Chapter 13: Preparation

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*Draco's POV*

A I started to wake up, I felt hairs tickling at my face. I opened my eyes to see Tanin laying down in front of me with my hand draped over her waist. Merlin what am I doing here. Not that I didn't enjoy the comfort of her in front of me, but how are we gonna get past this. I know I don't like her, I just care for her, it's my job.

She must've sensed me awake as she started to stir. She looked at my hand over her waist and screamed. She moved away so suddenly she fell off the bed. "Draco-" she started, but before she could continue before I interrupted, "I don't know how we got here either, but my watch says we missed our classes. Hurry up and get changed before we miss dinner. Let's forget about this"

She gave me an okay as I left the room. I changed out of yesterday's clothes. How would I explain this to the boys? Both Tanin and I missed all our classes, yeah that's totally not suspicious. I was about to enter the bathroom until I thought I heard the sound of the shower running. I would've probably continued in, not caring since she didn't notify me of her showering, but it was already awkward and I didn't want to make it worse for once.

A bit later I heard the sound of her gentil knocking on my door. I answered for her to come in. "Ready?" she asks, still not making eye contact with me. "Yeah, let's go"

I felt eyes on us as we entered the dining hall. The golden trio was just ahead of us, exiting the hall. I was planning on ignoring them till Harry stepped out in front of us.

"We need to talk" he said, roughly grabbing Tanin away from me. "Must you be so eager Potter," she snaps back. "I'm trying to get to dinner can't this wait?" she asked, removing her hand from his grip. "I did wait, I waited all day actually. Where were you Tanin, care to share?" Potter said eyeing the two of us.

"Watch it Potter" I said, moving closer to him. Something about his presence just really pissed me off. "Will you boys stop it, Harry has something important to tell Eltanin." Granger says stepping forward. "Oh shut it mudblood" I said hoping that will upset them enough to leave. Tanin turned to me with horror in her eyes. "Draco, don't call her that," she said, stepping away from me. I guess Tanin was one of the purebloods that have respect for muggles. "Just go to the table, I'll be there in a minute." She looked angry at me. Note to self: Don't say mudblood, especially around Tanin.

*Tanins POV*

"We're fighting dragons!" I screamed while still whispering. Harry said that Hagrid showed him the dragons we were going to have to fight. I've never fought any animal before. God, I hate being a Triwizard champion. There was only a week till the first challenge and I have no time to prepare. He told me he was planning on summoning a broom. That is a good idea, but I don't have my own broom. As I walked back to the table I was trying to think of different ways I could get past the dragon. Then it hit me, invisibility. There were no spells on how to go invisible, but there is a disillusion spell. That would take weeks to master though. I almost gave up on that thought till I remembered hearing that Potter has an invisibility cloak. Maybe he'd let me use it. I'll owl him later about it.

"So, what did the Gryffindorks want?" Draco said as I slid into the seat next to him. "Nothing important, just talking about the first challenge" I answered hoping he'll drop the conversation, which he did.

"Hey, let's not ignore the fact Jackson literally beat up Montague yesterday and is now repping a badass black eye. I think she deserves a toast" Zabini said, raising his glass. Everyone on our end of the table joined him. I could feel myself blush from embarrassment. I looked at the other end of the table to see Parkinson and her posse giving me dirty looks, but I just shrugged them off. I looked around the table to see Montague was missing dinner. 'Good' I thought to myself. "Here's to the bravest, strongest, wittiest, and most gorgeous slytherin there is, Miss Eltanin Jackson" Zabini said. I rolled my eyes at everyone as they cheered and drank from their cups. The boys were all patting me on the back and telling me how cool it was that I beat up Montague.

"But let's also not ignore the fact, you two were missing today" Flint said, waving his finger between Draco and I. "I was away in my room resting and Tanin was in the hospital wing. Get your head out of the rubbish Flint." Draco said fairly sternly. He must've been really embarrassed about what happened.

Harry agreed to letting me use his invisibility cloak, if I helped him with his spells. I did exceptionally well in charms class, so I didn't mind helping him actually. I spent the week leading up to the first challenge studying and practicing spells. Even though I would be invisible, the dragon's will still be able to smell and hear me. I've been brewing a potion that locked away my smell for ten minutes and I've been working on my protection and silencing spells. I could tell the boys were annoyed with me for helping Potter and spending so much time with him, but they understood it was only for the tournament.

It was the evening before the first challenge. The boys and I were all spread out around the slytherin tree in the courtyard. It was peaceful and comforting. The boys were really my only friends, and I never saw them anymore because of my studying. Nott was going around taking pictures of everyone. He's been doing that a lot lately. Nott wants to work for the Daily Prophet when he's older. I didn't mind Nott's picture taking, but the others did.

"Will you stop with that thing Nott" Goyle snapped. "Trust me Goyle, you'll thank me in a few years when you're able to look back at all of us and think about all the great times we've had" Nott rebutted taking a picture of Zabini, Draco, and I slouched against the tree. I gave a big smile as I grabbed the two idiots next to me, wrapping my arms around their neck to bring them closer to me. We all started laughing when we saw how upset Draco and Zabini looked by my actions. I ignored them and said "Like Nott said, you lot will be grateful for the pictures"

After dinner on our way back to the dungeons, I felt myself getting more anxious. In about twelve hours, I'll be fighting a dragon. It pained me not being able to tell the boys why I was upset, but I knew soon enough they'd understand.

Draco slipped into my room as per usual and asked "Still up?" "Obviously" I said with a sigh. We talked for a while, laughing about how ridiculous Professor Snape was in class today. Snape was definitely my favorite teacher, he respected me the most out of everyone in the slytherin house. I think it was because I beat up Montague. I could tell Draco was getting tired. He soon got up to leave when I grabbed his hand "I can't sleep" I said suddenly. He looked back at me and told me he'll be right back. Within a few minutes he came back with a few pillows and blankets and laid them out on the floor next to my bed. "Will me sleeping here help?" he asked with concern. I sighed as I gave him a smile and nodded. I watched him get comfortable before I allowed myself to lay down. As my eyes started to flutter closed I heard him whisper "Don't worry, you'll do great tomorrow." Then I was asleep.

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