Chapter 21: The Yule Ball

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*Draco's POV*

    She's late. We all stood there waiting outside the Great Hall waiting for Tanin. I couldn't help but wonder if she was gonna be a no show from what I said to her earlier. No, no way she'd let my words affect her that much.

I was starting to get irritated with waiting. I would never admit it outloud but I'm very impatient. I could tell everyone was starting to get irritated too as other couples and groups started to head inside the ball to wait for the Champions to enter. I felt someone pull at my arm, I could tell from the grip it was Parkinson. I turn against the staircase to face her. She was wearing a mustard yellow dress, a very unattractive color for her complexion. The dress fit her fine, but I could name a list of girls it'd look better on. She was wearing heels she could barely walk in, and her hair was pulled into a curly bun. I could see she attempted to do her makeup, which I think was a fail. She was complaining about waiting for Tanin, and how she wanted to go see her friends. I was in the middle of dismissing her when I noticed Diggory.

He was standing there in anticipation. He seemed nervous. I watched him pace around running his hands through his hair. I wonder if his date had stood him up. Just when I thought that, a gasp went over everyone who stood outside the Great Hall. All the boys' mouths dropped and eyes widened. Even Parkinson stood there in awe.

"Zabini what is it?" I was quite annoyed that no one has said anything.

He kept his eyes looking past me as he took my shoulder and turned me around. That's when I saw what everyone was looking at. It was Tanin.

She stood there awkwardly. I just knew she was uncomfortable that everyone was looking at her, but I couldn't look away. She stood there with such elegance. Her dress accentuated every beautiful thing about her. Her hair fell perfectly over her shoulders. Her eyes darted around looking at everyone. She looked different. I almost didn't recognize her.

She saw the boys and gave them a small head nod before she looked at me. She looked hesitant to look at me with her deep blue eyes. I couldn't help but crack a small smile and she did the same before she looked past the group. I felt warmth while I was looking at her. I don't know what I was feeling, but I couldn't tell if I liked it or not. Pansy gripped on my arm trying to draw my attention to her, but I couldn't stop staring at Tanin.

Tanin carefully started to make her way down the stairs. She picked up her dress a bit to make sure she didn't trip. As she did that the slit in her dress lifted up a bit more, showing more leg. She was halfway down the stairs when I realized who her date was. He ran up to her and took her hand steadying her as she took the last few steps down the staircase. Of course her date was the 'charming' Cedric Diggory. I must've been an idiot not to realize.

"You" Cedric said looking taking in her appearance. I watched her cheeks blush as she let out a small giggle and a thank you. I saw her pardon herself from him and walk over to the group.

All the boys started to bombard her with compliments, they were all practically drooling over her, but I understood why. I just stood there and watched them all converse, then Zabini turned to me and caused Tanin to also turn to me.

"You look sharp, Draco" she said, raising an eyebrow as if she was surprised.

"Of course I do Tanin, don't act so surprised" I said adjusting the sleeves to my dress robe.

Our eyes lingered on each other for a second before McGonagall rushed over to Tanin pulling her away. She was scolding Tanin for being late and making the Ball wait for her.

Pansy grabbed my arm and pulled me inside the Ball with the other 'couples' following. I tried to get one last glance at Tanin before she stood next to the bloke, Diggory. She just looked magnificent tonight, yet she didn't change much.

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