Chapter 38

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      I pull up to the familiar abandoned warehouse, well not as abandoned as it looks, and take a deep breath before walking into the creepy warehouse alone.

      I turn on my flashlight as I enter and quietly crawl through the crates and other items as I shake a bit. Though I've been in this warehouse before it still scares me maybe because I'm alone or maybe because I know what's happened here, what happened to Tim.

"I'm here, let T- Red Robin go!" I call out not being able to see anyone until I hear the familiar maniacal laugh envelope the warehouse and see a lean and tall shadow standing on the balcony

"Nice of you to join us, I must admit I wasn't expecting you so soon, I didn't have time to do my hair." Joker teased playing with his hair until he snaps and something hard hits me over the head rendering me unconscious

- - -

(4 hours later)

       My vision slowly blurs back together until I can see clearly, for the most part. My whole body is sore from my head to my feet; I go to rub my head but realize I can't move my arms or legs. I'm tied to a chair by ropes.

       The entire room is black except for the light by the door coming from a candle struggling to keep lit. I look around and nearly have a panic attack when I saw a large shadowy figure standing in the corner of the room. I have a flashback to the figure that stood behind my car and the man that tried to grab me off the streets, Brick.

"Where am I?" I ask, my voice hoarse and dry as I try to piece together what happened

'I came to the warehouse to get Tim back and saw Joker, then everything went black... It-It was a trap and I fell for it... Tim was right I am dense. God, I'm such an idiot.' I scream in my head as I start to tear up feeling guilty and stupid

"Don't cry Princess, Daddy won't hurtcha." The Joker said walking in and coming close to me, there was blood on his shirt, Tim's blood.

"Where is he?" I ask pleadingly

"Relax Princess the little bird is safely secured, for now." Joker informed

"Don't call me that. I'm not your Princess" I shout a jerk towards him angrily glaring at him

"Of course you are: You're Daddy's little Princess" Joker teases

"You're not my father" I growl out leaning back in my chair

"Oh but I am" Joker said with a smirk

"You see, you're 'parents' aren't as white picket fenced as you think. Your's 'mother'' and 'father' were employees of mine. They were hired to do a job for me. They were to get rid of the previous Boy Wonder's remains but after they were paid they took you and ran off." Joker growled angrily

"Your mother and I, we were devastated. I had men searching for you for a year but they never found you. Imagine that they kidnapped you from your real parents and lied to you for years." Joker informed through gritted teeth

"Losing a child is like losing a part of yourself and when you never get that piece back. You feel empty and do irrational things." Joker explained

"Are you trying to make excuses for all the innocent people you've killed?" I growl at him

"Well I was talking about the hair cut I got in 2011 but yes." Joker said then chuckles oddly

"When I found out you were back in the city I knew I had to get my little princess back." Joker said caressing my cheek

"That's why you left all those notes?" I ask curiously

"Yes, it was a way for me to feel close to you when I couldn't." Joker said trying to tug at my heartstrings but I knew better than to trust him

"Are you trying to make me feel bad for you?" I question in disgust

"Well a little sympathy wouldn't hurt... anyway, I knew I had to be cautious in order to not draw Batman's attention. I knew I would have to wait until you moved out of the parasite's house to make my move. To get you back, to where you belong." Joker said turning dramatically as he finished his story

"I-I don't believe you, I'm not your daughter, I-I can't be!" I shout as tears stream down my face

"Yes I know it's a shock to find out you're the daughter of the great Clown Prince. The Prince of Choas." Joker said admirably towards himself

"You're psychotic and a murder!" I scream as I cry uncontrollably

"Oh, that's an understatement for what I am, Princess." He said proudly

"Get some sleep you clearly need time to process this. Good night my little princess." Joker cooed as He and Brick left the room, I forgot Brick was even in here.


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