Chapter 3: Dinner

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*Tanin's POV*

    It was weird waking up in Malfoy Manor. The nap I took after Narcissa left was much needed. I could tell it was later in the day by how low the sun was in the sky. I must've slept through lunch as well. I decided it was time to leave the room, I've yet to see Mr. Malfoy and Draco. I swung my legs off the bed when I felt a slight jab at my side. It was to the right of my boob, on the rib under my right arm. I sluggishly walked over to the full length mirror next to the bed. I was still in my pajamas, a tank top and shorts. I turned and lifted my arm to examine the area. I was not expecting to see a scar. It still looked fairly fresh. It was a jagged "x" with a circle wrapping around it touching the ends of each line. It was about the size of a galleon. Small, but still noticeable. It made me feel eerie as I lightly traced my fingers over it. Putting my arm down, I chose to ignore it and maybe bring it up when I see Narcissa again.

I went over and opened one of the black sleek dressers. I was able to find my clothes fairly easily considering the fact Narcissa unpacked for me. I grabbed a pair of black flowy shorts, and a simple grey v-neck. I lightly tucked the grey shirt into my shorts and sighed knowing this is probably the nicest outfit I brought, not including the dress. I wasn't much of a fashionista, but Mother always insisted on looking your best. I put on a pair of black crew socks as well because the marble floor was strikingly cold against my feet. I looked in the mirror once more, fiddling with my hair, trying to comb it out without having to find my brush. I soon got tired of dealing with my hair and just threw it into a loose ponytail, with some hairs falling, framing my face.

I opened the door that led to the hallway. There were so many rooms, and the hallway was dark. I didn't know where to go, until I heard small chatter coming from my left. I started to walk down the hallway curiously, hoping to find the Malfoy Family. Then after a few seconds a small house elf turned the corner and faced me. I recognized her right away. "Hi Mora, it's lovely to see you again" I said walking closer to her. She wasn't known to talk much, but she gave a large smile which said it all. "Tea Miss Jackson?" she asked, holding a small tea cup in her hand. I nodded with a smile and took it. "Mora, can you lead me to the Malfoy family please, I'm a bit lost" I asked. "Yes, they are soon to start eating dinner" she said walking past me leading to the right side of the hallway.

I was sipping my tea anxiously not knowing what to expect following Mora. I noticed she was humming as we walked, I forgot she used to do that a lot, especially when she was happy. We went down the grand staircase when I started to see familiar things, like the living area and the hallway to the parlor. We were entering the dining room when Mora turned to me and said "Miss Jackson, you are not ready to see how much he's changed". I gave her a confused look as I was taking a sip of my tea. Then before I could swallow my sip my eyes met with speckled blue and grey eyes. It was Draco.

He was taking a sip from his glass as well. He looked nothing like I remembered him. The only same features he had were his hair and his eyes. I was in so much shock I choked a bit on my sip of tea, causing Narcissa and Mr. Malfoy to quickly turn their heads to me. Yet, at the same time while I choked on my tea, so did Draco. I heard Mora behind me let out a small laugh. Narcissa gave me a smirk and she gestured for me to sit down across from her, next to Draco.

As I was walking Mr. Malfoy went back to reading the Daily Prophet, clearly uninterested in my being. I sat down placing my tea in front of me awkwardly shifting in my seat. "How are you doing Tanin?" Narcissa asked while giving Draco a death glare. He had his eyes focused on his cup, until he noticed his mother, then he slowly looked up at me again. "I'm feeling way better, thank you Narcissa. But I do have a slight concern" I answered thinking about the weird scar on my side. She gave me a look of confusion as I continued "I noticed I have an odd type of scar, It seems fairly new, but it has a shape to it." Narcissa looked at Mr. Malfoy who had put down his Daily Prophet. He looked back at Narcissa with the same concern she had. "I doubt it's anything to worry about, it was probably from one of the Snatchers" Mr. Malfoy said quickly, picking back up his Daily Prophet. "Snatchers? Was that the person who had attacked me at the Estate?" I asked, realizing it was Mr. Malfoy who had helped me. He gave a nod and said "Yes, but you have nothing to worry about Eltanin, now just try to forget about that experience" he said sternly, not taking his eyes off the paper. "But sir-" I started to say before Mr. Malfoy slightly raised his voice at me and said "Eltanin if you are to live in this house, you listen to me, when I say forget it, you forget it. Got it?" My voice hitched as I let out a quiet "Yes sir" before bringing my tea to my mouth. There was an awkward silence. Draco had looked back at his cup.

