Chapter 35: Back to Hogwarts

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*Tanins POV*

    Mrs. Bails said her goodbyes to me as she came to pick up Lily before Severus and I departed. I stood at the door impatiently waiting for Severus to finish eating his breakfast.

"Eltanin, you do realize you will not be taking the train? We will be apparating, therefore there is no need to wait by the door." He yelled from the kitchen.

When he finally emerged, fixing his robes I sprung to my feet and also straightened out my school uniform. It felt normal to be back into it, I hadn't been to school in over a year, so I wore casual clothes all the time, like normal jeans and a t-shirt.

"Thank you Severus again for taking care of me, I know I'm difficult but it really helped" I said pulling him into an awkward hug. He patted me on the head gently before pushing me away and grabbing my arm. He gave me a small nod and smile before apparting us to the front gates of Hogwarts.

It felt strange being back at Hogwarts. Within my first year here I had felt so much pain, a pain I continue to feel. I feel my breathing become more manual. Usually Snape would give me a Calming Draught, but one of my requirements of returning back to Hogwarts is that I can not take more than one dose of my Calming Draught during the day and I can only take my Dreamless Sleep at night. Snape glanced at me while my heaving breathing continued. He opened his bag and handed me a vial. I pocketed it. I wanted to wait till I absolutely needed it. Immediately after walking up the front gates my eyes are scanning for a group of boys, and one boy with platinum blonde hair. I needed to find them.

"Miss Jackson, they are probably already seated in the dining hall waiting for the sorting ceremony. No need to panic." He said rolling his eyes at me. I shot him a look and he shook his head continuing through the hall.

Opening the doors to the hall Snape made his way directly to the teachers table. I didn't realize we were last to arrive and that Dumbledore was waiting for Snape to arrive to begin the ceremony and feast. A hush rushed over the hall as eyes glanced at me. I heard small remarks about how people thought I was dead or had been admitted to St. Mungos due to going insane. I ignored them as I slowly, and quite awkwardly made my way to the Slytherin table. The boys weren't there. I sat on the end looking around anxiously trying to find at least one of them, but I didn't. My mind wandered throughout the whole ceremony and dinner. I was contemplating taking my Calming Draught now, but decided to continue to wait.

As everyone made their way to their dorms to settle in for the night, I stayed behind trying to avoid the crowd and their questions. After the few stragglers left, I got up and made my way to the courtyard, only to be stopped by Dumbledore. He gave me a smile and waved me over to the empty bench next to him.

"Is everything alright professor?" I asked, sitting down next to him.

"Oh yes, yes Eltanin. I just wanted to make sure you were doing ok. I noticed you sitting alone."

I felt myself embarrassed at the thought of Dumbledore pitying me for sitting alone on the first night back. "Oh yes sir, everything is fine" I said, giving my best fake smile. I knew he didn't buy it but he continued on.

"Due to you not being here last year, I am happy to tell you that you were chosen as a prefect. I hope you will accept this role this year." He said smiling at me.

"I would love to, who is the other prefect?" I asked nervously as if he'd say someone like Montague.

"Mr. Malfoy of course" He said standing up. "But I do suggest you find him and ask him about the role because he did it last year as well."

I nodded as he walked away muttering to himself with his hands behind his back. After collecting my thoughts I got up and continued walking to the courtyard.

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