Chapter 7

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•Tuesday, November 12th•

       We are back from the competition and as expected we won first place for our group I placed first for the girls solo division, Taylor placed second, and Jackson placed first for the boy's division.

       Everything has gone back to normal for the most part I mean Jessica has never failed to fill the silence with one of her snarky comments.

       I am standing in front of my locker looking at it because something seems off about it. It feels sticky and smells like paint and I don't think the school did some painting while we were gone.

       I unlock my locker and it flies open with pink paint spewing out of it by the gallons. All I could do was back up and stand and watch as my locker looked like it belonged in an episode of Strawberry Shortcake. I heard people gossip as they walked past me.

       When the paint finally emptied out I look through my locker and see a gallon of pink paint hanging sideways and see all my items coated in pink paint.

"Wonderful, kick me in the ass wonderful" I grumble to myself and grab what I think is my English textbook and see a piece of notebook paper fall out onto the ground

'Little Miss. Perfect'

"I wonder who could have done this?" I ask in fake questioning to myself as I knew exactly who would this shallow to do something like this

"I did know you took an art class," Taylor said sarcastically

"I'll give you one guess as to who did this," I say rolling my eyes

"Rosie O'Donnell...." Taylor answered with a serious look to which I responded with a questioning one

"I'm just kidding we all know Jessica is shallow, so are we getting revenge?" Taylor asked rubbing her hands together with a mischievous look plastered on her face

"No" I respond

"What why not?" Taylor cried out

"Because I am not stooping to her level" I reply trying to hold my books as far away from me as possible

       I keep looking at the note and couldn't help wonder if it really was Jessica because this isn't the first note I've received this week.


       It's the end of the school day and I am empting out my bag to leave school when I find a small folded paper stuck in my locker

'What is this?' I think to myself as I take the paper and unfold it

'Happy Birthday'

'Maybe it's from someone at school.'  I suggest to myself as I put the note in my bag but spot something at the bottom of my locker

       I pick up the small box and open the wrapping paper. Inside is a Joker card designed necklace.

(Just pretend it's the Joker card not the Jack)

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(Just pretend it's the Joker card not the Jack)

"Wow this is cool. But why would someone buy me this?" I mumble to myself as I put the necklace away hoping whoever gave it to me would come up so I can thank them

》End of Flashback《

       I walk into my English class hoping to god Mrs. Devons wouldn't notice my Pinkalicious books but unfortunately, that old woman's eyes were too sharp and the pink stuck out like a zebra in the mall.

"Miss. Chesney, would you like to explain what happened to your items?" Mrs. Devons questioned expectantly

"Um.... y-yours doesn't look... like... this?" I ask nervously hoping she would think I was serious and let me off easy

"No, and you'll have plenty of time to explain it to me in detention after school today." Mrs. Devons said smugly as other students 'oohed'

"Gladly," I say with a smile causing her smug look to falter which is exactly what I was hoping for, I'd be damned if I let her know she had won against me

       I took my seat next to Jessica and she proceeded to greet me with flipping me out.

'What a sweet girl' I think sarcastically to myself as I decide to fuck with her a bit

       I blew her a kiss and watched as she turned away and smoldered in her seat but I could hear someone chuckle behind us. I turn with a smile to see who had the same humor as me and was surprised to see that it was Tim Drake.

       I give a small bow to him before turning straight in my seat to look at all the damage done to my book.

"Oh, what a shame looks like your book is all pink... bummer." Jessica said sarcastically "What is Miss. Perfect going to do now?"

"Miss. Perfect is going to thank the person who did this for her because said gift giver must've known Miss. Perfect always seems to miss place her books but now they'll be easy to find, so thank you." I say smugly watching her nearly explode in her seat.

~ After school ~

       I sit quietly in the classroom with Mrs. Devons grading other students' essays. I pull out the necklace I was given by a strange.

       I look at it closer the pendant was shaped like a playing card but not just any playing card a Joker. I trace my thumb across the pendant as I was caught in my thoughts. I remember Taylor telling me that there was a villain named Joker in Gotham.

'Maybe it's someone who thinks Joker is cool or something?'

'Why did someone give me this?'

'How did they know it was my birthday?'

"Miss. Chesney detention is over would you like to explain yourself?" Mrs. Devons questions expectantly

"Yes, earlier today another student thought it would be funny to do a birthday prank on me with paint but something went wrong now everything is covered in pink paint," I explain opening my bag to show that every item in it was a bright pink

"And who tried to prank you?" Mrs. Devons asked

"I'd prefer not to say" I answer and see she was going to push further for a name

"I'm sorry but I have to go serve my time with the janitor to try and clean my locker," I say and walk out the door already and just wanting to go home


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