Chapter 1

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( Hayden = Dove Cameron )

       I was always told that home isn't a place, but rather a state of mind. Maybe that's just what my parents wanted me to think since we're always moving, never staying in a house long enough to call it home.

       I have become very skilled in the art of packing, never taking longer than a couple hours to put everything in labeled boxes and moved out. After moving so many times I no longer voice my complaints as they would only fall to deaf ears. I know it's because of their work that we move so much so it doesn't bother me as much, I guess.

       Mom of course gave me the 'We're moving' speech that she always gives, before we leave to some foreign place, and I give my programmed response: a simple nod with a smile.

       This time, as Mom says, is going to be different; They intend to stay in Gotham because I will be graduating this year and have a full-ride scholarship to Ivy University in Gotham City.

       Mom and Dad don't want me to be alone when I'm at college, given my age. I'm 16 years old and a Senior so I understand their discomfort with leaving me on my own in Gotham.

"Are you packed Munchkin?" Dad called from the living room where he is trying to find a way to fit the lamp in a box

"Yeah I just got to label my boxes then I'll put them in the moving truck" I call back to him as I grab the sharpy off the carpeted floor and write my name neatly on the lids and the sides of each box

       I stood up and stretched my back after having sat on the floor for who knows how long and tried to lift the box but it was so heavy that when I got it an inch off the ground it fell to the floor and took me with it.


"Hayden, what was that?" Mom called but I couldn't give a response because I was face-first on the floor while sprawled on top of the box

"Oh my... Are you ok Honey?" Mom asked trying to stifle her chuckles whereas Dad burst out laughing as he saw me pick myself up off the floor

"Yeah I'm fine" I grumble dusting myself off

"You need some help, Munchkin?" Dad asked wiping the tears away

"No, I can do it myself, thank you very much" I grumble and decide to push the box towards the moving truck rather than carry it

"Alright just shout if you need help" Dad chuckled and I gave a dry sarcastic laugh as I pushed the box

"Don't hurt yourself, Sweetheart!" Mom called as I struggled

       After a while of pushing the box I finally got it out to the moving truck where the movers were waiting; I saw one of the men come towards me to take the box so I stood and caught my breath.

"Oh be careful... this one is kind of heav-" I started but saw him pick it up with ease and stopped my sentence abruptly

"Ok I think that's everything, thank you." Mom said to the men and they closed up the truck and got ready to head towards our new place as Mom turned to me with a smile

"Look honey, I know you don't like moving this much but this time it's going to be permanent." Mom said happily

"I'm used to it, don't worry about me," I answer with a small smile and got to my room to get some sleep before the long road trip tomorrow morning

- - - - -

• 11:24 pm •

       It's late at night but I'm thirsty so I walk out to the kitchen for a glass of water but stop when I see Mom and Dad sitting at the kitchen island talking to each other.

"Are you sure it's a good idea to be moving back?" Mom asks worriedly "What if he finds us? What if he finds her?"

"Jane, even if we don't move now Hayden would move there anyway, she has a full-ride scholarship. I feel more comfortable knowing that she'll only be a few blocks from us rather than a few states away." Dad reasoned

"I still don't understand why we let her choose that college" Mom grumbled

"We didn't, it was her choice and I'm not going to tell her which college she can and can't go to," Dad said, calming Mom.

"I just don't want her anywhere near that city, it's Gotham. It's the most crime-ridden city in America. Why couldn't she have chosen that cute little college down in Texas?" Mom complained as she got up to go to their shared bedroom

       With my thirst forgotten, I scramble back to my room quickly so they wouldn't catch me and scold me for eavesdropping. I dive into my bed and under the thin blanket that I left for tonight and pretend to be asleep as they walk past my open door.

       I hear their soft goodnights and the door click shut and turn to lay on my back looking up at my ceiling unsure of what I just heard.

'Who do they not want to know about me?' I ponder as I think of all the possible people they could be talking about. I decide to go to bed after concluding that maybe it's an old college friend or something; possibly an ex.


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