Chapter 19: Progress

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*Tanins POV*

     Once I turned the corner I felt the anger I was holding in make my face bright red. I rushed to the bathroom and changed quickly and ran to the courtyard where I promised I'd meet Cedric.

"I'm so sorry I'm late, I had a bit of a hold up at lunch" I said giving Cedric a welcoming hug in which he returned.

"Yeah, what's with those gits carrying you around in your pajamas?" He asked with a chuckle.

"Oh you saw that? They were just trying to make me forgive them" I said moving to the bench next to him.

"Are you okay? You look a bit flustered" Cedric asked, placing his hand on my shoulder. His touch calmed a little, but I didn't realize how upset I was by the conversation at lunch.

"Yeah, I'm fine just pissed off at the boys" I replied, trying to make a convincing smile.

He looked at me like I was a stray puppy. I could tell he was gonna ask what they did to make me upset, but he didn't. He started to talk about the next task and the clue we discovered. We then talked about different ideas for how we could breathe underwater. We walked to the library to grab some books before he invited me to the Hufflepuff common room to study.

I've never been to another house's common room before. Let alone to go with a boy to their common room. I didn't know how I felt about Cedric. He was cute and friendly. He also made me laugh. I just don't think I like him in that way. He is also a few years older than me, which can be intimidating.

When we entered the common room, I gasped. It was beautiful. Herbs are everywhere and the many windows had sun shining through them. There was a kitchenette to the side along with multiple tables and chairs. The lounge area had one large couch and a few giant loveseats. It reminded me of a humble grandmother's house. Everything felt like love, and you felt welcomed right away.

Cedric plopped down on the large couch and opened the textbook. He then slapped the seat next to him offering me to sit down. It felt like I sat onto a marshmallow. The hufflepuff common room was definitely a lot more peaceful than the slytherin.

We decided to skip our third periods because we were so close to coming up with a solution to the second task. Cedric wanted to do the Bubble-Head Charm while I was leaning more to eating a Gillyweed, till I heard how painful it could be. Cedric offered to walk me to my next class but I said I'll be fine.

I walk into my potions class when I'm practically pulled back into the hallway. I knew from the cold hands it was Draco.

"Where the hell were you?" he spat. His eyes were full of anger as he was breathing heavily. I'm tired of arguing with him about everything. I don't like seeing him this angry, especially when I know I caused it.

"I got distracted in the library so I chose to skip" I answered, yanking my arm from his grip.

He stared at me like he didn't believe me. He looked down as he ran his hands through his platinum blonde hair. "Don't ever do that again Tanin" he said moving closer to me "I was scared something happened to you" He looked concerned, his voice had softened a bit before he continued "It's my job to protect you, and it seems all you want is for me not to be able to do that"

For some reason I was starting to feel guilty. I didn't want to but I did. So what if he's snogging Pansy? He obviously still feels the same about me, so I just need to stop being so upset about it.

"Fine, I'll tell you next time" I said in a monotone voice. He smirked and gave me a thank you. I think we both needed this awkward moment to move past what happened earlier today. The comfortable silence between us was quickly interrupted when Snape barged between us and asked why we haven't entered his class yet. We shamefully followed him in when Draco gave me a nudge letting me know we're ok.

It was the morning of the Yule Ball. The hall was decorated with christmas decorations. It was still awkward between Draco and I. We haven't had our late night talks in a very long time. Sadly, that did take a large toll on my sleep.

"So how are we doing tonight?" Zabini asked, munching on his cereal.

"What do you mean, aren't we all getting ready in the dorms?" Crabbe asked.

I didn't think about the getting ready part of the dance. Narcissa had already sent me a dress and shoes. I know a lot of girls are going to the Greengrass's room to get ready together, but I'm not really friends with them. I guess I'll have to get ready alone.

"Well what about Eltanin?" Nott said, nodding his head towards me.

"I can just meet you guys in front of the Great Hall, that's where I'm meeting my date anyways." I said trying not to sound hurt by me realizing how lonely I'll be getting ready by myself.

"Oh ok, are you getting ready with anyone?" Crabbe asked with concern. It seemed like he already knew my answer to his question. I truly only hung out with these boys, and when I didn't, I hung out with Cedric, another boy. I've yet to get along with any girls.

"No, but I'll be okay" I gave Crabbe a smile.

"So it's settled" Zabini said, clapping his hands together, startling Draco who was lost in thought. "We'll all wait for you in front of the Great hall"

It had just clicked in my mind, that they'll be there when I meet up with Cedric. Merlin, I hope that ends well.

I gave a smile and continued to eat my breakfast, starting to feel nervous about tonight.

I loved the winter, it made me feel angelic when I walked through the snow around the castle. I convinced the boys to come with me to the Black Lake just to sit around and talk. I casted a heating charm around all of us causing the snow to melt where we all wanted to sit. I layed down blankets I had brought for everyone. We were all talking about the Ball. Zabini finally asked Daphne to the dance, and Nott asked Susan Bones from Hufflepuff. He was desperate and she was nice. Goyle is going with Astoria, which everyone is confused about cause they've only ever talked that once at the dance practice.

"So Jackson, are you ready for the champions dance?" Zabini asked. Merlin, I had forgotten about that.

"Not at all" I confessed. "I didn't get much practice either, if you recall" I said with a smirk remembering beating up Montague.

"Well then" Zabini said standing up and reaching his hand out to me "I guess we should practice now" I gave him a smile and took his hand. He pulled me from off the ground into his arms.

We started dancing around in the snow, I couldn't help but laugh at how ridiculous we look. Zabini was humming a fake toon too making it even more amusing. I watched Zabini's eyes look back over to the group. We slowly led us that way as we danced. He was putting me into a slow turn when his free hand reached down and pulled up Nott, then trading my hand to his.

"I think everyone will need a bit of practice," Zabini said, walking away from me and Nott. We started dancing again. Nott struggled a bit at first, but got the hang of it quickly. Soon Nott switched out with Flint. Flint was awful at dancing. We all burst into laughter as Flint practically almost fell backwards as I turned. Then from Flint I went to Crabbe, and then from Crabbe I went to Goyle. I guess this made up for not dancing with them at the practice. I watched Zabini walk over to Draco and attempting to pick him up off the ground. Draco was the last person I had to dance with.

"I'm not dancing," he said, pulling away from Zabini. Goyle and I slowly stopped waltzing. Everyone's laughter died away. "I don't dance," he said.

We all awkwardly sat back down. I felt a bit upset that Draco didn't want to dance with me. But I guess he doesn't seem like the type who likes dancing. We made our way back to the castle and went to our separate rooms.

"See you later my lady" Zabini said with a dumb bow before leaving.

"Remember what I look like now, cause I doubt I'll look like this when I'm done" I said dramatically causing all the boys to chuckle.

I went into my empty room and sat on my bed before I started getting ready. I could hear the girls all giggling next door. That didn't help the sense of loneliness I was feeling. Soon I shook off my sadness and started getting ready.

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