Chapter 24: Diggory vs. Draco

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*Tanins POV*


    The door to Draco's room slams open revealing five teenage boys, all wearing a baffled looking face, with a small smirk. The commotion had woken me up from my deep sleep. I flutter my eyes open trying to figure out where I was.

"I told you guys they were together!" Zabini said, pointing at me. 'Us?' I thought to myself before realizing I was laying on top of Draco. Draco looked like he had also just woken up and was mirroring the shocked look. I try to get off but fumble cause Draco still hasn't released his grip from me.

"Draco, let go of me!" I yell trying to squirm. "S-Sorry" were the only words he was able to mumble as I fell off of him onto the floor still tangled in the sheets. I heard all the boys snickering as I struggled to stand up. I lifted my arms to grab my head which has started to develop a thumping headache. I watch all the boys widen their eyes at me. What on earth are they looking at?

"Tanin.." Draco said pointing downwards towards my legs. I was in my underwear. My cheeky pair of underwear. I quickly drop my arms so the shirt, I'd assume is Draco's, covers me again.

"BLOODY HELL DRACO, WHERE ARE MY CLOTHES? AND WHY WERE YOU AND I IN BED TOGETHER?!" I scream winding up my arm to throw a punch. I felt Zabini grab me to hold me back before I hit Draco.

"This was all your doing Tanin, I promise, I was trying to sleep on the lounger, but you insisted I sleep with you cause you couldn't sleep. Then you cuddled up against me. You were so drunk I couldn't snap you out of it." Draco said scooting away from me on his bed.

I calmed down a bit, surely nothing happened between us, cause if something did, Draco would be really awkward right now. I felt Zabini loosen his grip as he and the other four were chuckling like this was the funniest thing they've ever seen. I gave them all a death glare.

"Could you gits be bigger pervs?" I say grabbing one of the sheets to cover me.

"We didn't mean to interrupt, trust me Jackson'' Zabini said, placing a hand on my shoulder. I quickly grabbed it and twisted his arm causing a squeal to come out of him.

"Nothing was happening Zabini, now drop it" I said, my stern face close to his. He gave me a fast nod which let me let go of him.

"You can't blame us for assuming that though Eltanin, I mean you were on top of him, he had his arms around you, you're not wearing pants, he's in his boxers..." Nott said being cautious with his word phrasing.

"Well it doesn't matter what it looks like because nothing happened." Draco said sitting up in the bed grabbing a couple sheets to straighten out.

"I guess I can only hope to be stuck with a drunk Jackson next," Zabini said, nudging my waist. That earned him a good slap to the arm that he knew was well deserved.

"Anyways, you two hurry up. I thought we were going to Hogsmeade today before the next task takes over Jakcson's life like last time." Zabini continued as he made his way back to the others.

"We're gonna leave now, but don't expect us not to barge in if we hear you two snogging." Flint said as he slowly brought himself to the door. I gave him a glare while Draco threw a forceful pillow towards him. They all left laughing.

Once the door was closed for a few seconds Draco and I finally looked at eachother.

"Was that really what happened, Draco?" I ask softly hoping one of the boys wasn't still listening through the door.

"Yes, Tanin. I promise...even though I did leave out the part of you feeling me up." He said with his signature smirk.

I feel my mouth drop open. Oh no.

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