Chapter 2

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•Friday, October 11th•

"Finally I hate cars" I grumble stretching as I climb out of the car in front of the apartment we now lived in, watching as the movers were already there and taking the boxes up

"Alright the apartment is on the sixth floor and number 19F," Dad said and I jog up the stairs to the new apartment.

'Should've taken the elevator' I think to myself as I tiredly walk up the stairs

I walk in and admire how large and fancy the apartment is. It was a duplex so we had two floors in our home.

     One the first floor is the master bedroom was on the first with the kitchen, living room, and first bathroom. The second floor had two bedrooms, a storage room, laundry room, and a bathroom.

I decided to make the second-largest room mine and got straight to work to really make it mine. I got to work trying to figure out which color I wanted to paint it.

"Ok, I'm definitely not painting it orange... why do I even have that color?" I mumble to myself throwing away the orange color card

"I like the light blue, it's a mature color," Mom says admiring my bedroom with boxes stacked in the middle

"Oh hey, Mom..." I say turning to look at her

"You like your room?" She asked hopefully

"Yeah it needs a bit of work but I like it." I say holding the blue card against the wall

She was right, the light blue was a good color: it was mature and not too obnoxious like the purple. I smile and search for the nearest home decor store to buy the paint.

I turn to Mom and smile, her natural brunette hair now lightened by the few grey hairs she has. She was still very pretty but did look her age, though a small woman all around. Her smile created crinkles in her soft skin.

"I'll be back. I'm just going to go buy the paint. Do you want me to pick you up to anything?" I ask grabbing my car keys and purse

"Maybe some ice cream," she said innocently.

"Must be your cheat day?" I say referring to the diet both her and Dad have been on for a few months now.

- - - - -

I browse the isles looking for rollers and the ice cream. Walking past the electronic isle I see some of the flat screens playing the news. I didn't pay much attention to it because I was on the hunt for the cheapest rollers they had.

"Thanks to Batman and Robin, Gotham is a safer place" I heard the tv broadcast and turn to look at it, the news reporter was standing in front of the jewelry store that some guy attempted to rob earlier today but Batman and Robin stopped him

     I've heard of the great vigilantes Batman and Robin though not often because I kept moving around I stopped paying attention to the news.

     I sigh turning away from the tv's and grab Mom's favorite ice cream from the freezer, raspberry, and pay at the register.

- - - - -

I carry the paint cans and bag of items up to the apartment, making sure to use the elevator this time, where I see Mom waiting excitedly for me to enter.

"Someone's excited, can't be that long since you've had ice-cream" I joke

"Longer," Mom said grabbing the ice-cream putting some in a bowl and hurriedly taking a bite

"I'm sorry I'm sorry, thank you for getting ice-cream." Mom said wiping the corner of her lips "So did you find everything?"

"Yeah, I'm going to start painting tonight." I say going to my room opening the windows and start painting the walls as I blare my music

- - - - -

•Sunday, October 13th•

After two days of painting constantly I finally finished painting and organizing my room. With my room finished I no longer have to sleep on the couch or my bedroom floor since my bed is now built and made to my liking.

Since I am tired I am sitting on my floor looking through some of my old pictures as music played in the background.

Since I am tired I am sitting on my floor looking through some of my old pictures as music played in the background

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"Hayden, you start school tomorrow so I want you to go to bed early tonight. No staying up late." Mom orders walking into my room

"I just washed your uniform. I'll hang it on your door for tomorrow." Mom informs as she stands in my doorway

"Ok thanks, Mom," I say looking up at her before turning back to my pictures

"Are you nervous?" Mom asked

"For school? No, for dance tryouts, of course." I admit

"You shouldn't be worried, you're an amazing dancer, I'm sure you'll make the team," Mom says

"They're the best dance team in the state they've all probably been dancing since they were five," I say

"You've been dancing since you were five"

"Dancing in the living room to Katy Perry doesn't count."

"You'll do amazing Hayden... Dinner is ready so go wash up" Mom informs me with a smile before leaving my room. I sigh and put my pictures away and head out to wash my hands before sitting at the table for dinner


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