Chapter 41: Stuck at the Manor

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As I was writing this chapter, Helen McCrory passed away. If you aren't aware she played Narcissa Malfoy in the movies. I think her interpretation of Narcissa was well done, and whenever I read a fic, and as I am writing this one, I always picture Helen as Narcissa.

It hurts immensely knowing that she is gone, but I hope as I further write fics that involve Narcissa, I keep doing Narcissa, along with Helen, justice.

If you only know Helen from Harry Potter, I highly recommend you watch some of her other films/shows. She was a fantastic actress, and will truly be missed.

Currently in the middle of sobbing as I write this (lol) but I just thought this was something I should add in respect to Helen.*

*Tanin's POV*

    It all happened so fast.

I woke up from my nap to find Draco wasn't there next to me. He's never left me while I was sleeping. I shot out of bed in hopes of finding one of the boys, but the boys corridor almost seemed abandoned.

The whole slytherin dorms and common room seemed abandoned. When I noticed everyone missing, things started to click in my mind. Draco had been mentioning that he's practically done with the cabinet, and he and Harry had been meeting up more regularly. When I heard a scream, my suspicions were deemed true.

The death eaters were in the castle. Dumbledore may already be dead. That was the only thing we didn't mention to the golden trio. We never mentioned why we were letting the death eaters in. They wouldn't have helped us otherwise. Yes, it was cruel we did this, but it was mandatory.

I quickly ran back to mine and Draco's room noticing everything was already packed away for Mora to retrieve later. This was it.

I ran out the portrait hole, trying to make use of myself in the situation. Along the corridors I noticed small duels erupting around me. My main focus was to find Draco.

Without looking, I slammed into someone as we were both rounding the corner. I panicked, already sending a petrifying spell towards them. It was blocked quickly, but whoever it was didn't send a spell back.


"Nott!" I screamed moving towards him. He was doing the same.

"Eltanin! Shit, I've been looking for you, we need to go! Daphne, Zabini, Crabbe, Goyle, and Flint are already at the Manor" He shouted, already grabbing my hand, moving me.

I quickly stopped him "But what about Draco?"

He sighed, obviously irritated "He'll be joining us later, remember, he has a task to do right now. And it's not safe to keep you here. We need to go now!"

I reluctantly trailed behind Nott. He led us to the courtyard where there seemed to be no one, as everyone was inside. We were about to take the portkey when I saw it happen. The flash of green from the astronomy tower, then the body of Albus Dumbledore falling to the ground only a couple feet away from us. Before I could react, Nott had whisked us away.

*Draco's POV*
(i know, finally another POV)

    Tanin took forever to persuade to fall asleep. I finished the cabinet earlier this morning, and knowing there can't be a delay in my execution, went to find Potter as soon as I could.

When I returned from meeting with Weaselbee (I was not able to find Harry), I found Tanin pacing our room as she read a book. She hadn't noticed me yet, so I was able to openly stare at her.

She's just started showing a baby bump recently due to her now being almost five months. Her long black hair is almost to her waist now, but she doesn't intend on cutting it any time soon. I honestly don't mind it that much, the only time I do is when I wake up tangled in it because she refuses to tie it up when we sleep.

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