Chapter 34

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•1 week later•

       I had finally reasoned with Tim to let me go to the studio to dance, it may have taken an hour but he finally said yes on the condition that he came with. The car ride there was refreshing we conversed freely and it almost made me forget everything that's happened recently, almost.

       Tim sat quietly as I talked with my dance coach about what routines I need to practice and which ones I should go over again as a refresher. I started with the lyrical dances then went down the list to the acrobatic.

       I turn around to glance at Tim I see to other girls flirting with him and he doesn't seem to realize it. Instead of walking over there and telling them off, I decide on a more subtle but clear sign that they should leave. I play the song on the speakers and smirk as I get into position.

'I'm sure they probably just don't know he's taken. I'll just give them the hint.' I think to myself figuring they weren't aware he has a girlfriend

( Beginning - 1:18 )

       As I was dancing I glance at Tim and see him watching only me completely ignoring the two girls trying to talk him and I smirk happy that my plan worked, for the most part, all I have to do is get the girls to leave.

       When I finished the dance I could hear Tim giving me applause and smile as I stutter towards him and those girls who clearly can't take a hint. When I get close enough I kiss Tim's cheek and sit on his lap with a smirk.

"So who are you're new friends, Honey?" I fake question with a smile and all the girls did was walk away and I smile victoriously

"Someone jealous?" Tim asked with a knowing smirk

"Hmm? Nope just getting the point across." I say kissing him again filling him smile against my lips

"You ready to go?" Tim asked as he rubbed small circles on my hips

"Yeah just let me change really quick" I say standing up giving him one last kiss then head to the locker room to change and take a quick shower passing the two girls on the way with a smirk

       After finishing my shower I opened my locker and a folded note falls out and lands gently on the floor at my feet.

'Seriously another one?' I think irritatedly to myself

'I hear you have a little secret - J'

       I read the note twice over before putting it in my bag and decide not to tell Tim... yet, because he seems relaxed today, for once, and I don't want to ruin it. Besides, I don't even know what secret Joker is talking about. As I go to close my locker I notice a playing card stick on the locker door.

'A Joker's card. Why would he put a Joker's card in my locker? Does he know I know whose behind this or does he want me to come to him?' I wonder but the thought aside remembering Tim was outside waiting for me

- - -

"I'm sorry I took so long the water was actually warm today." I say with a smile as I clutch my bag close to me and walk with Tim to his car

"It's fine you didn't take that long. You want to go back to the manor and watch a movie or something?" Tim asked looking at me with a smile

"Ok" I reply with a smile

- - -

       When we got back to the manor I noticed it was unusually quieter than normal and asked Tim why that was.

"Dick went back to his apartment in Bludhaven because he had to go back to work." Tim explained and I nodded in understanding


"Yeah he was going to say bye to you but we were at the studio." Tim said but as soon as he finished I got a text from an unknown number

Unknown - Bye Hayden, we gotta hang out sometime soon. You HAVE to make more of that Lemon Pound Cake.

Hayden - Ok I will if you promise you'll visit soon

DickSportingGood - Deal

"DickSportingGood?" Tim questioned in a 'really' tone

"You should Jason's contact name" I say showing him Jason's

"Jason 'I died' Todd?" Tim read then looked at me

"Hey he typed it in" I justified

       For the rest of the day, we stayed in his room and watched movies ate snacks, and cuddled. It was refreshing to just sit back and do nothing with him but like a window swinging open during a tornado the note and playing card found it's way back into my mind.


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