Chapter 21

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•Wednesday, August 19th•

       Freshmen year of college, after two months of a calm and uneventful summer, meaning no notes from 'J', I am now back in school with a dance scholarship because I guess they have those. I sometimes get 'gigs' like the NBA half-time but now like a backup dancer in a music video or something.

       Taylor and I both got scholarships to Ivy University as I've mentioned when I first got to Gotham and are roommates because Taylor and I made a request. Taylor's boyfriend gave her a promise ring and Jessica now has a boyfriend and goes to a community college not far from here.

       So in conclusion everyone is happy... well except me who has given up on fixing Tim and I's relationship. I haven't heard from him since the night in my room. Taylor and Jessica say that it's just heartbreak but can it be heartbreak if we never loved each other?

"Hey roomie" Taylor called excitedly as she walked into the dorm

"God, you've said that like six other times when are you going to give it a rest?" I ask trying to hide my smile

"When we aren't roommates anymore" she answered nonchalantly

"Did you figure out what you want to major in?" Taylor asked

"Psychology and I'm going to minor in business, what about you?" I ask folding my clothes

"Design and management," she said with a smirk

"Figures, hows Jackson?" I ask with a smirk

"We, are having a date night this Friday so I'm going to wear something cute on top and sexy underneath," Taylor said suggestively

"Ugh, why are you so chill with just saying this stuff out loud?" I say cringing

"Because I'm comfortable in my body and with myself," Taylor said

"You should really get out there, find yourself a boyfriend or just a friend with benefits," Taylor said teasingly

"I'm good I'm just going to focus on getting my degree so I can be a psychologist," I say with a smirk

"Ok just don't end up like Harleen Quinzel" Taylor informed making me roll my eyes

"I'm going to go get a coffee before I start my essay want anything?" I ask Taylor grabbing my wallet

"No I'm good, thanks," Taylor says scrolling through her phone

- - - - -

       I walk into one of my favorite coffee shops closet to the college dorms and wait for my coffee. I hear the bell to the entrance and glance back and quickly spin around trying to hide myself behind some other customers.

'What is he doing here? He lives across town.' I think nervously trying to hide myself

"Hayden" the barista calls out and quickly grab my cup and thank her and hurry out of the shop and into my car all the while hearing him call my name

'Why didn't you talk to him? You've wanted to talk to him for so long why did you chicken out?' My brain scolded as I hurried back to the dorm still in shock after seeing Tim

"Hayden, what's wrong?" Taylor asked

"I- I just saw... him... I saw Tim." I ask slowly trying to process everything that happened

'Why didn't I talk to him or at least turnaround?' I think to myself

"He's here? Are you sure?" Taylor asked curiously as I nod

"Yeah, that was definitely Tim. He called my name in the parking lot." I say

"Did you talk to him?" she asked curiously as I shake my head

"No, I just got in my car and left" I answer

"Does that mean you're over him?" Taylor asked slowly testing the waters but I didn't say anything just looked at her curiously

"So that's a no" she corrected awkwardly

"God you are such a mess," she said with a sigh causing me to look at her like 'what the fuck?' but she only held her hands up in surrender

"Do you think he goes here too?" Taylor asked excitedly

"God I hope not" I mumble

       I have been waiting for this moment: for him to acknowledge me again but now that I got it I just freak out and run away? Why what is wrong with me?


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