she handed the glass back to me. I stood there looking at her in shock. Zabini was one of the biggest 'almost' alcoholics I've known and he still kinda makes a face after taking a shot.

"Thanks" she said with a small smile.

I just kept staring at her. Looking at the delicate details in her dark blue eyes.

"Draco?" she asked with a suspicious look. I must've zoned out.

"Sorry, what did you say?" I asked, trying to play off my staring.

"I just asked how everyone was doing getting ready" she said, pressing her shoulder against the door frame.

"Oh uh they're fine. I just feel bad cause you're all alone" I said looking down at the floor feeling a little guilty.

She shook her head. "Nah I'm fine, I'm too nervous to worry about who I'm with right now anyways"

"You're nervous? Why?" I said stepping forward leaning my shoulder against the door frame, mimicking her.

"I don't know, I just don't know what's gonna happen tonight" she answered.

What did she mean by that? Is she talking with about her date? With herself? Does she mean dancing in general? I couldn't help all these thoughts about her date run through my mind.

"Why? Planning on shagging your date or something?" I immediately hated myself for asking her that. What type of question is that? Why would I assume that? I opened my mouth surprised with myself. "Sorry I don't know why I asked that" I blurted out before she could answer.

"What the hell Draco? Why do you always assume the worst about me when it comes to boys?" she said, taking a step away from me.

"I don't know" I said because I genuinely don't know. "I better be getting back, I'll leave you to start getting ready" I said awkwardly leaving without her being able to say a word.

I enter Zabini's dorm room and lean my head against the wall with rage. Why do I always sound like a dick when I talk to her?

"Mate what's wrong?" Flint said, drawing everyone's attention towards me.

"Nothing, don't worry about it." I responded pouring myself a large serving of Firewhiskey.

"I bet it has something to do with Jackson" Zabini smirked.

I gave him a look and he started laughing "I knew it!" he yelled. "You fancy Jackson!"

"I do not fancy Tanin, Zabini" I scolded.

He gave me a look that said he doesn't believe me, everyone was also giving me that look.

"Listen I know the truth, and I don't fancy her. She's just a friend like the rest of you" I stated before going to the bathroom to change. I didn't want to hear the rest of their dumb assumptions about me and my feelings for Tanin.

*Tanins POV*

    Merlin Draco is so weird. He ignores me one second, begs for my attention the next, then goes back to hating my guts. Honestly I just want him to make up his mind.

Once he left I started to do my hair. I wasn't a fan of my hair in many styles. It was long, straight, and thick. I made up my mind to just give it a light wave but to not too much. I've always liked the natural look. I never really wore makeup, nor did I ever really style my hair on a day to day basis.

For makeup I put a bit of concealer on to brighten up my face, a little bronzer to add color to my pale porcelain skin, added some mascara to make sure I looked awake, added highlighter to make me seem more glammed up, I also added some shimmer to the inner corners of my eyes to help my eyes sparkle. As a finishing touch I added lip gloss so my lips weren't dry.

I left the bathroom to get my dress. This probably wasn't wise of me, but I haven't seen it yet. Nor have I tried it on. I trusted Narcissa enough to not worry about it. I noticed the heels she gave me were red suede. I zip open the dress bag, and see a black dress encrusted with black sparkles over the whole thing. No wonder it was so heavy to carry. I slipped into it and headed to the mirror to examine myself. The dress fit my body like a glove. It was a bit of a bodycon style, but it became looser as it went past my hips, causing it to fall a bit with a train. It was a scoop neck with straps that accentuated my shoulders and collar bone. The cleavage wasn't too revealing, but it did make you notice my boobs. There was also a slit that went up my right leg up to my thigh. It showed off my long legs and my beautiful shoes.

I wasn't a fan of jewelry and accessories, but I added red diamond dangle earrings to help bring out the red in my shoes. The red in the earrings also made my blue eyes stand out, that was an added bonus. I walked back to the mirror for a once over making sure I looked decent. I looked myself up and down before thinking to myself 'I look like a bad bitch'. I was unrecognizable.

Then I realized I was late, and I walked quickly out the door for the Great Hall tring not to trip on my dress or fall because of the height of my heels.

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