"It's been so long since we've seen you Tanin, tell us how've you been, how's Beauxbatons, I hear you're quite the celebrity there hm?" Narcissa asked, trying to break the tension. "Oh I wouldn't say celebrity, but Beauxbatons has taught me well," I said with a bit of a laugh before I continued "I actually don't go by Tanin much anymore, everyone just calls me Jackson, or something." Narcissa looked a bit surprised, but nodded her head and said "Well what would you like to be called, because eight year old Eltanin strictly wanted Tanin." Narcissa questioned. To be honest, I had no idea what I wanted to be called. 'Uh, well, Eltanin is perfectly fine, I've gotten used to it now". Narcissa smiled and started talking once again about how much I've changed over the past few years. "- and might I add, you are just beautiful Eltanin, wouldn't you agree Draco?" she said while giving Draco a stern, yet sweet look. Draco's eyes bolted up from looking at the table and stayed looking away from me when he said "Uh...yes I guess mother." Narcissa looked very disappointed with his answer.

Draco's voice had changed just as much as his appearance had. It was deeper and more soothing to listen to. I could feel myself blush a little from nerves. Why on earth would Narcissa ask that? Before the conversation could continue, food magically appeared on the table and Mr. Malfoy said "Alright everyone dig in". Everyone grabbed a little bit of everything. There was an array of vegetables and steak.

No one talked during dinner and when everyone finished Mr. Malfoy dismissed us. Everyone slowly got up and left the dining room. I didn't know what to do with myself. Do I stay with Narcissa, or Draco, or do I just go back to my room? Then I noticed I probably looked disgusting. "I think I'm going to go shower before it gets too late" I announced. Draco kept his gaze ahead and left upstairs for his room, while Narcissa gave me a simple okay and left for the living room along with Mr. Malfoy. I got back to my room and grabbed my pajamas and a pair of underwear before heading to the bathroom.

The bathroom was much bigger than expected. It seemed everything was made of marble. They had a giant shower, with a jacuzzi tub next to it. I decided just to shower instead of taking a bath in the jacuzzi. I undressed and got into the shower. The water was so warm gliding down my body. I didn't have my own shampoo or conditioner, but I saw Narcissa had bought some for me. After about ten minutes in the comfort of my shower, I got out. They had soft, fluffy towels on a heating rack to stay warm. I dried off fairly quickly and changed into my silk tank top and bottoms. My hair was slightly damp still so I wrapped it in a towel before going back to my bedroom.

I opened the door to see Draco standing there looking through the closet. I heard myself gasp a bit. So did he. "Oh sorry, I thought you would've taken longer in the shower. I just had to collect some things." Draco said, still not making eye contact with me. "Oh, it's okay" I said, making my way to my bed. I took my hair out of the towel wrap and draped the towel over the bed frame. Draco without saying another word left. He wasn't as talkative as he used to be, but I knew I wasn't either.

After visiting with Narcissa and Mr. Malfoy in the living room for a bit, they soon said they were on their way to bed. I also went to bed not wanting to just awkwardly sit there as they left. I layed in bed for what felt like hours being unable to sleep. I just wasn't comfortable. It's weird sleeping in a bed that's not yours. I missed the comfort of my home and my parents. I started feeling anxious about the idea that I will have to attend Hogwarts in just two weeks. I finally had enough of my inner thoughts when I got up out of bed, deciding to go on a walk to clear my mind. When I got to the living room, I recognized the platinum blond hair sitting in a chair next to the fireplace.

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