Chapter 8: Classes

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*Draco's POV*

    I get ready quite quickly in the mornings. I decided to wear a white button up with my black dress pants. I walked into the bathroom expecting to see Tanin there already getting ready. Yet the bathroom was empty. I gave a knock to the door that led to her room. I waited a bit, but didn't get a response. I slowly opened the door to peak in. Tanin was still peacefully asleep, wrapped in her blankets. I walked over to her and lightly nudged her shoulder. She groaned and turned to me. As she opened her eyes she let out a gasp and covered herself with her blanket as she sat up quickly.

"Draco what are you doing here?" she said angrily. "You slept in, I doubt you take five minutes to get ready" I answered hoping she'd realize I wasn't a creep. "I must've forgotten to set my alarm, sorry" she said slowly removing her blankets and getting out of bed. "Do you still need the bathroom?" she asked me. "Yeah, but I just need to fix my hair a bit and brush my teeth." I said while walking to the bathroom. "Do I not have time to shower?" she questioned with a sigh. "Not unless you want to be late, but if you aren't showering we can both use the bathroom at the same time." I suggested. She gave me a nod and went to her dresser and said "I'll be there in a second let me change." She almost looked embarrassed as I left the room. I've seen her in her pajamas for weeks now, I don't know why'd she'd be embarrassed.

Tanin soon entered the bathroom wearing a jumper and a black pleated skirt with thigh high black socks. I was in the middle of brushing my teeth, but I could see she noticed me suddenly look back to the mirror after looking at her. "Is something wrong Draco?" she asked with a bit of attitude. I spat out the rest of my toothpaste and rinsed my mouth out before I answered "No, everythings fine." She gave me a suspicious look as she started to brush her long black hair. Everything was not fine though. I just know the boys are gonna be all over her with that outfit. I know she isn't doing it purposefully, but that outfit complimented her body very well. I stood there combing my hands through my hair as I said "I'll wait for you in the common room." "Oh I'll just go with you now, I'm already done." I was shocked, aren't girls supposed to take forever to get ready. "Don't you have to do makeup or something?" I asked genuinely. I could tell my statement offended her "No actually, I don't wear makeup." she said crossing her arms. I was walking back to my dorm with my hands in the air surrendering.

I grabbed my robe while she went to her room to grab hers. We both exited our separate rooms not wanting to leave the same one at the time leaving a bad impression. We had a light conversation on the way to the dining hall. When we entered we were on our way to the slytherin table when Tanin squealed. I watched her run into the embrace of a bunch of Beauxbatons girls. I slowly sat down as I watched them all interact. It only lasted a few minutes before Tanin came back and sat down next to me.

Zabini looked over at me and huffed before saying "How long have you two lived together, cause it seems you both developed the same habits." I furrowed my eyebrows not understanding his statement when I looked over to Tanin. We both had our apples in our right hands and we were both stirring our tea with our left. I chose to ignore Zabini with a laugh and a shake with my head.

After we got our time tables we went to our first class. I was assigned to sit next to Tanin in every class. I could tell she was smart, but was slightly behind.

We were sitting in potions, the last class of the day. Snape burst through the door, causing everyone to silence themselves. He went to the front glaring at every single student till he met eyes with Tanin. "You must be the new student" he said slowly. I could sense Tanin tense up. "Please come to the front and introduce yourself" he said motioning to the spot next to him. Tanin slowly got up and made her way to the front. Despite me noticing her tense up, she looked pretty unbothered as she stood next to Snape. "I'm Eltanin Jackson and I'm a transfer from Beauxbatons." she said. "Welcome to Hogwarts Miss Jackson, I hope you make the right decisions on who to be...friends with" Snape said, obviously glaring at me.

Potions was boring as usual. Snape said we'll actually make a potion next class. The boys and I met up outside the door to potions. We would usually be on our way to quidditch practice, but because of the Triwizard tournament, we aren't playing quidditch this year. We still decided we'll go play though after school to keep ourselves fit. "Why are we still standing here, let's go to the pitch" Nott said. "We're waiting for Jackson I think." Zabini answered glaring at me. Soon Tanin walked out and seemed surprised to see everyone waiting there.

"What's going on?" she questioned suspiciously. "We're going to the pitch to play quidditch, you coming?" I asked. I could see her relax a little bit as she said sure. "Wait, you play quidditch?" Zabini asked her. Before she could answer herself I said "You'll just have to see Zabini"

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