Chapter 14: The First Task

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*Tanins POV*

I woke up anxiously the next morning swinging my legs over the bed to start getting ready. I forgot Draco was there and I accidentally stepped on him. "Ow, for Salazar's sake Tanin!" he yelled as I got off of him. I couldn't help but laugh. He noticed my laughing and started laughing himself. He soon got up to leave so I could change.

It was weird not changing into my usual uniform. The champions uniform for me was black with hints slytherin green on it. It came with a body fitting tank top to put under the long robe uniform. It also had black leggings with it. On the back in white it spelled out 'Jackson'. The uniform clung to my body more that I would've liked it to. I was fighting a dragon for salazar's sake, not posing for a magazine. I grabbed my potion and cloak and hid it under the robe. I knocked on the door to the bathroom. Draco hollered that I can come in. He was brushing his teeth. I braided my hair on both sides, making it tight so my long hair won't get in the way. Draco and I met up with the rest in the common room before leaving for breakfast.

"Not eating today are we?" Draco asked as he went to grab his apple. "No, I'm far too nervous" I said, shaking my head. He gave me a reassuring pat on my shoulder before continuing an argument with Zabini. Owls started to come in to deliver mail. For the first time since I've been at Hogwarts, I received a letter. It had a pretty cursive "M" on it. I opened it to see it was from the Malfoys:

Dear Eltanin,

We wish you luck today in the tournament. Remember, be safe. Draco will continue keeping us up to date about how you're adjusting to Hogwarts. I'm aware you won't be able to go dress shopping, so I hope you don't mind if I send you a dress for the ball.

We were glad to hear you have made friends with Draco's friends. We also heard about your encounter with Mr. Montague. We expect that to be the last.

With love,

Narcissa x

"What'd she have to say?" Draco asked, trying to peer over my shoulder to look at the letter. "None of your business" I said sneering back at him jokingly. "Ugh you're such a tease Jackson '' he said, nudging my shoulder. "Jackson?" I asked. "When you're a tease, you don't deserve to be called Tanin" he replied with a smirk. I huffed angrily and sat away from him. He was right though, I am a tease. I can't help my flirty personality sometimes. It's kinda a joke for all the boys and me. The flirting is an ongoing joke between all of us. I especially love to do it to Draco when we're around Parkinson.

Harry and I left breakfast early to go to the Champions tent. We had some press to do and we had to "find out" what the task was. The majority of the time in the tent was waiting. I was too nervous to mingle with the other champions. I felt someone sit down next to me on the bed. I looked over to see Fleur. I smiled and she smiled back. We didn't say anything, but we both knew what we were saying. She grabbed my hand and held it. She knew I didn't want to do this, but having her go through this with me helped.

We were given our dragons and I received the Ukrainian Ironbelly, one of the worst dragons. It breathed fire and could fly. It's around sixty feet. How is this safe enough to compete against. It guards vaults at Gringotts. Merlin, I'm going to die today.

Cedric must've also known about the dragons. He walked over to me and gave me some pointers about the Ukrainian Ironbelly. His main pointer was to watch out for the tail. I thanked him as he waited for the cannon to sound. After it did, he stepped out. Before the curtain closed he looked back at me and winked, while I gave him a grateful smile. I've never really interacted with Cedric before this, but I wouldn't mind having to interact with him again.

All the champions before me were able to get their eggs. Viktor had minor injuries along with Cedric. I wish I could say the same for Fleur and Harry. Fleur's right side got toasted by fire. She was rushed quickly to the hospital wing once she got her egg. Same for Harry. I was last to go. I hated sitting quietly in the tent as I heard roars and bursts of fire on the outside. Soon enough Dumbldore looked at me and said it was my turn.

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