Chapter 33: Safe House

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*Draco's POV*

    I didn't think they'd actually send her away. I know it's for the better but it still hurts. I still can't wrap my head around our last interaction, we had almost kissed. I couldn't help myself. The innocent look in her eyes, the smell of her lavender perfume with a hint of vanilla wafting under my nose, I couldn't help but lean in. Luckily she leaned in too, hopefully feeling the same rush. Of course Snape had to interrupt us. I won't ever forgive him for that.

After Tanin left with Snape, mother decided I should go home early as well. I didn't argue, I wouldn't mind leaving Hogwarts getting away from where I've seen Tanin almost die a countless amount of times. Yet also I didn't want to leave, I had great memories at Hogwarts with Tanin like the night of the Yule Ball, or me reading to her in her sleep. But home is the best option for me right now.

I got home expecting father to greet us, but I was soon informed he was away on a work trip. Mother and I didn't talk much, I headed straight for my room. I felt a pain in my heart as I walked past the room I stayed in while Tanin slept in mine. It hurt knowing she wasn't going to be in my room or even in the house, and she won't be for a long time. My first day home I spent the whole day in my room and often found myself wondering about Tanin.

*Tanins POV*

    Stumbling out of Snape's grip I found the nearest bush to vomit into. I doubt it was safe for my health to apparate. Once I finished heaving into a bush I looked over at Snape. He looked down at me with a small curve to his lip. Merlin this is going to be a living nightmare.

I looked around at my surroundings. There were many townhomes, all sitting properly next to each other, besides the one I stood in front of. It was at the end of the cul de sac, secluded from every other house. It had a small gate which opened to a path that led you past a small yard and a small garden, up to the front door.

"Well then, hurry up Miss Jackson" Snape said lightly nudging me forward to the gate. I would've never guessed Snape lived in such a nice house, I know he's not married and doesn't have any kids, so why does he have such a family home? He also never seemed like the type to wish to maintain such a garden, but I guess everyone has their own life outside of Hogwarts.

When Snape finally unlocked the front door, I followed him inside. Right away the smell of books hits my nose as we enter the living and entry. I kick off my trainers and push them to the side while removing my light coat. The living room was surrounded by books. There was a small couch and a very lived in chair in the corner. I'd assume that was Snape's favorite spot considering how used the chair looked and the many books stacked around the chair. On the opposite corner there was a small desk and workplace. The coffee table in the middle of the room also consisted of small stacks of books. I would have expected the room to be dark and eerie, but I found it quite pleasant, especially with the late afternoon sun coming in from the window.

I looked over to my right to find Snape waiting at the bottom of the stairs. "Follow me" He said before loudly stomping up the stairs. As I followed him up, there was a small landing that led to two doors. He opened the door facing the side of the stairs to reveal a bedroom. There was a bed shoved into the corner on the right side, with a dresser at the end of it. My trunks were already in the room. There was also a small desk in front of the window, next to my bed, with my owl Bonnie's cage sitting there. On the left side of the room there was an open closet and door already open to a small bathroom with a shower. Snape gestured for me to enter.

Stepping in I looked at the bed, it was simple and white, with a slytherin green quilt folded neatly at the end. The walls were a light grey. It seemed very to my liking.

"My room is next door. I'm always in bed by ten, so I will expect you to be, and if you aren't I will hear you aren't so please stay in bed if that's the case. I wake up at six, I don't expect you to wake up then as well, but I do expect you out of your room by nine. Unpack your things and meet me in the kitchen at seven to discuss your new living arrangements. I have to leave and return to Hogwarts till that time. Please make yourself comfortable but I urge you not to touch anything that isn't yours. See you at seven" Snape said turning to close the door, not even waiting for a response. I waited to hear the front door shut before starting to unpack.

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