Title Explanation 😁

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I decided to change the original title 'Smile' to Blood's Ink because I thought it better fit the story.

Since the book is finished may as well explain the title choice for those who may have not understood.

Originally I titled it smile because it symbolizes the Joker. Because joker's were the clowns that made people smile. The connection is that one of his made/nick-names is 'The Clown Prince'. Seeing as how Hayden Chesney not only finds out her parent's connection to the Joker but her own I felt that the title was fitting.

After a while of thinking, I decided that the title was too generic and gives away the story/plot too much. For such reason's I changed it to 'Blood's Ink' because it gives more to think about than Smile.

I chose the new title because the use of Blood has two meanings and symbols. The first is danger and betrayal, but the second symbolizes blood as in a family, shared genetics.

The preference for Ink is most obvious because of the notes Hayden receives continuously in the book. Like Blood, Ink has an underlining meaning which is to mark.

One of the meanings for mark is the visible impression on something or someone. It's supposed to symbolize the impression that her blood family has on her through the book.

That's all, I'd like to know what you guys think, Thank you for reading.

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