Chapter 17: No Choice

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*Tanins POV*

    I still hung out with the boys during school, but ever since the awkward talk about the dates to the Yule ball, I stopped hanging out with them after school. I'd usually go to the library to make sure I don't fall behind in school, or to research things to help with the tournament.

I was about to part ways with the boys after potions when I saw Cedric walking up to us.

"Eltanin, hey!" he said, running his hands through his honey brown hair. I never really got a look at him before. He was tall and lean, but had obvious muscle. His smile went on for what seemed like miles. He had a fun little laugh too if you had the pleasure of hearing it. Everything about him was sweet, no wonder he was a Hufflepuff.

"Hi Cedric!" I said, stopping expecting the boys to just continue walking like usual, but instead this time they stood with me. It seemed as if they were threatened by Cedrics presence. 'God they're so annoying' I thought to myself.
"I was wondering if you wanted to come take a walk with me? I think they're some things you'd like to discuss" Cedric said looking me in the eyes. Cedric definitely wasn't intimidated by the boys standing there listening in.

"Oh sure" I said. I felt my face blushing a little bit. I went to step away from the group when I felt the identifiable cold hands grab my shoulders. I spin around angrily locking eyes with Draco.

"Don't go with him" he said.

"So you don't talk to me for weeks and now think you have authority over me?" I questioned releasing his hands off my shoulders.

"Tanin you don't know what he wants" He said flashing dirty looks at Cedric.

"I don't know if you forgot Draco, but I'm a Triwizard champion, along with Cedric, so we have actual things to discuss, now let it go" I sneered stepping away from a fuming Draco.

"Malfoy, no need to worry about your little girlfriend, she'll be okay" Cedric said stepping forward placing his hand on my shoulder, causing Draco to let out a loud grunt.

"Actually Cedric" I say turning to him "He's not my boyfriend, so I don't know why he's even acting like this"

With that Cedric and I left. He was leading me somewhere by my hand. I hadn't realized it but Draco was being held back by Zabini and Flint.

*Draco's POV*

    That git. He knew what he was doing. So did Tanin. I know Tanins mad at me, but now she's being excessive.

We all went back to the common room after watching Tanin leave with Diggory. I didn't mean to but I flipped a table, my blood was boiling. The boys tried to calm me down. I don't understand how they're so calm. We just let our friend,  our innocent little friend go off with a seventeen year old boy she barely knows. I just wanted to scream. I wanted to find where they were and make sure she was safe. I wanted to punch Diggory's dumb face. I just needed Tanin near me. She is too far away right now, with Diggory.

She tells us she goes to the library now instead of hanging out with us. I know she does actually go to the library, but does she even need to. She's avoiding us. She's avoiding me. I hate it. But also I can't do anything about it, I did this to myself. I'm to blame for her hatred towards me. I hate not having control, but now the one thing I need to control I truly can't. Tanin is someone I can't control. My whole life she's never listened to me.

I damaged a bit more school property before I cooled down a little. I felt arms start rubbing my shoulders. I shrugged them off thinking it was Zabini trying to be funny.

"Drakie, why so tense?" I heard. No. Not Parkinson.

"What's wrong?" she said rubbing her hands down my chest from behind the couch. I could feel her breath on my neck. She knew what she was doing.

I could see the other guys eyeing me, wondering about what I was gonna do. The only time I did stuff with Parkinson was when I was desperate. I know, sickening. I hate myself for using her. But she made herself an easy target to someone in distress. I could feel her breath getting closer and closer to my ear before she whispered "Meet in your room?"

I hate Parkinson, I'm done using her. Then she started tempting me more, continuing to rub her hands down my body. She's disgusting. I mean, Cedric is probably already snogging Tanin right now. I need to be honest with myself. I need to get my frustrations out, and Parkinson can do that. I gave a slow nod, my face blank with no expression. As I got up to follow Parkinson, I saw Zabini shaking his head. 'Don't do this to Tanin, Malfoy' he whispered to where only I could hear. I didn't have a choice anymore. I'm in too deep. Zabini knew that too. I think it hurt all of us what I was doing. We all knew I was hurting, but we also knew this was soon going to be hurting Tanin.

I opened the door and Parkinson ran in jumping onto the day lounge I had. She knew not to touch my bed. I've never brought a girl to my bed. My bed is a sacred place for me to get away from bad decisions like Parkinson. I close the door and set a silencing spell on the room.

I've never hated myself more than right now. 'I'm so sorry Tanin' I said, turning back around to Parkinson. 'So, so sorry. Merlin forgive me, please'

Here I stand in front of Parkinson, once again, with no choice. I just wanted it to be over.

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