Chapter 18

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•Friday, April 3rd•

       After a long week of avoiding Tim, because I was too scared that I'd tell him that I know his secret, I am sitting in my dimly lit room reading our assigned chapter for English.

       I finish the chapter and answer the 10 questions before putting my homework away. I sit back to relax but quickly startle up when I hear my window open.

       I quickly whip around to see Robin standing by the window with a stern look and something behind him. The bat I had been reaching for no longer my top priority as I step back from it.

"Why was your jacket at a drug bust in an abandoned warehouse across town?" he questioned seriously holding up my brown leather jacket

'Maybe I should've grabbed the bat' I think to myself as I do everything in my power to not roll my eyes unless what he says sets in 'My jacket?'

"I don't know my jackets been missing since-" I start but trail off not sure if I want to tell Tim someone broke into my house not long ago

"Since what?" he asked taking a step towards me

"-Since someone broke into my house... but that was almost a month ago I don't know why my jacket would be at a warehouse across town," I say trying to make sense of why my jacket was across town in the first place

"Have you gone across town lately?" He asked

"No" I answer honestly

       Tim- Robin seemed to have accepted my answers finding them to be truthful since he set my jacket on the bed and turned to leave. For some reason I just couldn't let him leave; I didn't want him to leave, not just yet.

"I know who you are" I whisper and he freezes. I could hear a soft but nervous chuckle come from his lips

'Why did I say that? Of all things. Someone hit me with a bat, please.'

"No you don't," he says

I had this urge to prove him wrong; To show him that I knew his secret identity or maybe to just release myself of carrying this secret with me every day.

"Tim" I whisper softly but in a matter of seconds he spun around and had me pinned against the wall, he was so close that I could see his light blue eyes through his domino mask

He radiated nothing but intimidation and power in his features but I could see past that. In his eyes, he was a whirlpool of fear, worry, and guilt as he stared intensely at my lips before looking into my eyes.

"... Are you going to tell anyone?" He questioned stiffly

"No" I answer simply, honestly, only looking into his eyes everything else was irrelevant to us as he leaned closer

       Tim pushes himself off the wall and climbs out the window without a word. I walk to the window and watch him flip and grapple from building to building.

'Why would I say that?' I growl in my head as I feel hot tears start to form around my eyes

"Why did I do that?" I whisper out loud as I slump to the ground curling into a ball as I cried

       The look on his face was too serious. He looked so mad at me. I've never seen Tim like that before and it kind of scared me.

- - - - -

       I wake up early the next day and see mom and dad carrying suitcases to the front door.

"What are you guys doing?" I ask rubbing my eyes

"Oh, Hayden we're glad you're up. Your father and I have a business trip starting today and we won't be back for a week so we left the card for when you're home alone and we just put $800 on it for the week so don't spend it all too soon." Mom informs

"So you guys are going to be back before graduation?" I ask hopefully

"Of course sweetie we wouldn't miss it for the world." Mom gushes

"Awe my baby girl is going to be graduating in a few weeks... Ugh, I feel so old." Mom gushes pinching my cheeks

'You shouldn't, I'm graduating a year ahead and you aren't old." I say smiling as I hugged my mom

"Jane, can you help me pack the car?" Dad asks carrying a large suitcase and two other bags

"Oh right... we show probably put more money on the card for you to buy a new outfit to wear for graduation oh and shoes." Mom gushes once again

"Mom we'll have a few weeks to do that when you get back," I say smiling and she nods

"Right right sorry I'm just so happy," Mom says

"Jane, bags" Dad reminds and she rushes to help him load the car as I grab myself some breakfast chuckling at their small bickering

'A week to myself doesn't sound that bad. gives me time to relax before the stressful week.' I think to myself as I eat a banana


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