Chapter 36: Holiday's at the Manor PT. 1

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*Draco's POV*

    Mora dragged us up the steps into the Manor. She's acting suspiciously. Her head keeps looking around, as if she's expecting danger.

"Mistress says you must stay in the piano room till later tonight" Mora says, pulling us into the forgotten piano room. I spent most of my time in this room as a child for lessons, but the main reason I was always here was Tanin. We spent many hours in this room waiting for our parents. I used to have fond memories of my time with Tanin in this room, it was till I found out the reason we were always placed here that I soon lost interest in those memories.

"Mora what's going on?" Tanin asked, standing rigidly near the door.

Mora's eyes darted to me and she gave me a knowing look. I nodded my head in understanding while she looked back at Tanin. "I mustn't say, but please stay quiet" She pleaded then with a pop, she was gone.

I could see Tanin angrily using her brain, trying to figure things out. I was almost tempted to ask her what she was thinking about for my own amusement, but decided against speaking to her. I went to sit down in one of the plush leather chairs near the window. Snow was lightly falling, but it was barely sticking to anything outside.

"You know what's going on, so why don't you tell me?" Tanin said crossing her arms and sitting down in the chair across from me.

Keeping my gaze outside I answered "I can't say Jackson"

I could feel her eyes continuing to stare me down "Jackson?" her voice squeaked. She didn't sound angry anymore, now she sounded hurt. I didn't respond. She needed to hate me. In my peripherals Tanin got up and moved to the other side of the room and sat on the floor next to the door. We stayed like this till the door swung open revealing my deshulved parents.

Father looked worn out, dark circles enveloped his eyes and his face was pale and malnourished. Mother carried the same pale, blank look, but seemed to hold herself together better than father.

"Good evening," My mother said, eyeing the separation between the two of us. Tanin sprung to her feet and gave her a hug which my mother eagerly returned. When did they become close?  I stayed staring at them from my seat as Tanin shook father's hand.

Mum looked at me waiting for me to do something. I stood and nodded my head at her as I made my way to father. "Father." I said sticking my hand out. He took my hand and shook it "Draco."

Soon silence had filled the room, till mum cleared her throat and said "Well, better get you two unpacked in your rooms"

We followed her to my room. I didn't know whether I was staying in my room or Tanin was. We both awkwardly stood there waiting for my mother's instructions.

"Well Tanin, I thought you'd like Draco's room again-" Mother started saying before Tanin quickly interrupted.

"Thank you Narcissa, but I think it's time I maybe get my own room" Tanin said with a small smile. I could tell it was fake, but I knew mother couldn't.

"Oh, ok, well then, Draco start unpacking then go to the dinning room for dinner in twenty minutes while I show Tanin her new room." Mother said moving to the room next to mine.

It had only been a couple months since I've been in my room, but honestly I didn't want to be back, because I know that the worst is yet to come.

*Tanins POV*

    "Now may I ask what's going on with you and Draco, or is that private?" Narcissa said as I finished unpacking my last trunk.

How was I supposed to answer a question I didn't know the answer to. I sighed and sat down on the bed next to her. This room was around the same size as Draco's room, but instead of green being the main color, it was a grey-ish white, with small hints of the slytherin green. It was a lavishing room. It also had the same lounge area like Draco's room. Luckily here I had my own bathroom and didn't have to worry about sharing or walking down the hallway.

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