Chapter 39

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(Next day)

"Good morning Princess, I hope you're in a better mood today!" Joker cheered fakely

"I hope you came to terms with what I said yesterday." Joker said walking in with a woman next to him

"Oh Puddin' she's beautiful" The woman says rushing to me and hugging me but I couldn't move since I was tied

"Yes she is... just like her mother no doubt." Joker flirted making me roll my eyes

"Princess this is your mother, Harley Quinn." Joker introduced

'Harley? As in the psychologist that went crazy, Harley Quinn?' I think in a panic

"H-hi" I mumble nervously knowing I am now tied in a room with two psychopaths

"I'll let you two talk for a bit" Joker said to Harley as he left leaving the door open

"My baby girl, you- you're so gorgeous. I'm so sorry, I can't imagine how scared you must be." Harley whispers as she starts to cry

"P-please don't cry" I beg not wanting Joker to think I did something to her

"I-I'm sorry, I just... I can't believe I'm actually seeing my babygirl again. I thought I would never have you back." Harley rambled as she wiped her tears that still streamed down her face

"When I saw you walking into the store that day I, I thought I was going crazy, well crazier. Then I realized it was you, you were actually here in the city." Harley said happily

"That's why I got you that necklace and put that note in your locker, I just wanted to tell you happy birthday and give you something to have from me, I-I didn't mean- I didn't mean for this to happen." She started crying again

"M-Mom... what are you talking about?" I ask hoping that by calling her 'Mom' it would calm her down

"I gave you the necklace and the note the day of your dance send off I didn't know your father saw it and would use it to hurt you." Harley said pleading guilty

"... I never got to that you for the beautiful gift... thank you Mom" I whisper with a smile and she smiled and hugged me again

"You know... when you were a baby you always loved playing with my hair, that's why I always had it in two pigtails, for you to play with it." she said smiling and gesturing to her pig-tailed hair

"Now I have to be quiet when I tell you this... Joker-" Harley was cut off by Brick storming in

"Where's Joker I want my money!" He demands angrily getting up in Harley's face

"Ah ah ah, shouldn't have done that." Joker says with a psychotic smile

"Joker where's my money. I didn't everything you asked now where's my money!" Brick demanded

"You'll get it when I give it to you." Joker says calmly

"No I want it now, If I don't get my money I'll tell the feds. exactly what's going on here." Brick demanded

"How you're daughter has even the FBI looking for you." Joker informed with a smirk

"I some guys that can do it for me, I ain't stupid." Brick said walking out

"Oh but Brick..." Joker said turning around laughing causing Brick to do the same only without the laughter

"... you are" Joker said just before he shot Brick in the shoulder causing him to stumble towards me and reach out like he was going to strangle me but another shot rang and he had a bullet in his head. He fell his head first landing in my lap then falling to the floor limp.

       I sat there with wide eyes in terror as blood and brain matter covered me head to toe as I looked at the dead man at my feet hoping he'd get up. Hoping that I didn't just witness a murder. Two men came in and dragged his limp body away.

       My organs were turning in the most uncomfortable way and I lean over to the side and puked uncontrollably. and leaned back in my chair feeling dizzy because of how much fluids I've lost.

       After a little bit Harley back in with water and something for me to eat and someone was cleaning the puke.

"You need to drink water and eat this. It'll make you feel better." Harley whispered to me

"H-he killed him, Mom. H-he's dead." I say tearing up not for the person but because I couldn't get that image out of my mind

'What is Jessica going to say when she finds out her dad is dead?' I think painfully to myself

"I know it's hard don't think about it too much, trust me it will make it worse." Harley explained then turned back to make sure Joker wasn't there

"He's not here..." Harley whispered to me

"W-wh-what?" I ask as I panic

"I have his phone, Red Robin can track it. He'll find you, I promise. He's a smart boy," Harley whispers to me kissing my forehead before she left sadly and I alone in the room again with nothing but my thoughts that kept replaying in my head

'He's... He's not here, Joker tricked me. I went through all this for nothing.' I think ashamed of my stupidity


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