Chapter 1: A Friend

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*Draco's POV*

"Draco," my mother said urgently bursting through the door. "Today is not the day to sleep in." I sat up in my bed as I watched my mum frantically grabbing one of my very nice suits from the closet. She barely picked up her eyes to look at me as she rummaged through my sock drawer trying to find a pair of matching black socks. "Mum what's all the fuss about, it's Saturday." I said while rubbing eyes and yawning. She finally stopped at the foot of my bed and laid all my clothes out.

"Draco, today is very important to your father, do you not remember what's happening today?" she looked at me puzzled. "It's not his birthday is it?" I asked genuinely. My mum scoffed and folded her arms as she said "Draco you are almost eight years old and you simply can't remember anything I tell you. Your father's best friend's family is coming to visit from France. Lucius hasn't seen Harris since mine and your father's wedding. This is a very big deal."

"Do I have to sit there while you all drink and have fun, or can I just excuse myself after saying 'Hello'" I asked slightly with puppy dog eyes. I hated when my parents had friends over. I always had to sit there and act engaged in their adult conversations. Father says it's best I learn how to act like an adult now, before I get sent off to Hogwarts in a few years.

As my mum started to sit down next to me she said "Well actually Draco, I do believe they have a young son that's your age. I could be wrong though, I've been a little distracted lately. But I expect you to at least try to bond with the other boy," I could see my mum look at my disappointed face. She sighed and continued " If after lunch you two still aren't friends, I will let you be excused." I perked up immediately and gave my mum a fast little hug. My mum turned around as she walked out of the room and said "They'll be here soon, I expect you to be at the door when they arrive."

I quickly got out of bed and changed into an white button up shirt, with classy black dress pants. My mum had also laid out a tie for me to wear, but I decided to not wear it. I walked across the room to my en suite bathroom, where I quickly brushed my teeth and combed my hair, making it super slick with gel. After I put on my shoes I left my room and headed downstairs.

When I reached the top of the grand staircase, there were three strong knocks at the door. My father rushed to the giant black door and opened it with much excitement. I don't think I've ever seen him this happy. I continued down the staircase as my father greeted our guest. I stayed a bit behind, not wanting to ruin the initial welcoming.

"Harris Jackson, how it's been too long!" my father exclaimed, pulling Mr. Jackson into a tight embrace. This took me by surprise, my father never hugged me. Ever. Following in after Mr. Jackson was Mrs. Jackson. She seemed very timid, reminding me of my own mother. "Hello May, lovely to see you again" my mother said as she pulled Mrs. Jackson into a quick hug. After all the adults said "Hello" to one another, Mr. Jackson layed eyes on me and said "Well look at that, that's a mini Lucius". This statement made my father laugh. I stepped forward, sticking out my hand and said "Draco, Pleasure to meet you Mr. and Mrs. Jackson." They each shook my hand, and in the corner of my eye I noticed my father looking quite proud.

"Oh lord, how could I forget," Mrs. Jackson says as she took a step to the side. "This Draco is our daughter Eltanin." I looked over to the side to see a girl with long black hair. She had a light fringe that just barely covered her eyes. She was wearing a flowy white dress, with a white headband. She looked up at me, and that's when I noticed her piercing dark blue eyes. I've never seen eyes like hers. They were so dark, and enchanting. She reached her hand out to mine and said "Hello Draco, call me 'Tanin.'" I awkwardly shook her hand.

"Now, Eltanin, Tanin is not your name," Mr. Jackson said, patting her on the shoulder. "Well I don't like Eltanin, and 'El' is an awful nickname, 'Tanin' will just have to do." she said moving away from her father. There was an awkward silence after Tanin's statement. "Well it's very nice to meet you Tanin," my mother said with her kind smile. "Why don't we go to the gardens, the weather is beautiful today." Everyone nodded in agreement. We started to walk towards the garden, I noticed how Tanin wondered a bit as she walked. She acted as if she was walking without a purpose. As we exited the doors, there was a rush of warm air that cuddled my body. Mother was right, it was a beautiful day. I turned to mother as the adults started to sit at our outdoor tables and asked "Mother, didn't you say Tanin was supposed to be a boy?" My mother sighed and whispered back "I'm sorry Draco, I couldn't remember, but I still expect you to make friends with this girl now." She shooed me away causing me to walk over where Tanin had wondered. She was admiring some of the daisies my mum had just recently grown.

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