Chapter 18: Surprise

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*Tanins POV*

    "Where are you taking me Cedric?" I said giggling as he pulled me through the hallways.

"Almost there, don't worry" He said, still holding onto my hand. We stop at the fifth floor prefect bathroom.

"What are we doing here?" I asked about reading the 'Prefect Restroom' sign.

"I think I've made a discovery about the eggs, and I wanted to show you" he said pulling me through the door after whispering the password. Sadly I didn't catch it.

As we entered, I looked around at the bathroom. It looked fairly normal to me, till I noticed the giant bathtub. Cedric started taking off his shirt, and was about to take off his pants when I yelled "Cedric what in Merlin's name are you doing?!"

"Trust me Eltanin, please, just get undressed or be wet in your school clothes." he said, continuing to take off his pants. He was wearing Hufflepuff colored boxers which made me laugh.

"Hey, stop laughing, don't tell anyone please" he said with a smirk as he got into the bathtub with the egg. He sat there looking at me waiting. I awkwardly started to take my skirt off, as well as my socks. I was contemplating taking my shirt off because of my scar. I also had more scars now from the Dragon. I decided against it.

"I'll just keep my shirt on" I said stepping into the warm water.

"Suit yourself, but your shirt is white so I don't know what you're really hiding" he said playfully. I wasn't uncomfortable near Cedric, the scenario is just odd. Luckily I was wearing my underwear that fit like a swimsuit, I wouldn't want Cedric seeing more than he truly needed to.

He laughed as I settled next to him. He took my hand and moved me farther from the edge. My body is fully submerged in the water now.
"Okay one the count of three, take a deep breath and go underwater with me." he said staring seriously. I nodded with a bit of confusion.

"Trust me Tanin" He said, grabbing my hand. He just called me Tanin. Only Draco calls me Tanin. Before I was able to correct him about my name he said "three" and we went under.

He opened the egg as it began to sing:

Come seek us where our voices sound,
We cannot sing above the ground,
And while you're searching, ponder this:
We've taken what you'll sorely miss,
An hour long you'll have to look,
And to recover what we took.
But past an hour - the prospect's black
Too late, it's gone, it won't come back

We burst out of the water closing the egg. We looked at each other with amazement. Cedric grabbed me into a spinning hug in the water as he shouted "We did it! We figured out the clue!"

"Technically it was all you Cedric" I said giggling as he let go of me. "But how'd you do it Cedric, there were no hints to figure it out?" I asked hoping he'd tell me.

"I don't know how I knew to put it in water, genuinely. I just sensed it I guess" he said obviously lying. I gave him a light slap on the chest.

"Cedric, I'm serious" I said, crossing my arms with a smile.

He smirked and said "I'll tell you if you go to the ball with me"

I felt my mouth drop open.I thought about the boys and what they'd think. Who cares though, it's not like I know anyone else who would take me.

"I'd love to Cedric" I said, flashing my teeth. He returned the favor. He then started to explain to me how he figured it out. It was a long process, but he did it.

"I better be getting back Cedric" I said slowly standing up, forgetting I was sorta naked. He looked at my red flushed cheeks and laughed.

He then stood up in his boxer and made me feel less embarrassed. "I'll take you back" he said, starting to dry off with a towel.

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